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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. Liking this a lot. Am planning to use something like this on the next layout. As I never intended to exhibit Bovey Tor, I attached the backscene to the wall using 2x1 struts and held in place with screws. Unfortunately though when selling the layout, it was impossible to remove it intact. Rounded corners every time, even though it's a bit more challenging.
  2. Looking good Gman. The culvert idea sounds very promising. I can just imagine it from your brief description. The iron gates and the stonework will give it real character.
  3. “My Lord, the 3 Kings are here with your presents”. “Oh God, here we go again, same old, same old". “King number one. What great wonders dost thou hath for me?” “My Lord, I have a box of precious and shiny metal nuggets”. “Oh really, how nice”. “King number two. And what great wonders dost thou hath for me?” “My Lord, I have such beautiful and captivating aromas”. “So, more aftershave, I guess”. “King number three. And what great wonders dost thou hath for me?” “My Lord, I travelled to the ends of the lands to bring you this Myrrh…myrr... mrr model railway”.
  4. I remember always being given a slip that said next Thursday. So I went back to get my snaps and the chemist told me. "Come back on Thursday." "But it is Thursday". I said. To which he replied. "Yes, but not this Thursday, next Thursday.
  5. Ouch!... I just walked into the table. F**ck that hurts.
  6. Yep, still have them even though I know I'll never wear them.
  7. Tanks for the memory.
  8. Mmmm. Aye. Oh aye. Y'know?
  9. You know, that reminds me, I passed a strange combination this morning. Must 'ave bin summit I ate.
  10. I was going to ask whether the boats get in the way when coupling and uncoupling? And I was wondering how your grandchildren get on whilst reaching over them? I'm hoping to feature a harbour on my next layout. And I'm just starting on the first piece of the puzzle. A 52 foot stern trawler. This will be my first scratch build boat from plans that arrived yesterday. Exciting and scary at the same time. It will be a freelance layout. Pure fiction with lots of rule one included. Based on Brixham harbour, where I spent all my summer holidays growing up. And also learnt oil painting, watching all the many artists painting plein air. I'm going to model the harbour at low tide, so all the vessels will be beached.
  11. Looking good. I prefer outside TBH, less chaos there also I guess.
  12. I am familiar with his work. His work always hits the spot. He has an wonderful ability to capture a mood in what would appear to be a few brush strokes. Brilliant. I've often thought of trying plein air painting, but never have. But with a move to the Gateway to Exmoor on the horizon, who knows?
  13. What a great shot, love it. Family in Paignton and Babbacombe was the reason we spent every summer in Devon. So it was a toss up between Paddington station where we lived or Brixham.
  14. 45' stern trawler at 1:24 scale, model size 560mm by 200mm beam. But a fair bit smaller in O. So a baby in terms of trawlers. But the plan is to model a bunch of various vessels grounded in the harbour at low tide. All based on early childhood memories of Brixham harbour in the 60's.
  15. First criteria is always the man cave. And now that there's only myself to consider, well that conversation is going really well I might add. Cost wise you're not wrong G. And if we were to add sound.... ouch!
  16. Bovey Tor is up for sale. And I'm busy planning the next one. It will be in O-MF, so that should be interesting. But as things stand, until I find a suitable property, not sure how much space we're looking at. So will use this time to build stand alone items. Starting with a Stern trawler for the harbour.
  17. Couldn't agree more. I've pretty much decided that my next layout. Bovey Quay will be completely freelance and pure fiction.
  18. Morning Rob Can you pencil me in with the new layout, Bovey Quay in 2025 also?
  19. Not sure if you remember Hidden Treasure ice creams. It was a bit like a Mivi but a conical shape. I think the outside was orange? And the sticks were plastic and had figures on them to collect. The Cornetto ice cream reminds me of them. My favourite of them all. Oh happy dayz!
  20. Thanks for that. That's a great looking building. It was great to be back in Minehead. Last time was over 4 years ago and back then I wasn't thinking of moving there. I was originally planning to head back to London very early on Saturday morning. But a friend noticed the ad in the local paper regarding the Exmoor Coast and Friends show at Sainsbury Hall. It was good to meet Exmoor Dave, Marcus and Stephen who works for the WSR at Crowcombe. I'm right now going room to room, painting everything that doesn't move. But taking lots of breaks, just like the song 'Right said Fred...'
  21. I'm taking my time and really enjoying reading through this thread. A lot of fine modelling going on right here Mr G. The Crediton Station model looks very impressive. Do you know how it was constructed per chance?
  22. Morning Rob Shame to hear that work is getting in the way of project X. Don't they realise there's a lot of eager fans out here waiting for God's sake? You will definitely enjoy the show and the trip. It's been too long. Snap! I had exactly the same experience recently with a trip to Minehead to visit friends and check out the place of my intended new home. And whilst there visited the club at Bishops Lydeard which had a running session. And also the Exmoor Coast club's small show in Minehead. And that was my first trip out of London since 2019!
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