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  1. Cheers Neil, lots of good information there, thank you 👍
  2. Only in the real world…. In manufacturing la la land you need to add another 11months, 30 days, 23 hrs & 59 minutes to your 3.5 months and they’ll still be calling it “Autumn 25” 🫣
  3. Obviously without a spacer it’s 36mm for Peco Streamline, 43mm for “Standard” (Tillig/Hornby and future Peco set-track) but using Peco’s new set track short straight between Streamline medium points it pushes the track centre spacing out to nearly 48mm (I only roughly measured it though)
  4. So my video reviewing the new set track production samples has been up now since 4pm yesterday and although it’s attracting plenty of views, there’s been almost no comments or discussion about wether people think this set track is a good/bad idea etc. Anyone on here got any thoughts? My personal view was initially that bringing out set track was a waste of Peco’s time, and that I wished this announcement was for more Streamline specialist point work or concrete sleeper flexi. However, after actually using it, I was impressed with actually how well it performed. As a “Streamliner” I think the r2 could well be a good compliment to Streamline as getting the code 55 flexi to join sweetly on 180 curves is always a testing task. Also if they do bring out 3 & 4 I’ll definitely be looking at using it for a helix. The only thing that I think might have been better to do would have been to launch this as a starter set? But then Steve Haynes did say that’s likely to be next on the list.
  5. @Porfuera I’m interested to know how did you get on with these? Now that there seems like no further Streamline offerings on the immediate horizon from Peco, (certainly not until 2025) I’m considering totally re-thinking my big layout plan and using Tillig instead.
  6. I received the production samples direct from Steve yesterday. Video review will be up on my channel later this afternoon. i must say I’m pleased to report the tooling looks just as good as the Streamline and the geometry is spot on. And of course, super smooth.
  7. Although obviously being a fan of Peco track, I’m not so sure that Hornbys track is entirely to blame for all of the issues some newbie’s or returning modeller’s have had with derailment. I think a lot of those issues could be firmly attributed to the bogies on the A1/3/4 having a combination of poor back to back axles, poor assembly of the mount & poor placement (in the factory) of details such as the steps on the A3’s. With these sorted, I’ve had no problems. Also, for example, there was one chap who complained & complained all over social media about these issues and eventually gave up, selling his layout and stock to Malc’s models where upon inspection his layout showed the most poorly laid track I’ve ever seen (such as shoehorning different radius within one 180 degree curve with gaps up to 4mm apart! Nothing could successfully run on that track let alone a long chassis with a delicate bogie.
  8. My Peco track wish list; Concrete sleeper flexi R3 & R4 (for easy Helix building if nothing else) Double slip Y point curved points Turntable long enough for a Duchess 👸 (Although I fancy @Westhillwagonworks might beat them to that 😉)
  9. I see in this months Railway Modeller that Peco have announced some more TT120 Code 55 set track to compliment their points & crossover (and of course flexi) Great to see this and although only 310mm/R2 plus some straights, I do hope this is a sign of more things to come. I’m personally hoping R3 & R4 will soon follow (I want them for use in a helix) and of course slips & curved points would really help with small layout builds. Cheers Peco!
  10. I’m pretty sure that West Hill Wagon Works have noted a gap in the TT120 turntable market, if they do get around to designing one, it’s likely to fit the various kits (motor operated or hand cranked) available currently for Peco’s N/HOm version (which is just that little bit too short for a Pacific + tender wheelbase)
  11. @MartinRS the Duchess’s do come with an optional front coupling supplied in the goodie bag. It simply bolts onto the underside of the boggie truck.
  12. @MartinRS & @47606odin you both make interesting points. Although out of all the manufacturers I’ve spoken to Bachmann have been the most insistent that they have absolutely zero plans for TT120. How the sales of Malc’s models Scenecraft commission affects that I have no idea 🤷🏻‍♂️ As for the 03, lovely idea, although one consideration GF will likely be aware of is the fact that the vast majority of newbies into this scale are using Hornby’s HM7000 decoders and until the slimmer 6pin arrives they won’t know if it’ll fit..
  13. Totally agree @britishcolumbian in the past 48hrs I’ve noticed a marked increase in views from Europe and several German & Hungarian subscribers. I’m not surprised, as the quality of Revolutions models far surpasses mainland Europe models at a similar price bracket. & before I get jumped on, yes I know there are quality manufacturers in mainland Europe, but their pricing can be considerably higher in comparison to the UK market.
  14. Hello @Keith Addenbrooke slow progress on my own “Camelot” … I could probably do with less mucking about on YouTube! 🫣
  15. Anyone talking about this? * Sales of TT:120 have exceeded £2.8m in a little over 18 months. *The Scotsman set is officially the largest earner in trainset terms from the entire Hornby Catalogue * Over 4000 TT:120 train sets sold * 8000 additional TT:120 locomotives sold * 30,000 additional coaches & wagons sold Pretty sure these figures won’t have included sales of the era7 & 11 HSTs, the Class 50s, the Duchesses, the MK 2fs & Mk3’s, or the MGRs & 21 Ton wagons
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