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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. I'm off to Minehead tomorrow to view a property that fits the bill. Fingers crossed.
  2. Finally finished this study.
  3. Good view of the cottages blending so well with their surroundings.
  4. "I'm bluddy starvin, I am aye!" "Well I thought you said you'd bring some sarnies next time". "Me? I thought you said you're gonna bring some scrumpy?" "Oh aye right. You know."
  5. Word for word, exactly what I used to do on many a trip to the Swedish wonderland. These days however, I only need have budget conversations with myself. And funnily enough I always win. 😎
  6. Hiding in plain sight. Genius.
  7. "And another think Thomas, when are you going to get around to fixing that shed roof. Have you seen how bad it is? I keep my old grandma's recipes in there and it's all going to get soaked and ruined. Are you even listening?"
  8. Fine work Kevin. And such a welcome site on a day like this too.
  9. There was a young man called Masi In the race he was the bossy As he changed the rules so Max was fast and Lewis slow So his career went up the swanny
  10. Oh Masi, you're so fired You're so fired, you blow my mind Hey Masi, hey Masi
  11. Well it doesn't have to be that large, as it only has to provide enough space for: • Harbour for a dozen assorted craft • Fisherman huts • A parade of shops • A windmill or a watermill And all in 7mm scale. Easy.
  12. BREAKING NEWS As from today, the house is not on the market. I have accepted an offer near the asking price. Right, let's start looking for a nice railway room.
  13. I would love to have a go at building a windmill such as this. I took a number of photos of the double overshot watermill at Dunster. Something else brewing in the background me thinks.
  14. As you know the house is on the market right now. And the IKEA kitchen is getting the most likes.
  15. Ahh new fitted kitchens, what fun. We were there 8 years ago. As the weeks past and we slowly managed to install an IKEA kitchen, mostly on our own. With just plumbers and electricians to help out. It's quite amazing how we got through it and still remained married. Nurse, allen key. Nurse, screwdriver. Nurse, hammer. Nurse, bigger hammer.
  16. They do, that would be Dogby.
  17. Ah, look at all the LM people Ah, look at all the LM people Eleanor Digby Sits on the platform with husband and bairn Lives in a dream Waits for the next train Wearing the hat that she keeps in a box by the door Who is it for? All the LM people Where do they all come from? All the LM people Where do they all belong?
  18. Yep, no problem happy to. But won't be for a while yet as I haven't found my next railway room yet. BTW, I remember that display exactly as you described. But my sister and I got the most fun from the red door that automatically opened on approach.
  19. I'm considering producing a slightly 3D backdrop. By using modelling paste, clay or plaster. Not sure what but this way it will help build the contours and try to blur the edge of the back scene and the model.
  20. The one difference between yours and mine is that mine was in a 'bedroom' and so not so likely to warp and twist.
  21. An update on this study for my next backdrop. I think we're about 2/3 there now. I had to make a couple of frames for some other work this week. So it made sense to make them all at the same time. It's actually a really good way to judge the tonal values once in a temporary frame though.
  22. Hello, I must be going!
  23. That reminds me of the lorry. What lorry? The lorry in the yard. What yard? The one with the crate. What crate? Just you wait... Which reminds me of the lorry.
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