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Everything posted by ERIC ALLTORQUE

  1. Will need them now,all the good stuff on offer,just wish i had been able to go to MRS and faint in person.
  2. Well my C***s a kipper,there is a God,who seen that come from left field.................good on you guys.
  3. What,no 60,s then,you have had a full 24 hours to sneak one in.............
  4. Yay its a 60.........what a week its been.........
  5. They have the right crane there to lift the 1/1 models into the hall at least, plenty to keep you busy and as long as your next new model is not a class 60 the roof should stay on.
  6. As in hacky mucky and squeeky clean at the start of the shift,i doubt many femails drove in the time periods the models are from.im sure with a bit modelling and a paint brush you can sort out what you desire.
  7. Nice to pull a long rake of Drax biomass wagons,will stop money cluttering up my bank statements.
  8. Theres a RSG 55022 on e bay for a good cause if anyone missed out,new in box for one of the heritage 50 restorations,new in box.
  9. This looks good,the modern image ones are right up my street so i will be participating in a few for the loft.Heres to another success story.
  10. Allways thought it meant the driver prefered beer made in Newcastle..........the one you have to come back for.....
  11. Sadly not,they got my money,perhaps they are selling out and its crashing the system.
  12. Not again,Richards got a lot to answer for..........
  13. Areal world solution to the situation,i often play on anyrail but its just getting used to driving it to solve things like this buy cutting up flexytrack and keeping the of cut for other bits of drawing.
  14. So this is something specific to NCE users and will run a layout using powercab from your windows PC, is it something you have developed yourself? just curious as i have NCE and in the trows of building a loft layout. thanks.
  15. Hope the show goes well for you guys,ive had to give up on going this year as its Grandsons 18th on the Friday we had booked trains.Theres plenty to look forward too in the next few months anyway with 37 and Manor comming to fruition but it would have been nice just having a wander round the stands and watch Deadmans Lane for a while.
  16. You made a few locos before the Manor did you not...............
  17. The bogie chains in N must be an interesting proposition,whats needed is a purple deltic eh
  18. Thats a chip up the nose for N gauge manufactures then,you could always move up to 00.
  19. If you type support into the search bit it brings up the models and the how too on them, It does look like the sites been meddled with as it used to be under news in the past. It would help if when they meddle they told one in the news whats been meddled with and how to drive the site,or they could just leave alone what aint broke and does not need meddled with..........
  20. https://www.facebook.com/groups/546080639654054 heres the guy to ask as he drives for TPE He puts some great videos up on you tube for a good cause too
  21. Should have been left that,a Scottish legend with the Broons family when i was a kid,we all sat on upturned buckets......
  22. Mores been learned from failure than success<it weighs full stack around 5000 tons but with 7500 tons of trust a few engines would be no issue,this booster and ship 24 are in the way now so orbital attempt is critical now
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