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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. And I've tested the brakes on my car on the way down.
  2. Exactly what I do. A bite sized job and a bite for me.
  3. ...and the grass is riz. Many thanks.
  4. If you'll forgive me turning this thread into an episode of Art Attack. This portrait of Bobby, is a good example of translucency using several glazes. When completed in 2004, my young daughter took one look at the work and said. "Wow, you've even painted his tubes". She meant his veins. I actually didn't paint them, it just looks like I did. As you can see through the top layers down to the grey underpainting below.
  5. Absolutely Alex, you're very welcome.
  6. Fully qualified for a dog fight or a doggy paddle.
  7. So starting with a photoshoot. And for portraits the lighting setup is crucial. After selecting the 'one' from dozens of shots, the image is drawn onto the canvas. Next I paint a grisaille - an underpainting. This acts as a way of marking out your main tonal values. And acts like a road map for the later colour stages. The big advantage here is that you don't need to make colour decisions early on, and so can concentrate on form only. I then mix up several flesh tones and store them in small jars. As the painting can take anything up to 3 months to complete. The flesh tones are roughly painted to start with. Then on the subsequent layers everything is refined and tweaked. The beauty of this method is that, as the final layers become quite translucent, you can see through to some of the underlying layers. This gives the skin a more natural feel and texture.
  8. Working up this area gradually, layer by layer.
  9. A family member, so possibly not.
  10. That means it's time for a glass or two.
  11. Thought it would be good to show how my paintings are built up gradually over several layers. Taking a similar approach to this landscaping.
  12. Still concentrating on this little corner. But quite pleased with the progress so far.
  13. "We're going to need a longer shed dear."
  14. What's new pussycat?
  15. You know what they say. Careful what you wish for.
  16. Who let the dogs out?
  17. Thanks so much to everyone for taking the time to trawl through my work. Really appreciate the comments.
  18. ...and there's more.
  19. A few more unfinished works.
  20. ...Oo, er, missus!
  21. They really are. Growing up in Pimlico, in the shadow of Tate Britain, gave me an excellent opportunity to spend far too much time studying just that.
  22. Thanks Graham, that's my daughter a few years ago. She's now at uni.
  23. Modelling railways is a serious business and I promise to take it more seriously in the future. Modelling railways is a serious business and I promise to take it more seriously in the future. Modelling railways is a serious business and I promise to take it more seriously in the future. Modelling railways is a serious business and I promise to take it more seriously in the future. Modelling railways is a serious business and I promise to take it more seriously in the future. Modelling railways is a serious business and I promise to take it more seriously in the future. Modelling railways is a serious business and I promise to take it more seriously in the future. Modelling railways is a serious business and I promise to take it more seriously in the future. ...
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