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Everything posted by ERIC ALLTORQUE

  1. Could do it in its early three window era before it was modified to two with the white surround.Just so its different to the Hattons one,odd ones do come up at time to time,plenty more to go at rather than doing the ones done already.
  2. If the 37 is out to go by these will have the winding hands to adjust the drivers seat.....
  3. Sounds like your elves are already hard at work on them..........
  4. Accurascalitis is now a known medical issue but sadly no known cure exists but rest assured many other halfs are working on it 24/7.if funds are stretched i might well go for another Chaldron pack to take my rake to six...
  5. That reminds me,i must put the X wifes kidneys on e bay.......
  6. If the Accurascale video is anything to go by these are something else,they are a work of art,this will be the benchmark model to date by any manufacturor.
  7. some ice cubles in plastic containers in the summer if the heat waves are going to continue it seems,or lay track on hot days and it should sort itself out in joiners for winter.
  8. Funny the white roof discusion and theres a Hattons rework turns up on e bay with the same livery and roof ends in white.not daft money to start either.just something ive noticed,not my listing.
  9. Its very theraputic and you can play up to 50 pieces for free but to buy it for unlimited pieces is only a one off £48 i think.Heres the site link https://www.anyrail.com/en/download
  10. Are we taking a camera so we can have an out and about with Accurascale or is it with flowers and chocolates to get the Purple Deltic take two assembled......
  11. The old dears shoud not be on the pull...........
  12. Yes i have most of these too and i think the flash has no bearing on it,the wobble is the axle end detail not true on the wheel,once its centred they run superb.
  13. The yellow network rail is showing sound fitted available......with 402 non sound as well still preorderable.
  14. Glad its not just me going loco,telly must be bad these days i guess,best thing ive bought in a while but it irons out any failings once i get to real world building the track.
  15. It was Mick,to have them glue them on and get them true was asking for a mirical from a mass assembly front As ive got longer axles in some of mine the cap on the end runs concentric and cures the issue but its hard to assemble on the Hattons bogie. Funny this tread has burst back, must be as by his own admission @McCis watching us on there thread ha.
  16. Finding i am relaxing on a night using the ANYRAIL program to plan the loft as i build the baseboards. It is a good way to check if ideas work,is it just me or do others find it pleasing to use and play with planning or drawing out stuff to see if would work,even layouts that might not get to be built?
  17. Im sure the Accurascaled 66 will be a different kettle of fish as far as running,the detail glued on the axle end of a rotating wheel was asking for trouble,the A class runs superb, the only way i could see an improvement would be a metal gear tower to put the weight directly onto the wheels,time will tell i guess.
  18. Could be Kermit the Climate Hero,more unseen celeb livery.
  19. Well ive made a start and bought the EWS 66171, its the dollys birthday tomorrow so i do hope she likes it.....
  20. Its not all daubed down the side of a brand new train though is it........
  21. When the world all works for the good of mankind it will be a wounderful life,but even by the Star Trek time of centurys ahead still we will have the havs and have nots,if the matter replicator ever is devised imagine the greed capability it would let loose. We are more knowlegable than ever but the goal stays the same.
  22. The computer control of modern times is in a lot of cases far from what it should be,how well something is made is long gone its bought from the cheapest supplier, by companys who are privatly owned by those wanting to make a killing,not a living,where did the tomorrows world of the seventys TV go.Energy companies making record profits while the general population struggle to pay the bills, makes one wonder how much they are feeding the partys in Westminster.How many of the meters fitted now will do the lifespan of the old ones,non,every five years or so needing replacement or reprogram.
  23. Cracking pictures John,spooky you get 66521, theres film of these coming off the boat at Newport on you tube but i think 521 must be edited out.or the batch must have split around them sailing.
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