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Everything posted by ERIC ALLTORQUE

  1. Apparently you need three to model a test train................
  2. Well they have made a start,this will take a bit to sort but i am sure they will get to a solution as quick as possible to get on with flight tests. The next one has no HPU for thrust vectoring so if they get a full spread of raptors should be a better flight and ship 26 is just a stainless bullet to look at so no re entry planed.
  3. Check out Andromeda,its heading straight for us.
  4. It caused the loss,we learn from failure and get complacent with success,without the space program we would not know as much about our planet or the enviromental issues we face. The planet does not need saving,its had far worse in the 4.5 billion years its been here,its mankinds future or we die out on the planet.
  5. The lifting ability is what we are needing and powered flight in space,planes have thrust measured in thousands of pounds,rocket engines have thrust measured in tons,this booster had 7.5 thousand tons of lifting force,it weighed 5 thousand tons on lift off,it has a payload of 150 tons to orbit.
  6. Good grief,look at the lumps flying out just after lift off
  7. 66160 empty on the run in to Boulby mine 18/04/23
  8. 66095 lugging loaded potash out past cliffs at Boulby 18/04/23
  9. The issue with this now is how do they make the launch table usable as the boosters and ships will start to stack up. the next booster will have the electric enging gimbal and i guess the hydraulic system was a probable cause of loss of flight control on this launch with the HPU,s being damaged again by concrete flying,the huge flare of yellow and black smoke of it being not long after launch. This will take a rethink and time to sort the solution
  10. June eh,could be a sign......... Greaves Wonderful Railway, Thought @McC was testing the countdown clock or Rachel Riley was there next employee....
  11. Thursday it was Spacex and now this countdown.............stroll on
  12. I would have thought being able to stop the thing was high on the list for a pleasant driving experience so why put it so high on the list,the lower function number surely make more sence for go and stop and put the play factor stuff higher numbers........
  13. That will be the one where the drivers out thrashing it with a bush shouting start you vicious barsteward.........
  14. Probably hired by the local authority to test the air quality monitoring system.......
  15. Its the cause of the failure,look at the damage but with nearly 17000000 lbs of thrust its a no brain thing that it needs water suppression,and lots of it,that is why i guess the tower at the cape has stopped build i would say until they seen how this barmy set up worked.
  16. It is to certain extent,they are paving the way to Mars,Musk is the man who has promised to do it,better we do this than develope more powerful weapons or build up more military might with money and earths resorces,i guess theres Lithium on Mars.
  17. Elon Musk @elonmusk All systems currently green for launch
  18. Now theres dedication,going to get the sound decoders from ESU personally..........stop moaning you lot.
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