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Everything posted by ERIC ALLTORQUE

  1. Thanks Jo,thats something ive noticed that a lot who model now seem to have worked or do work on or around the real thing,if your out taking pictures or video some drivers will actnowledge you wave or toot,lots seem to have twitter pages to follow them and a lot are femails who like the job and attention.I know there was steam day drivers and firemen in my family history,someone has to have been related to Joe Duddington and Bill Hoole.
  2. I think we all know here for definate would be an occation where less is more,someone would notice some where even the builders had forgot about.Has anyone found out the name of the guy driving the container to the wherehouse as we will want to know,what time hes due,and how clean are his underpants.Lets hope the guy who gets the one with the flickering dash lights at 100mph will think before hes on here moaning,i for one will be happy to see number9 from RoS on my door until i lift it,
  3. Thats the comment that got most of us married,it all starts with a few pints in a bar or nightclub.
  4. Well they all have frothing tops,ahh you said shanty........ a geordie folk song,more not understanding a word thats said i doubt will fit in well.
  5. Thats the palm tree jobbies from the middle east then,they come through you like a deltic.......same sound too.
  6. How about a clean shirt for the driver,eh ,behave,look what your getting for your money.
  7. So these are going to beat the 37 to the shore i guess,no rush,just need to get my draws in order........thanks for teaser,you are awful........but i like you.
  8. And there models are not in the same league........non are,just saying..........its not all about money for some,theres something missing today , you have,pride in what you make,if it has your name on it,it has to be to your standards,thats the huge difference.
  9. Heres the real thing,we had so many in the north we park them on footpaths for litter bins.
  10. They seem to have lost the COAL and gained VTG on them as they are MGR running from Immingham to Ratcliffe power station to keep the lights on in the winter hopefully 66721/ 66780 are on at the moment
  11. Thanks Fran,the IRM bogies you do are superb as i bought some to look at adding the feature to say the Dapol JNA when i get around to it,even a line of high spec replacement bogies would be a great addition to your inventory.
  12. The question i keep forgetting to pose is why when you have cracked the rotating axle end detail with IRM do you not use it on the Accurascale models that rotate??
  13. oh i dont know,they wear skirts and hang about in local pubs.......you would be advised not tackle them.....unless your well armed of course....
  14. Well a Harley with Steppenwolf on the soundtrack.......................was at Barnetby yesterday for the train traffic at knabbs crossing and the local cafe had something meeting there with some really nice bikes,i would have asked as the tourers have nice compartments on...........................Fran an McC as easy riders.
  15. Heres to next week or so will be a big weight off you guys minds if the customs clear quickly, I imagine Birmingham gridlocked with motorscooter style local deliverys from Uberaccurascale to get them out with the utmost urgency, as to some it sees life or death. Hope everything goes to plan ,thanks for the updates and if its as good as the A class we are in for a treat.
  16. https://m.facebook.com/LocomotiveServicesGroup/videos/1861969723996732/?refsrc=deprecated&ref=sharing&_rdr
  17. Does it not,it even has the driver profanitys when it does not fire first time,theres film on you tube Accurascale channel of the Deltic sound
  18. The younger ones into the hobby of which it seema non have jumped in seem to come from you tube filming or copying others,or the box openers who to be honest i find not the most interesting of hobbies,but it takes all sorts. I did think that there would be odd ones that covid lockdown had pointed in this direction...
  19. The anticipation is like the night before christmas and your five years old,we know now what Phil Collins feels like sitting at the drums before the lights go up at a genesis gig. I just hope Johnny five has worked out how to past the are you a robot question to get his...
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