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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. Now you see me, now you see me.
  2. I might just need to as the list also contains a Peckett, a Victory and a Dapol B4 at some point.
  3. I'm looking to purchase an 8750 Pannier from Minerva with sound project. But was wondering if I'd need to add a stay alive to it after sales. Which was filling me with dread. But the guys at Minerva assured me that because of the large flywheel, it wouldn't require one. Phew!
  4. Open heart surgery on a loco is way beyond my limits. You're a braver man than I, Gunga Din.
  5. It doesn't look it out of the window, but it sure feels like Christmas day to me. As these bad boys just arrive and a few lengths of track. Can't believe how big they are compared to 4mm. Looking forward to getting stuck into weathering this little lot.
  6. I don't mind at all. So please feel free to post anything you like here. That's a really strong start. I can already see how this would play out. You never know, one day it might just find its way onto your easel.
  7. This is what I'm currently working on. You can see the underpainting is now complete and will be starting the colour layers once dry.
  8. Many thanks Graham. Er, you'd be right there sir! Only the second bird I've ever painted the last one, a kingfisher was in 1982. I use exactly the same techniques whatever the subject. Starting with a mono underpainting usually in burnt umber. Then slowly building up the subsequent colour layers. Then going over the whole with glazes and scumbles. Finishing with added highlights where needed.
  9. I know, I know this has nothing to do with Bovey Quay. But as I haven't been able to to much (any) modelling recently. I've been biding my time oil painting and thought I'd share on here.
  10. Sorry, did you say for door handles or four candles? Me hat, me coat...
  11. The timing of this is perfect! Mick's work is on another level as the images show. I'm just about to purchase my first 0 gauge loco. An 87xx Pannier with sound from Minerva. And I've recently been studying anything and everything about weathering locos. And watching Mick's video has given me all the info and answers all the questions. I've never been afraid to wipe off and start again when oil painting and this is no different.
  12. I think this is really interesting. From afar we see one big house/cottage. But up close we see that it's actually two. As well as stark differences in the garden, you could think about making small changes to the colour of windows and doors on Hyacinth's side. As you have such a large expanse of brick. It might be possible to create a divider. By masking one side and making subtle difference in the brick tone. Using weathering powders on one side only. And maybe add some other details too, such as bird poo and/or algae. Just a thought.
  13. Looking good Graham. Maybe starting with something plain to start with would be easier than trying to tone down that vibrant green. Perhaps try starched tissue dipped in diluted PVA. Then you can dye it before the crumpling stage. As I always find trying to tone down something with strong chroma/luminosity can be a struggle and you may not get the right tone. Just a thought.
  14. After my early years growing up in Paddington from 1955 to 1969. Then these past 30 years, spent in east London. Now I have to catch the brand new Elizabeth line train to Paddington to reach Minehead. Somewhat poetic I'm thinking. Serendipitous even.
  15. Graham, sorry to use your thread for this. But today was a good day! I got a firm offer on our house this morning. And my offer on the house in Minehead was accepted. Altogether quite a good days work.
  16. "Oh aye, I know." "Is your Bert still int pub?" "Aye. He says he's only waiting for train." "Only waiting fa train?" "He'll be blimming pi**ed by time that arrives."
  17. Well it's living up to its reputation of being one of life's most stressful experiences. We received an offer a couple of weeks ago. And soon afterwards, found the perfect house in Minehead. I took a 400 mile round trip, loved the house, made an offer. Got home and my agent informed me that my buyer had withdrawn their offer. Christ on a bike!! But the vendor in Minehead, has taken his property off the market. Having recently been through the exact same thing, decided to give me some time. Now I'm hoping to get another offer asap. Fingers crossed.
  18. Graham, that's really coming together well now. I see you're really building on the narrative. Which is what we all try to achieve with our little cameos. I was looking for a similar material for the nets on my trawler. I got hold of some 'tulle' from the flea bay. It's not too bad for me I guess, but thinking it would be a bit course for chicken wire.
  19. Last train to Little Muddle, last train to Little Muddle If you miss this one, you'll be in bl**dy trouble Bee-dee-dee-dee-bom-bom to Little Muddle. Last night I was in such a state I found the key to that old damn crate So when I opened it there I had another bl**dy scare It was a Bee-dee-dee-dee-bom-bom For the last train to Little Muddle.
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