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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. Thanks John. It's actually 43" x 18" in old money. Can't wait to paint the backscene. It will be just as before with Bovey Tor, an oil painting on MDF. A nice dark, angry sky. Spot on for the moors.
  2. Just back home after another day on the moors.
  3. Magnus: Question four. At the end of the Abu Dhabi GP in 2021. Michael Massi allowed Max Verstappen to do what to Lewis Hamilton? KNP: Pass. Magnus: Correct.
  4. Magnus: Question two. Who co-wrote and starred in the movie, Shampoo? KNP: Tim O'Tei. Magnus: Correct.
  5. Magnus: Question one. What was the name of the famous path in Khyber? KNP: Pass. Magnus: Correct.
  6. In the chair today we have none other than KNP of Oxford. Answering questions on your specialist subject. The life and times of the GWR in the 1930s and the legend of Little Muddle. And your time starts... Now!
  7. Thanks Jon, it's a slow process but I'm quite pleased with how it's going so far.
  8. A quick comp of how it's looking at eye level.
  9. Thanks Kevin that's good to hear.
  10. Thanks Graham. It's good to be back working on it. I had to take a break spending the last couple of weeks clearing out stuff and packing.
  11. The latest update on the diorama. Have been laying 1 and 2mm static grass, in various colours. Will increase the height as we move forward.
  12. Me too! Will be my first, so really looking forward to it.
  13. Well that sounds exactly like my MO. It's surprising how much you can learn, even from doing supposedly familiar tasks. If I think I can improve it, it doesn't matter how long I spent on it. I'll just redo it if it ain't looking right the next day.
  14. I don't know why but I've always been a big fan of cranes. I had a huge amount of Meccano as a kid. And all I wanted to do was to make bigger and bigger cranes. Crawler cranes, tower cranes, dockside cranes. Might have a go at scratch building one sometime.
  15. I did that once and got arrested. 😎
  16. That looks like very fine sand there. Is it from WW Scenics? BTW, your modelling tray reminds me of a painting I did a while back.
  17. Last night the rest of the terrain was painted in a brown soil colour. Once this has dried I can get started on laying static grass. But until then, made a start on building up the terrain on the other side of the tracks.
  18. This stage is nearly there now. Next I'll make a start on the ground in front.
  19. The talus stones, although grey in colour, look almost white in the photo. But I'll be painting them anyway so no matter at this stage.
  20. It's all clay, I haven't used plaster. Roughly about a day. But I am using a drying oil and a fast drying white, which helps.
  21. This morning sees the start of the slow process of ballasting the tor. Feels like setting jewels in a ring.
  22. This is where we are right now. Will carry on with the underpainting of the tors tomorrow.
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