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Everything posted by Gedward

  1. Quick update on this cameo layout. Have started work on the first L/H building wall. Using 10mm XPS foam for the base. Have applied a layer of spackle to give the wall a plaster rendered effect. This also eliminates much of the unwanted texture in the stock foam. Next stage is scribing the brick courses which should be fun. The front of the layout will be a wall of 6mm birch ply. 1600 x 1000mm (sliced into sections that fit in the car). Which will act as the proscenium arch and hide the fiddle yards. Really pleased with the gilt frame I had made for this. Will eventually be attached to a fine ramin frame underneath, using neodymium magnets. BTW, the base of the window apertures look strange because the balconies aren't in place yet. Looking forward to modelling the Twist Rope column in the corner. I've tried out a few ideas, but have decided to carve it out of 12mm dowel.
  2. Err, don't you mean Panniering?
  3. Many thanks John, that's really good to hear.
  4. BODMIN MOOR will be at Sedgemoor Rail 2024 next weekend 24th & 25th August. Hope to see some of you there
  5. BODMIN MOOR will be at Sedgemoor Rail 2024 next weekend 24th & 25th August. Hope to see some of you there
  6. Today marks my 5th RMweb anniversary. After a 30 year hiatus, I was amazed at how much the hobby had grown in that time. Static grass and DCC were just two of the big changes I noticed. So many great layouts on display, but as I've said before, seeing LM for the first time, was a game changer. It was and continues to be a huge inspiration to me and all the Little M'ers out there. And was one of the reasons I finally decided to get back into the hobby with Bovey Tor. Thanks a bunch Kevin!
  7. I've had some lovely feedback from this build here and on various FB groups. But one of my favourites is... "If I didn't know this was a model, I wouldn't know this is a model."
  8. Absolutely, 'Trompe-l'œil' and 'Forced Perspective' are fascinating and as I mentioned earlier, an ingenious method to seemingly add depth to your painting or model.
  9. Many thanks Don for helping out here. I foolishly thought everyone could see the links in my signature.
  10. On my latest cameo layout, Ponte San Rocco (San Rocco Bridge), it's the main event. And the only place where we can view the train as it passes over the canal. The intention is to light some of the buildings on either side, so that they and the bridge will be reflected in the canal.
  11. Looking forward to seeing you and Lambsdown tomorrow. I'm coming down with the Minehead Massive 😎
  12. I'm exactly the same 😀
  13. For me, the angles and the colour harmony make this a beautifully composed shot.
  14. Having spent my entire career working in an ad agency art studio. I've worked with dozens of freelance designers and illustrators. I've been represented by different galleries. Pricing paintings is always subjective as you say. I use two methods. 1) Set an hourly rate and try to keep a note of the hours spent actually painting. And 2) Size of canvas. (LxW in sq in,) It's not perfect, but will get you close to what the painting is worth to you.
  15. ...and a nice Chianti.
  16. Wow! That's some loco roundhouse right there, it works on so many levels. How many Panniers can you get in there, I wonder?
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