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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. I thought Polly put the kettle on.
  2. Didn't he have a penchant for curry?
  3. This is just a heads up. No I haven't lost my mojo, but instead we're taking a short break from layout building to work on a portrait commission. It feels so good to get the old brushes and paints out again. Haven't done any painting for a few years, apart from the back scene. My last easel was a huge Mabef studio jobby, complete with crank to adjust height, castors etc. To give an idea of its size, sadly I had to cut 18" off the main shaft in order to get it into my studio. Which is terrifying when you've just forked out £500. But then this had to go to make room for Bovey Tor. So now we're making do with the slightly smaller, desktop easel. The subject is a very handsome chocolate Labrador called 'Rory'. Not entirely sure how long this work will take but hoping to present in October. Will share pics online afterwards.
  4. Alas, I've only got an 'Ology.
  5. But seriously, a vernier is just another item I'm putting off buying for now. No doubt I'll get one when needs must.
  6. "You've got a vernier? You're an engineer!"
  7. Hoping no one has a lighted match or we could be looking at bangers and mash.
  8. Freight train, freight train going so fast Freight train, freight train life’s a blast Please don't say the gunpowder express Because that is just too much distress
  9. Exactly what we were saying here last week. @KNP says: 'Park and come back another day with fresh eyes'. I've got the same thing going on too. The canal boat was my first scratch build. Done as a test to assure me I was up to the job. There are meant to be a few on the Bovey Tor canal, with this being the first. Now I'm thinking that will be replaced with another first.
  10. Alfie: "I'm having a fag." Dolly: "Goodness gracious" Molly: "Great balls of fire."
  11. Don't worry, Mary blimming Poppins will be back for it toot sweet.
  12. Are, the old and now completely disappeared, ancient cult of 'digit nipping'. Once practiced by all manner of academic types in the years gone by. Rumour has it was linked to Charles I and badger baiting. But this has never been proved.
  13. After many weeks travelling, he came upon a crossing. Alas, he had much time to wait as the level crossing keeper proclaimed. "You shall not pass!"
  14. The story has it that many years ago, a young master Kevin set off from his home in Little Muddle Earth, in search of the missing door...
  15. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landside, No escape from reality
  16. This has always been my mantra too. This and take a pause before saying done. I always find that when you revisit a piece of work after leaving it for a while, you can be way more objective, honest and more inclined to change it or scrap it. As you now have less emotional feelings towards it.
  17. Does anyone know what the slider devices on platform faces are for?
  18. Maybe it's because I'm a Muddler That I love Lil' Muddle so Maybe it's because I'm a Muddler That I think of her wherever I go I get a funny feeling inside of me Just walking up and down Maybe it's because I'm a Muddler That I love Encombe Town
  19. I'm sure glad I decided to make this whole section as a stand alone module. It's made my life so much easier, being able to get close up to the action. Instead of having to reach across the whole layout. And has given me this opportunity to view it from a different perspective, the back.
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