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Everything posted by ERIC ALLTORQUE

  1. So you want Jethro on the sound files,sounds good EM1 or EM2
  2. https://www.spacex.com/launches/mission/?missionId=starship-flight-test Its now targeted for 20th as they need to top up the tank farm to replace the lost fuels, and fix the valve that caused scrub.
  3. There next years April first exclusive reveal......its a beauty,the panoramic perscription windscreen must have great views:} Have you fitted a driver and if so does he hiccup a lot................just a little short comment from you i see young fella,your school essays must have been a treat.....:}
  4. Well the ship has been restacked on booster after the destruct system arming,lets hope all is good for a Monday launch.
  5. Yes in the 60,s and 70,s they were there to work and pulling ore to Consett had them and everything else hacky very quickly,the loss of the steam in late sixtys had a lot of dislike toward the early diesel days,they were rusty and dirty more than shiny and loved.
  6. Its ready for Australian you tube, its the latest smart phone update....
  7. We have the FAA approval to fly,Monday is on for full stack launch........
  8. Definitely a sound investment........
  9. You can click on the right bottom corner of their website and live chat with them during working hours or leave them a message.Im sure they will bend over backwards to help resolve this
  10. Well i can now triple head my chaldron pack........they look superb.
  11. Champion,thanks for the update,is there any sign of when the production models are due or is that still unknown,lovely job that they are.
  12. As i need more space for Accurascales models...................
  13. What a week we should have next week,we see Elons orbital launch of ship and booster and the first three of my 37,s......can it get any better.
  14. If you only have the bottom left thats some injury,what you writing with......
  15. Well i can understand the company account as anyone of there team can take and answer the questions and its not just Fran or McC taking the flak and ricocheting dummys at times.
  16. Is this layout in the customs office, no wonder it takes ages to get through if they have this to play with...........
  17. In a rush then,will be light headed at that kind of pace.
  18. Elon and Spacex both tweeting conformation of third week of April.
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