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Everything posted by Sjcm

  1. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Well yeah, if it's something you can't get elsewhere then you pay your money and take your choice. I've paid 7 pounds postage on a 3.50 small parcel before because I wanted the item, but I'm not sure I'd pay 17.50 which is his markup % wise on small items. Just strikes me as particularly cynical on his part that he thinks people won't notice because of the lower overall cost
  2. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Just a bit of sarcasm.😉
  3. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    I don't mind sellers covering their costs and making a markup but 400% on postage is a bit much. It's not like he sends out the stuff with incredibly sturdy packaging as it is. The problem is spares are the base inflation on Ebay and why a complete 2nd hand loco goes for a 10 pounds more because no-one wants to pay 20 pounds for a buffer and a missing coupling so this kind of selling will eventually effect everyone. The trouble is people don't look half the time because he's become the go-to to get parts when the reality from my experience is he's very expensive. I paid 6 pounds including postage for 4 large sheets of transfers including numbers and linings the other night, and he's selling 3 cabside numbers for more than that?😂
  4. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Like to give a shout-out to Peterspares who seem to be taking part in the ebay postage scam. 1 sheet of transfers? 5 pounds postage to you mate. How are they sending this stuff out? Same day delivery? But look at his listings and larger stuff is 2.50?! He's been getting progressively worse to the point I won't use him anymore and try to use his rivals.
  5. Funny but the junk dealers are probably my favourite type of sellers on Ebay. For one you know they have no real knowledge of the stuff so non-runners are unlikely to have even been tested properly while the knowledgeable sellers could be trying to palm off a load of non running wrecks. The other thing is they just want to move the stuff on asap as long as they make their profit. I got a joblot the last week for 60 pounds for 7 locos. Now individually at the bare minimum, they were worth 90 pounds, if the auction went to the end probably over a 100 given the mental prices things are going for, but he just wanted them shifted at a profit so a best offer secured them.👍
  6. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    I received some feedback yesterday, positive, all ok, good service etc.. presumed it was something I sold ages ago and they had only now got round to adding feedback (happens a lot). Just checked and it's something I bought off him😂 must have got confused.
  7. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    I was thinking two Triang jinty chassis' araldited together, just the one cab and then glueing 3 boilers together. Call it Fowlers prototype heavy shunting loco and Bob's your uncle. Licence to print money😂
  8. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    I'll take your word for it though I'm struggling to work out who would want a non-powered version. Good luck to him as it's currently at 45 pounds😲, although this one took the biscuit for me. 40 pounds for a poorly painted cut 'n shut coach? I wish I could find these sort of buyers. *digs out two jinty bodies to glue together* https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Triang-Grey-Blue-Pullman-Kitchen-Car-Centre-Coach-Hybrid-R556-R426-Boxed/255978165745?pageci=86f998c4-eb58-47ea-ad76-c1d9a4e82947&redirect=mobile
  9. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    I like the fact he states in the description he's not making another one and then photographs it with another one in the background *facepalm*
  10. Same here. Even if you think the space issue is a major selling point (I dont) then it will fail for the same reason the original tt did - lack of models. It's obviously not aimed at kids given the price, so the serious modeller then. So what serious modeller can make a layout out of a couple of LNER A3/A4's? LMS you have a pacific, a HST? GWR and Southern fans are out of luck. And other non-express loco's?. And wagons and coaches? Modern image is the best catered for but even then it's thin on the ground and the whole range seems to be trying to cover 100 years of railways 😂I'm sure they will bring out more models but common sense says they can't have a gigantic catalogue of models so unless all the other manufacturers jump on the bandwagon it's doomed because over the years you can get literally anything in OO and even N. If you look at any market like this ,video games, music formats, video formats it's not necessarily the best system that succeeds, but the one that's supported most, and to me TT will go the way of Betamax or Laser discs because of that.
  11. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    He's been offering all manner of cut'n shut models for a while all based on the blue pullman. He's single-handledly put a tenner on the price of them as people bid to protect them from his clutches😂
  12. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Looks like the penny black for Lima collectors. Could be worth watching... *opens popcorn*
  13. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Even more old motor madness. 135 currently for 16 working-ish motors. Only ones I can see worth a bit is the Graham farish tender job, the small type Triang motor and possibly the modern can motor thing. Dealers are bidding so if you think they're expensive now wait for them to be relisted😉 L@@K!
  14. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Believe it or not that thing has a DCC socket😂 think they may have been "helped" by Bachmann.
  15. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Trouble is, if no-one buys them then Rocket Railways will and stick them on for 50 pounds each. Is this the same Rocket Railways who appear on my YouTube feed telling me how an old Lima Class 47 or a Bachmann split chassis pannier tank is a 50 pound bargain?!
  16. Yes, I often offer combined postage to UK buyers but as far as I know you can't do that on GSP because you're affecting Ebay's profiteering😉
  17. Buying on GSP i'd totally agree. The mark up is huge, and I was pretty hesitant to start using it selling, but if it's something a buyer wants like an old part they have no chance of getting in their country then even the mark-up seems good value faced with never getting it. If you're the only seller prepared to send it abroad then they're more grateful if anything. I don't list all my stuff with gsp ( usually anything that will go for more than 20 pounds) but if an overseas buyer contacts me personally then I will send it myself and risk it.
  18. Well yeah but a lot of private sellers won't sell abroad full stop so if you really want the item... I used to send out loads of stuff abroad myself and never had a problem but from a seller's perspective getting it safely to a UK location and then safe delivery onwards becomes Ebay's problem is far better. I can still switch GSP off and send it myself but I believe some sellers don't have that option so claiming its in Australia would get round that nicely
  19. I presume the seller wasn't using Ebay's GSP? That in itself is a red flag as any seller worth his salt would rather shift the responsibility for delivery onto Ebay. To be honest it sounds like a scam to get round that with the iffy location of the item
  20. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    It's got me thinking though... I wonder if I'd fall foul of eBay if I offered 12 months extended warranty on all Triang Princesses? Say 85 pounds for 12 months mechanical cover for parts. I could call it Jinty Insurance😉
  21. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Now on first appearances, this looks hideously overpriced, but then you realise it's got an 8 week warranty included and it all makes sense👍. Peace of mind that all parts and labour for repairs are covered and you don't have to pay a tenner for another one. Bargain
  22. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Kit built or scratch?
  23. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    If it's 00 scale with hand painted eggs, name your price. 😉
  24. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    Got an offer for the duff King Arthur with the wrecked connecting rods now😂. I'm getting a bit paranoid that EBay think I'm their main purchaser of tat. Cheap tat, guilty as charged but I draw the line at high priced tat (unless it's a hand-crafted birdsnest)
  25. Sjcm

    EBay madness

    I must have accidentally put it on my watch list. He's just sent me an offer for 97.89! If anyone wants it at the new bargain price let me know.
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