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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. "I think we'll have a good relationship between the two of us and work well together to push the team forward." - George Russell Can't wait to find out if this statement is true or false.
  2. Yep it's difficult to choose. But for me, the second one works really well. By including the track, it helps to both lead the eye into the shot. And to help describe where we are.
  3. Similar setup over here. The vice is a stanley Fatmax. Not great but fine for modelling. The desk I found on Etsy, made from reclaimed timber.
  4. Brave or quite mad. Depends on the day.
  5. Yes I am Graham. So basically everything is scratch built apart from the propeller and ships wheel.
  6. This afternoon sees the finished deck in place. Apart from final weathering and filth which will be added much later. I think I'll make a start on the winch next. That should be interesting.
  7. Too late, my time has come, Sent some drivers to unlap themselves, others to wait in line Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go, Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth Masi, oooh I don't want to FIA, I sometimes wish I'd never been stubborn at all Carry on, carry on
  8. This is Race Control to Mr Wolf You've really made your point But the sponsors want a race, so say a prayer No time to let them unlap I declare This is Mr Wolf to Race Control I'm throwing headphones on the floor And I'm swearing in a most peculiar way
  9. Young lady. Are yah sure them fish is fresh? Trader. Course is fresh. It be caught this morn! Old lady. So why are their eyes so cloudy then? Trader. Them fish ‘ave cataracts see? Young lady. Cataracts you say? I fort they was cod. Trader. Not catfish silly, cata RACTS! Old lady. Oy don’t fink we want no rats dear. Come on let's be off.
  10. It seems like the FIA is now getting involved in tractor racing. As Massi is seen ploughing a new furrow.
  11. Harleys and roadsters and Deltics on platforms, Seagulls and seaside and the nineteen seventies These are a few of my favourite sounds.
  12. Masi's manager says Masi is tryin' To start a new life on his own Masi's manager says Masi is happy "So why don't you leave him alone?" And the F1 operator says £9.99 more For the next race puh....lease
  13. Problem solved. As the track in the dockside will be set in tarmac covered cobbles. It should be relatively easy to disguise the magnets. As I won't be using any granular ballast.
  14. When my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer back in 2019. My life was pretty much shattered. But I found so much solace here on RMweb though. Reading and watching some fantastic threads. Which then inspired me to get back into the hobby. Thanks so very much.
  15. Last race of 2022. CH calling the race director. "Your call is important to us and the director knows you are waiting. You are... 2nd in the queue."
  16. I've been doing a fair bit perusing Kadee couplings. Thinking that's the smart way to go. Might swap out their magnets for something a bit smaller and more discreet though.
  17. The only nagging problem I see is reaching across the harbour for coupling etc. So I'm thinking of using MagLink couplings or something similar. Answers on a postcard.
  18. Exactly what I have in mind for Bovey Quay. This harbour will be modelled at low tide. So will include the mud, the ropes and chains, the buoys, the seaweed, the moss, the small trapped pools of sea water, the sea gulls.
  19. Firstly, to assist the race director in the decision-making process, a Virtual Race Control Room will be created. It's called SIRI. Secondly, direct radio communications during the race. According to a well-defined and non-intrusive process. Send an email.
  20. I think that looks spot on from here. I find successfully weathering wood rather elusive. It gets even harder when you search for images online as there are so many variations and hues. Also impossible to be objective when you've just spent an hour on it. But once it's bedded into its environment it just works.
  21. Many thanks John. Was planning on completing the decking today but had to be postponed as we've run out of lime wood strips. So I'll make a start on the rudder today.
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