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Everything posted by ERIC ALLTORQUE

  1. Perhaps thats what they are testing leaving the unused ones outside......
  2. At least if they get these out the way it will clear the production for some decent sheds bit Canadian and American power,ying ying ying..........:}
  3. The pricing on some of this stuff now is just getting silly, the fact that the RRP is discounted by the suppliers makes it pointless and they must have given up trying to keep anywhere in line with competition.Horses for courses i guess.
  4. Outside as well rotting away.......i would think the weather on 25kv equipment does nothing for it either,we have these and dont use them and commission new electric traction,nothing adds up these days.
  5. Sorted,no need to thank me, shy boys get nothing :}
  6. If we all ask i guess our mates will help us out with stocks at Accuraspares,if they are common to all the sound models.
  7. Bart has not run for years or i guess it would be more popular.
  8. Just a note,if you want to use your credits to buy a loco,get your code and use it as you pre order as once you pre order it will not accept the discount code if you go to pay for it after you have put it on pre order,just had an order one buy two to use the code........not to worry.
  9. Tonights Falcon Heavy launch.no recovery of core or boosters. Weathers looking good tonight for it.
  10. All of this is new stuff,your confusing raptor full flow staged combustion cycle with the current merlin off falcon and falcon heavy, which are clock reliable but open cycle engines. Hes under no pressure,Spacex is the major NASA ride to orbit for them and the US military space force.
  11. Elon has said three were shut off,any outer ring raptor cannot be started off the pad as only the centre ones have restart in flight.
  12. Its far from anything that anyone will be riding for a long time yet,all the starship and booster program is development items until its clock reliable like falcon and falcon heavy,its not a danger as the are is cleared for miles,as far as the engines on lift off the three missing were cut off by spacex,not by flying fondag,it was a big success as far as a first flight the way it was tumbling 360 and not failing doing just that.
  13. Rolling road,im building baseboards for the loft at the moment.
  14. ive ran it for hours,sounds like the power units thrown a rod......
  15. Should of just had it going ying ying and got yourself suspended :}
  16. Sunday announcements,what next for us God fearing folk,all the knowledge of building the current coaches going into these,no doubt will be top notch for the home market as with everything they make.If it could not wait makes one wonder whats on tomorrow as its May then.....hmmm.
  17. Will be interesting to see how bogies are done on the redesign but if longer axles are used at worst it would be moving the wheel out on the axle, the Hattons ones are a nightmare to put longer axles in and reasemble but with patience is possible at 00 and could then move them out with care i guess. The origional axle the wheels right on the end for ease of assembly.
  18. Should have a wi fi function on the chips to send sound to headphones and when the frillys annoyed spitting flame and making ones ears bleed , just smile, switch off and listen to the tractor of choice,it could be a medical breakthrough.
  19. Had my number 9 on rolling road other night and its got a bad knocking of one of the bogies,i will wait for the outcome of this to see what Rails do,typically i got a 002 from NRM Shildon as they had one and i was there and it runs smooth as silk.
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