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Everything posted by ERIC ALLTORQUE

  1. Just wire an old car door to your catenery,plenty static off them back in the spark ages.
  2. I have visions of these going up and down like a fiddlers elbow as the models run on layouts with tunnels and bridges......we need to be more third Sam i guess.
  3. Its three years work of a buddy,its not for the claustrophobic......after 10mins hes wanting out,we have been taking it around town so he called at bank to buy us a coffee at shop.
  4. I have a mate called Domonic who has give up trying,he just cannot get passed the are you a robot question,even had cash to use........
  5. Must be of interest here,the Hattons price list of the stock from the demise of Binns road,typed and prices amended in pen by them.
  6. I will say nothing and keep it under my hat then until you guys make an announcement at Warley,might even get to that show,heres to more success with it matey.
  7. Im sure the will be a success,time will tell if they are migratable to the UK models,heres to a sell out for them again.
  8. They look alike and theres even ones that dont need boxes for the right colour............
  9. Do we think they have had a hand in this to drive future runs...................ha ha.
  10. The next few months will bring plenty bogies,mainly green,lets just get the 37,s here before we go to other classes eh,we are all different as the last few pages prove,love the colour,hate the colour......the lads have enough on the agenda,good things come to those who wait......
  11. This is shaping up to be quite a model,i like the slow running trials as its far more important with it being a freight loco that it performs well at creep and realisic running speed. I can see pairs of these on Mendip traffic,is double heading a thing to test also or is the test article an only child.
  12. Probably a good idea to get the sound files off it just incase the Mirrlees engine is swopped out since its unique,needs put on the too do list.
  13. I bet Caroline is sweet,nice to see the car carriers are here.
  14. The fact that Thomas the tank is front runner to win show layout is a telling thing,you get all walks in shows,and we need the young to be involved.It seems frowned upon as its an older generation thing and when i used to help run the local club layout we got a few times youngsters who stood on a chair and was quite happy until there parents tried to get them to move,as long as people enjoy it,thats the trick.If running a real world sinario is your thing is fine but it takes all sorts and makes the hobby stronger.
  15. Just out of interest will the EM and P4 wheelsets be done for this model too?
  16. That reminds me,i must change the oil in the car........... its the only beer mentioned in the bible,those who are not for us are a Guinness.
  17. Since being correct is the Accurascale way and as a company support with wheel sets,is it not a workable thing to bring correct spaced sleeper and gauged P4 track to market starting with flexy lengths of it as i guess as there is those who would use it rather than build it. Pointwork and the like could be made if the interest was good enough.Going alone or working with Peco has to be a possibility.
  18. Well if anyone knows where a truss should go its you i guess............
  19. Must be an early version of the comet,they have moved into the model plane market.
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