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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. Just noticed the sun has decided to show its face. So grabbed a few more pics.
  2. All hands on deck this week. Fixed the top rail and rubbing strake. Plus started laying the deck planking. And this afternoon I built a small stand for it. As it won't be placed in the harbour for a while yet.
  3. I'm a secret lemonade drinker (shhh) RM web, RM web I've been trying to give it up but its one of those nights RM web, RM web
  4. Rolin' rollin' rollin' Though the threads are swollen Keep them pages rollin' RMweb
  5. And Graham prefers oilskin apparently.
  6. Hey I'm broadminded, whatever floats your boat. I prefer leather myself.
  7. Just booked hotel so they can't cancel it now, surely. And don't call me... I joined RMweb in the summer of 2019 so this'll be my first. But not my last as I'll be living in Minehead for any future meet ups.
  8. Thanks Dave. I'm looking forward to meeting up. I've found the place, Minehead, but not the property as yet.
  9. Just booked the hotel. Will be great to finally meet some of yous guys. And some damn fine modelling too.
  10. Of course! It's in the diary so it must be true.
  11. Shame I won't get to see it. Looks awesome though.
  12. Phew! For a minute there I thought we were back in the red light area.
  13. Thanks John. The wheelhouse is constructed from basswood. The weathering is at the halfway stage I guess. 1. Teak wood stain 2. A few coats of Worn Effects by AK Interactive 3. An overall acrylic grey/brown mix 4. Apply strategic scratches all over with a pin 5. Thin layer of the final paint colour using water colours and weathering pencils 6. An overall pin wash with Vallejo black/brown 7. Wipe off after a couple of minutes 8. Apply top coat again using water colours and acrylic paints 9. Apply moss layer with water colours and weathering pencils Once all the fine details are added, I'll go over again with rust and dirt layers.
  14. Thanks Adrian, that's good to know. And there I was thinking red lights were for something entirely different.
  15. Just experimenting with the interior lighting in the wheelhouse. Picked up some 3v and 4.5v LEDs, seems the 3v is quite effective.
  16. This last couple of weeks I've been painting and weathering the wheelhouse. Right now painting the blue tongue and groove sidings. Still to add all the clutter on the roof plus lifebuoy and life raft, navigation lights. Also the door furniture and glazing.
  17. Beautifully composed shot.
  18. Cause I'm just a fellow with a one track mind And when it comes to thinkin about Anything but my railway I just don't have the time I'm too busy thinkin' about my railway Oh I ain't got time for nothin' else
  19. Back in June last year on my thread, I posted... Hikers have been using well-trodden paths to Bovey Tor over the years. To which Grahame replied with an image of himself on top of Dartmoor. "And so do blokes on their mountain bikes !" So then I couldn't resist a few tweaks to said image in photoshop. And being Grahame, he was very amused by this.
  20. That's one of the charms of looking at layouts like this. Finding those little details that you don't see straight away.
  21. I couldn't agree more. I know the shows aim to cater for all tastes and ages. But I usually find there very few layouts that I spend much time looking at.
  22. Close your eyes and relax That's it and relax Now think of model railway building And breathe... Now open your eyes And you're back in the railway room
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