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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. This is not just a view, this is a wonderful L&M early morning vista.
  2. Loving that composition Kevin.
  3. Bodmin Moor on a day like today.
  4. Yeah Rob, it does seem ages since I started modelling that stern trawler. But we're planning to get straight back to Bovey Quay the minute the diorama is ready for SWAG. The plan is for Bovey Quay to be very building intense, as there lies my main interest. Basically a single line running along the sea front, lots of opportunity for various shops, a cafe, pub and a large warehouse/goods shed for loading and unloading china clay to ships moored in the harbour. Plus a large residential area on higher ground based on North Hill in Minehead. Therefore, breaking with my traditional procedure, I plan to build most of the structures loose, prior to building any baseboards. This will give me a clearer idea of how it all fits together and how much room it will all take.
  5. Yes, I'll rename BOVEY SAGA to BOVEY QUAY, sorry for any confusion.
  6. Everything in my signature.
  7. This thread was getting a little confusing, so I've now separated the two projects BOVEY QUAY and BODMIN MOOR, which now resides in the 7mm area. Any future updates I'll post over there. I thank you
  8. This all started from a conversation I had with @NHY581 AKA Sheep Bloke. He suggested the idea of producing a small layout that encapsulates my style and methods of modelling and painting backscenes. And to show it at the next SWAG meeting. A relative newcomer to 7mm, my interest is in scratch building scenery and structures. Bodmin Moor, a small diorama set in Cornwall, was designed for two reasons. First to be an easily transportable exhibition piece. And secondly, wanting to tackle something manageable, to get a feel for working in a much larger scale before embarking on a huge layout.
  9. Well it's been a while since I posted any progress on Bodmin Moor, so here's a quick update of where we are today. I'd say we're about 2/3 of the way to completing this diorama. But still lots to add to the foreground as that's still quite barren. But the distant fields and tors are pretty much there.
  10. Yeah, about that, I've decided to be a bit of a spoil sport and keep progress on Bodmin Moor under wraps for now. But I'll share some progress pics and answer any questions after the big reveal. And at the rate it's going now, that shouldn't be too long.
  11. Making steady progress there John. Your comment about the missing underlay made me smile as I'm surrounded by boxes at the mo. I think you've done rather well considering what a tricky job it is to move a so called 'permanent' layout into a new home.
  12. In my case, there's plenty that's queued up and needing my attention. As it's been a very long ten months of waiting, and TBH I was bored sh**less. But that's all in the past now as this week I've been able to get right back into it. And having had such a long time procrastinating, right now it's all systems are go!
  13. Congrats Rob! Just happen to have a glass of red in me hand, I'll drink to that, CHEERS!
  14. Thanks Graham, I think that's is exactly what I've been looking for. Still eyeing up a 57xx from either Dapol or Minerva, haven't decided which yet.
  15. Pray tell what are these magic magnetic couplings called and where can I get me some?
  16. Quick update. I've been here about a month now and am getting nicely settled into the new abode. Obviously, there's been loads of 'stuff' to sort out from the get go. Right now, if it doesn't move I'm painting it and have completed several rooms already. So now we're just about ready to resume work on Bodmin Moor after the brief interlude of ten months. Yippee!
  17. Number three is quite interesting in terms of textures. But I think number two is the winner because the black and white helps to emphasize the contrast and the composition.
  18. Excellent work Kevin, it looks like it's always been there.
  19. We've just added another layout to the show. TUFFELEY ROAD 00 F/S A brand new layout, based east of Gloucester in a contemporary setting. All locos are sound-fitted, with Colas, DRS, D B Schenker & EWS represented, plus visiting locos - heritage traction from rail tours.
  20. We welcome two more fine layouts to our show on Saturday 5th August. THISWAYE - 7mm VENTEROL-ROUSSET - H0 ASHGATE - 009 GARA BRIDGE - 4mm MOORS VIEW - 2mm UPWEY JUNCTION - 4mm RED HOOK BAY - HO HARRISS'S SIDINGS - 4mm SHEEP DIP - 4mm ST. OSWALDS - 0.16.5 1914/18 WINTER IN FRANCE - 009 BRADSTOCK MPD - 7mm ASHMOUTH - 4mm TOP YARD - 4mm/EM
  21. Well this post is called Bovey Saga and I'd say moving out west from Ole London Town has been more than a bl**dy saga. But finally there is light at the end of said tunnel. Today I was told that we will exchange contracts next week with completion set for 27th July. Obviously, I'm so looking forward to getting back in the saddle and completing the Bodmin Moor diorama. Although it's only 50% complete, I've been invited by Exmoor Dave of this parish, to demo it at Exmoor Rail on the 5th August at the Minehead show. And then hopefully show it complete at SWAG next year. Onwards and upwards.
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