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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. I agree with Al. The brickwork looks very natural and weathered. I particularly like what's with happening with the lean-to also.
  2. If I might be so bold. The bricks you've picked out seem a bit too bright and they're all singles. On my screen they look sky blue. I think I would use a similar shade to the main brick and add more. Include some multiples also.
  3. "Aye. It's an up n under"
  4. Everybody's talking at me I don't hear a word they're saying Only the echoes on RM
  5. "Who's said?" "Said's dead."
  6. Say 'what' again, I dare you!
  7. Like binge watching TV series and drinking red wine for starters. Not that I'd know anything about that.
  8. Rather than trying to cut each individual length to the correct size I made them slightly large, glued them all onto the plasticard shell, and then used a razor saw to trim off the ends once the glue had dried. Much easier, quicker, and more accurate! I was doing exactly the same and it worked quite well. But being a bit of tool junkie, I recently purchased a 'Chopper'. It's basically a razor blade mounted on an arm and gives very accurate repeat cuts. I'm planning on building a bunch of 'sleeper' retaining walls. So it should speed up the process.
  9. Slower than me? I'm in the Guinness book of slow modelling.
  10. Looks like your plans are coming together nicely.
  11. It is good to see you back Rob. But then on the other hand all our bridges have remained intact. All that scene is missing is a couple of ducks and maybe a few waders in the shallows.
  12. Posted this previously on Chuffnell Regis. One of my ex colleagues, Bobby, was a model maker extraordinaire. (See portrait I painted earlier). The guy was an absolute genius at modelling pretty much anything from scratch. His main 'thing' was boats. Mostly sail boats/ships. He would build them as presents for senior staff, friends etc. Often working through the night to meet deadlines. I had the good fortune of working with him for 40 years starting back in 1973, whilst at Ogilvy & Mather advertising. It was amazing when I was presented with this model back in 2005, for my 50th birthday. I mean what can you say when someone has spent the best part of a year building a ship for you? The Trading Ketch is built from scale drawings. He even built the display case to place it in. Bobby also loved to build ships in bottles and then explain all his magic tricks to anyone interested. When I planned Bovey Tor, I constantly thought how would Bobby do this or that? It's no coincidence that my first ever scratch build was a narrow boat. I so wished that I had 1% of his talent. Bobby Norris RIP. You are my inspiration. You gave me the courage to try my hand at scratch building.
  13. One of my ex colleagues, Bobby was a model maker extraordinaire. (See portrait on my thread). The guy was an absolute genius at making pretty much anything from scratch. His main 'thing' was boats. Mostly sail boats/ships. He would build them as presents for senior staff etc. I was very lucky to receive one for my 50th birthday back in 2005. He built the ship from exact plans and then placed it in a 'sea' or 'river'. And built a display case to put it in. He also loved to put ships in bottles and then explain exactly all his magic to anyone interested. Bobby Norris RIP. You are my inspiration. You gave me the courage to try scratch building.
  14. Completely agree Graham. If we keep second guessing ourselves we'd never finish anything.
  15. Good news is that even though Bovey Tor wasn't designed to be portable. I did end up bolting two 'boards' together so should come apart relatively easily. It sits on spur shelving as does the lighting pelmet too. The bad news is that the back scene cannot be moved without extensive repair work. And TBH, I'd rather paint another in the new railway room anyway. So it will end up in the dump. Hey ho.
  16. I swear that had absolutely nothing to do with my decision.
  17. Pleased to announce that the portrait is finished and framed. So now I should be getting right back into the old Bovey Tor groove but... I've decided that 65 years in the big smoke is enough for one man. So now planning a move way out west. On the surface this seems like an impulsive decision and if you know me, in some ways it really is. But I have friends in Somerset that I've known for 60 years, plus family in Devon, so it kind of makes sense to me. And let's not forget all those summers spent in Brixham, growing up. I guess the next few months are going to be all about sprucing this house up, before taking photos and marketing it. We've lived here for 23 years so moving will be a bitter sweet feeling no doubt. But I was born in Paddington, where else would I end up?
  18. Morning Rob, So sorry to hear this, I was really looking forward to meeting Bleat Wharf and new friends at Railex. See you next year then.
  19. Well done Chris. That looks like it's always been there.
  20. HALLOWEEN First Sheep: "Baaaah!!!" Second Sheep: "Baaahh!!!" Third Sheep: "Bwahahaha"
  21. Oh how we enjoyed those magic moments.
  22. First Sheep: "Baaaah!!!" Second Sheep: "Baaahh!!!" Third Sheep: "Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Barbara Ann Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Barbara Ann"
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