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Everything posted by ERIC ALLTORQUE

  1. Your Darth comparison is probably what sold them out,all the star wars fans cutting the DVT cab off and and modeling the back of the helmet on and painting it black...
  2. What they have works fine,theres been enough time to get them,they can now move on to use the production time to make more models in the Accurascale way.
  3. Well the booster has just static fired its engines and it certainly looks like 33 by the dust cloud. looks a good job so we should see orbital launch attempt soon. Just need ship lifted on to it again.
  4. They wwdid not hang about as when i checked there was only three of each sets left,i have both the TPE sets i want so left them for those who hopefully want them to use. They seem to do double on e bay so if i need a third kidney i should be ok...
  5. Its now on the questionaire for house insurance,do you own any Accurascale coaches.............
  6. Used as support for the batteship it would have been a different kettle of fish,on the Bismarck operation it would have made the swordfish attacks a no go and the stuka at sea a pain for our capital ships,again all hindsight and what if though.
  7. On the subject of enhanced,is the new bogie something that could be retrofited onto the first batch to cure the chain issue, if so perhaps make some for resale when the new ones land.
  8. Yes but still planes destroyed two capital ships much to Churchills dismay,thats when the battleship lost the edge as being the death star of naval warfare.If the Germans had got Graff Zeplin sorted the war could have been very different in Europe,all just if only though. All the big capital battleships met their end by airpower and an aircraft is peanuts compared to the cost of a capital ship.
  9. The Japanese had a third battleship of the Yamato class what was stopped and the hull used for Shinano a huge carrier,i think they got the message when they sunk PoW AND Repulse.
  10. On the gunnery thing,Bismarck was so effective on the Demark Strait engagement with Hood then PoW as Adalbert Schneider fired 4 gun salvoes to find the range rather than full eight gun ones until they straddled the target.
  11. Just proves its right what they say,you cannot fix stupid,a lot of these companys now dont hire on merit and ability obviously,i notice a lot are just plain vans and no uniform too.
  12. Heres the man who was gunnery officer and in control of HMS Prince of Wales in the Denmark Strait battle with Bismarck, Colin McMullen RN when they did interviews for IWM quite soft spoken but he was there when Hood was destroyed and knew they had the range and had hit Bismarck,reel two i think..... https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/80010751
  13. On the Bismarck break out and her destruction two KGV ships did what they were built for, Prince of Wales hitting her and causing enough damage to sow the seed for His destruction and King George V herself in the final battle on 27th.We also had the last RN gun duel of two capital ships with the sinking of Scharnhorst in December 43 by Duke of York,the other two,Anson and Howe were just to late to see action in Europe.
  14. The first few seconds here help Mick,just watched it and its what you want to do i think...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZmDgOLd-5k
  15. Finally getting time to work on putting longer axles ito some of the bogies on the many Hattons 66 models i have, not the easiest of tasks but it is possible with patience.
  16. Thats eleven times better than the Hattons 66 then..........
  17. You guys try your best and your dealing with things way out of your control,you engage and bend over backwards to help and if thats not good enough let them go elsewhere,good things come to those who wait is it not,you have nothing to keep apologising for,it just gets better with each release,just need Accuracab control to drive them properly and we are sorted.
  18. So when you say in Transit its Richards from New Junction,s your on about...........
  19. We have gone from counting rivets to checking the shape of the head of the rivets is the right shape,not that many years back if it looked something like the real thing was a bonus.
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