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Posts posted by 50025

  1. My 2bs have arrived . Wow! Lighting looks great on them. Detail is amazing. Coupling options are fantastic.


    Really sets the standard for all future coaches. It shows what can be done with care, attention and a focus on getting things right.

    I went for blue/ grey, to remind me of excursions I used to go on with my dad. Absolutely thrilled.


    Cant wait for my 50s to arrive to pull them.


    Thankyou accurascale.

    • Like 2
  2. I remember seeing 58002 at Birmingham New Street just after she had entered service . Lovely machines. Sad that most lying in bits now on the continent 😢


    Not 002 in the pic, but still brings back memories 


    • Like 3
  3. 17 hours ago, Covkid said:


    What you need is a beat up class 31, as used extensively for ballast work in the West Midlands back in the day.

    There is more than one manufacturer of class 31s, but I have an order with Accurascale  !!!  




    Not sure if this link will work but here is a Flickr image of a West Midlands electrification train of the type the "special" wagon was used in.

    The Flickr user is Richard Norris and the caption reads

    A nice colourful image in fine evening light.....31119 (D5537) +31101 (D5518) Northfield OTP Depot-Lichfield City via Burton on Trent electrification train Saltley 12 June 1991

    A nice colourful image in fine evening light.....31119 (D5537) +31101 (D5518) Northfield OTP Depot-Lichfield City via Burton on Trent electrification train Saltley 12 June 1991





    I needed an excuse to buy an accurascale 31. Thank you! 👍👍

  4. I hope that eventually we get the ‘deltic treatment’ with one of each number (although my wife would disagree!


    . I’ve always fancied a model of 50001. From memory I think it was one of the last models Lima brought out, around the time when the real thing was part of ‘operation Collingwood’


    50019 in its departmental blue would be other one on my wish list! 


    In fact thinking of my own 50 wish list top 5 (taking into account that I’ve ordered what’s available ;) I’d say:


    50025 large logo (favourite, see profile pic)


    50003 revised NSE (last one I saw in service)


    50019 departmental blue


    50001 br blue


    D400 latter day rail tour livery

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  5. Does anybody know what the deal is with  the LMS 10000? I missed out the Tails exclusive LMS livery. Do we know if there are any plans to make these available generally?


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  6. I used to love seeing Class 50s on the Paddington to Birmingham New Street service. Living in Solihull, it was unusual to get a train into New Street as neatly all headed to Moor Street.


    I remember on Thursday nights catching the 1953 from Olton station into New Street. For some reason it was usually 50042.


    Happy times.



    • Like 14
  7. 29 minutes ago, No Decorum said:

    I’d go for any of those except the 40; I’m happy enough with what I’ve got. As for the elecrics, see my signature! Curiously, of the six steamers I was thinking of, only one is duplicated on your list. It shows just how much there is left to go for. Only six in the pipeline? What a shame!

    All look good. Living in Exeter though I’d love one of these beasts.


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