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Everything posted by ERIC ALLTORQUE

  1. Who cares what he thinks,his content is made for you tube hits,he will have his band of merry men,half of them i just cannot watch,i have a life.
  2. Fran or McC will take it home for weekend and run it in mind....................................
  3. The horse for the chaldrons?? you must model really early stuff.
  4. Just a stab in the dark here,its not purple what your waiting for by chance,i guess the factory standard stay alive will be useful...........
  5. Well ive ordered one to pull the chaldron pack...........
  6. Fran the Saron Stone of the model rail world,now you see it,now you dont,ha,tease tease,
  7. Same for me,account status still balance outstanding,but i paid on 6th June.Once they get them im sure they will get the job sorted.Would be nice if they updated the site to show correct status.
  8. Funny name,who calls their daughter Arrhythmia,or is that the missus,and what they been buying........
  9. Visions of DHL employees limbering up tomorrow like a sceen from karate kid schools. bring on the big day eh,will they know what you have in store....heres to it going to plan.
  10. You sneaked that in,just needs put on the home page in six foot high lettering, you might get some peace now.I see the Deltics here.................
  11. We are all different,some collect and never run,some run them as they are some muck them up and recreate as they lived,there aint no rules,its your railway so do as you want. There is no right or wrong,just what makes one happy.
  12. I bet your thinking how the heck does Santa do what he does in one night.......... Is it not Thursday that you want it to be, so you have them in your pinkys?........
  13. I bet this is why the APT from red box has such large items on view.............theres is just super large ha
  14. To be honest if this is stuff from there ruturns of new faulty items i would be surprized,if they are getting them as trade ins why dont they weigh them for a quick test,easy done if they are that pressed for time.
  15. Lets just hope the week goes to plan not only for us but the lads who have gave us this wonder of model engineering.I just hope here is only praise for it and them,i saved up 10 months in 1959 to buy the Dublo one and before the rivet counters find something to blow out of all proportion look at what we have today compared to just a few years back let alone the way they go out there way to please.There should be a think before you wince notice.I will have to wait until RoS get there stock,heres to the Accurascale team.
  16. Just so we know what thread we are on ive just seen this on Twitter
  17. It would appear there is quite a few NACCO branded about of these,looks like a full rake here......
  18. Just be careful parking one up in Liverpool,you might get back and the V12 and generator have dissapeared.
  19. Thats how most young men who spot trains stop,no medical orders needed........
  20. Nothing like a summer cold,ive got plenty green ones,cough splutter,think yourself lucky.
  21. Bet the box is well stuffed on this one.....
  22. I can see mine anytime i want to,then again i dont eat much saving to buy model trains.I take it the ones with the glass on are GH porterbrook and its warning strong drink required befor viewing.........
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