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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. Yep, the temperature looks very natural from where I'm sitting.
  2. So another book then. This one by Door-ling Kindersley I presume?
  3. Bishop takes porn pawn.
  4. I know what that feels like, I used to travel on the Jubilee line every morning.
  5. Not sure that will work though. Might even accentuate things. How about something like steel wool? Used sparingly, you could mask out the rivets quite easily.
  6. Ain't life like that sometimes? Caught between a black hole and a hard place?
  7. Those bl**dy trainspotters! Every little tear in the fence and...
  8. Just so we're clear, your number 3 is my number 2.
  9. Personally, I prefer the second, as the landscape format allows for a lot more interest in the composition. Whereas the first is more track centric.
  10. And there is a bright side despite how daunting it is having to take two steps back.
  11. I think I have to agree that you might continue to have running problems if you leave it as is. There's nothing wrong with wanting a change of elevation, it just needs to be gradual is all. But if you don't have the space to do that then it's probably best to revert to plan B.
  12. They made a movie about a guy who builds a time machine in order to rescue his breakfast. BAP TO THE FUTURE
  13. Having seen a couple of snowy/winter layouts at shows, I completely agree with John. A small amount of frost and a few remnants of snow on bogies etc., is all that would be needed to complete the scene. And if done well, it's impossible to not get 'Christmas card' type comments. But I guess you'd expect that when planning a layout in winter. And it's certainly appreciated by the younger visitors, and that's a big positive.
  14. AKA, Alfred the Crate.
  15. Couldn't help noticing the Corgi Coach. Reminded me that I have one just like it. An ex colleague bought and renovated the Bedford OB Coach a few years back. Then persuaded Corgi to produce a limited edition.
  16. Morning Rob. My mantra is 90% research/thinking/procrastination 10% doing. Works for me.
  17. I think secondary duties are called for, until you're feeling stronger Rob. I would leave the DAS work for now if poss.
  18. If your daughter is anything like mine, she knows best. I always use her as a sounding board, as she doesn't pull her punches. And quite often sees things from a different point of view. With so many producing self publish books, it's a lot easier nowadays. My advice would be to get someone else to pick the images for the book, like your daughter for instance. As we're too close to be objective.
  19. Stunning view, interesting composition, that would work well as a book cover. The wrap around of the hardback edition.
  20. ...and please, please don't confuse me with that crass comedian fellow. Because, well that's just not... er... funny.
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