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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. If you'll forgive the gratuitous plug. Here's a few of my 'unfinished' works.
  2. I've also been painting in oils for over 50 years. And my paintings suffer from the same dilemma, they're never finished. This has been a real problem when I've been signed on with a gallery. And also with portrait commissions. Always difficult to let go and say done!
  3. Today is quite significant, as it’s the 6 month anniversary of the Bovey Tor layout thread. I guess now's a good time to look back and remember where we were in January. A quick recap, baseboards and back scene completed. Most of the track work laid and wired. I think it’s true to say that with all layouts, there are parts you dread and others you look forward too. I enjoy carpentry and my Woodwork CSE has helped me over the years. But the wiring and fitting all the point motors was a chore. The aim was to try to scratch build everything apart from the track and rolling stock. And not having any scratch building experience to lean on, it was a real voyage of discovery. Starting with a narrow boat, which turned out OK. That gave me the confidence to make a start on the most complicated building, the station. I eventually settled on Crowcombe Heathfield as a prototype. My search criteria, it had to be stone or wood chalet built; absolutely no canopy; not a halt/shelter, but nothing too grand either. Materials wise, we did a number of tests and went with the scribed card, AKA the ‘Pendon’ method. I was quite pleased with how that turned out and decided it might be a good time to start this thread. Looking forward, I’m asked regularly, when will it be finished? And my reply is, probably never. Because I truly believe a layout is never actually finished. There is always stuff you can add to it, or tweak and alter older bits. But at some point I know I’ll get bored and move on to the next one. But until then...
  4. "When I was a kid" "In my day" "They didn't have **** in my day" "After the war" Oh, the joys of being an old ...... insert suitable word here.
  5. The first of many bushes and shrubs on Bovey Tor. Sea moss, static grass and scatter material. As described by Gordon Gravett.
  6. They both have merit. But the 2nd cropped version has a more cinematic feel and gives more of a sense of distance too.
  7. "Mmmm. Aye. Oh aye. Y'know?"
  8. I know, it's an age thing.
  9. Westerly and South-Westerly winds predominate over Dartmoor. These winds bringing Atlantic air masses release their rain on the first high ground they encounter; Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor. As a result, Dartmoor has a climate which is wetter, cloudier, foggier, colder and windier than the surrounding lowlands. The compass is set.
  10. Gorse MK II alla Gordon Gravett.
  11. 1. Strongly agree. Tick.
  12. Continuing with this little corner.
  13. "You talkin' to me?"
  14. She's obviously hooked.
  15. No, more like E45.
  16. You possibly also fell for just simply 'Wash and go'.
  17. I beg your...hic...pardon. Hic.
  18. I remember it as. "Are you sitting comfortably? Then, I'll begin."
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