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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. Sunset over Bovey Tor. Missing pic.
  2. Not weathered yet, but all the same, my tribute to someone I knew so briefly. RIP Mick.
  3. Last one from today's shoot.
  4. Further work on this little corner of Dartmoor.
  5. Well no need to get suspicious of me. I have the usual claw- ball pein, a pin hammer, a wooden mallet and a rubber mallet for beating up on IKEA furniture.
  6. But maybe a couple of thumbs.
  7. An elderly lady asks a New York cab driver. "Can you tell me how I can get to Carnegie Hall?" "Lady, you gotta practice."
  8. The same thing happened to me recently. On re reading my post, I realised it could have sounded negative. I immediately contacted the recipient to explain. He was not offended in the slightest, but I'm so glad I checked anyway.
  9. After redundancy in 2016 and before full retirement, I did some freelancing and I also worked as a film extra for a couple of years. The majority of extras are hard working people but unfortunately, I saw a number of people who fit that description. The irony is that about 80% of your time on a film set, is actually sitting around doing nothing. So this small group were determined to hide for the remaining 20%. Go figure.
  10. You were only supposed to blow the bl**dy doors off.
  11. What advice would I give to my younger self? Drawing, just practice drawing. It's the key to all figurative art. Without good draughtsmanship, it's like trying to build a house without a proper structure. It may look like a house, but you wouldn't want to live in it. I won a regional art competition when I was 11. It was at that point, I realised I could possibly follow an art career. On leaving school it was a toss up for art school or graphics at college. It was a very difficult decision to make at the time. Which was helped by someone asking me. Do you want to eat sometimes or everyday? I went down the graphic path, and have always kept the fine art simmering on a back burner.
  12. Since retiring about 3 years ago, I've gotten into a very different lifestyle. Working in an art studio is no 9 to 5 job. I did many hours overtime, coming home late, going in early etc. Often working 24/7, through the night on new business pitches. 40 years of that kind of lifestyle is enough for anyone.
  13. What do you mean! This is not stupid, I love starting the day early. Up with the larks me.
  14. Thanks John. Having seen some excellent results on here, especially from yourself and Martin W. I guess some people collect stamps, some static grass applicators, this will be my third!
  15. After reading and re reading this thread, I decided to invest in a Greenkeeper 55Kv. As we're planning on making the move towards O gauge on the next layout.
  16. Really glad you found the worth in sharing these pics. IMHO, I think they do have potential as commercial pieces. You're already selling, so that proves that there is a market for this work. Have you tried online galleries? I joined Artfinder for a couple of years, had a modicum of success there. But unfortunately, there are many thousands of artists there, so hard to stick out from the herd. Jack Vettriano's painting, The Singing Butler, has been the best-selling image in Britain.
  17. Do you care to share, as I'm sure we'd all love to see it.
  18. Jolly, not my favourite word. I only remember it being followed swiftly by 'good hiding'.
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