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Everything posted by ERIC ALLTORQUE

  1. Must be an early version of the comet,they have moved into the model plane market.
  2. Yup,just needs obey human or you will be exterminated...........
  3. On twitter,paint your pallet orange and black........37607 HNRC
  4. Is there no hot wheel detection here like in the US? that would be useful where trains are at speed and it gives wheel count and if theres an issue.The look of the wheel i doubt its been locked for a great distance and the friction of rail to wheel and the wagons applied load would soon heat it to beyond cherry and soften it to play dough consistancy.It will come out in the report in time.
  5. Have you checked in the bathroom mirror,have you turned into a robot and its blocking you??
  6. More money i can per order more stuff with you now,it is what it is and thanks for being open and honest about it,perfection comes at a price and to be honest i for one would not have griped if more money was needed to get them finished,stress does you no good and its not worth any of you guys health.
  7. We need people climbing the ladder to get the top jobs,huge difference between the skilled man and the qualified man and its starting to take its toll,a lot who could write the book on the industry will have give up and left as in most things.
  8. Talk about excess stock........we have 306ton out the back
  9. Why do i have a vision of Fran slumped over a steaming typewriter.......we are pushing these guys too hard,model trains are recreation right.....no news is good news.
  10. B&Q probably dont have any sand and bricks on site,if so they are good to go.
  11. But you have her in therapy...........right,the old letting the side down thing.
  12. Frans been watching the Elon Musk story,next he will be sleeping under his desk at work after a 20 hour shift day after day.
  13. What Fran has not shown is the capacitor bank is the size of a coke can and can be seen through the windows .......it went down a storm for another manufacturer.What we need is where once charged they run the layout for 15mins back feeding the track,its the future.
  14. I would have though longer was better, other than tory prime minsters,thats a totally different ball game it seems.........
  15. There we have it,good job @thetrains,possibly the last bastion of the Accuascale 37 to buy at retail,no need to thank me,fill your boots.
  16. Do you fancy scaling up and trying your hand at the EV........to be honest if something is better than what it is required to be then thats a plus, its been a good week,this and the DART mission exceed the given parameters,model rail and mankind win out.
  17. So run your layout up to the house power going out,the place will be light up until they get the power restored.
  18. Makes sense,if theres non left to sell why advertise them,they all seem to be gone everywhere,there is bound to be a few on e bay once they arrive though......just assume the bend and brace yourself position.
  19. Could be end game for it also as since GBRF got 59003 its not done much of what they were bought new to do and trying to tug a crash apart probably says that,you dont use your mint classic car to go banger racing.
  20. With an outboard McC......i mean motor.. There is the wonderful everyday is there not
  21. I think the issue is after six years in the making a lot thought we would be down to checking the accuracy of the stitching on the drivers seat other than major items been just not right,i still think manufacturers are thinking they make toys not models and are been upstaged by the new kids on the blocks high fidelity at a reasonable cost,probably more chance of getting the real ones made to match the models than them doing anything to get them correct to real life.Shame as you say that they dont engage and take note with the the knowledge base what is here on RMW,they should want it right themselves as it is their reputation at stake,it is what it is i guess.
  22. Well the prototype booster 7 and ship 24 have been stacked this last week so we should see a run up to full 33 engine static fire soon.
  23. It is what it is,Fran and McC,s capes have to be at the cleaners some time and finding a phone box to change in gets harder by the day,you younger chaps have less to worry about as the older ones dont know if we will see them at all,just give them time to get things right and it will be fine,hopefully Putin likes model railways and does not fumble with his buttons eh.
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