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Everything posted by JackB95

  1. Whilst I still need to put cantrail stripes and small details on, and paint the seats to get rid of that awful red colour, here's what I've come up with! Run the model for the first time since buying it, which was over 4 years ago... oops! It was originally sold to me with a sound chip, but I swapped the chassis round with 143609 which was at least in a 'ready to run' state. I've put a Trainomatic chip in 602 (and to my surprise, found a Hattons chip already in! That'll be pinched for guest stock that has no chips...) and it's great to see it whizzing around. Need a proper layout session given I've been too bogged down with house renovations and other shat. But at least it's now actually doing something! And I think it looks ace.
  2. Unfortunately RMweb had some server issues and as a result lost a lot of files. Most of us have had to re-upload these pictures, and I suspect he's yet to get round to that. More info here -
  3. Christ, has it seriously been 7 months since my last update? Oops! Well here's a small update. The second ATW 143 that's been stored since acquiring it (unfinished project bought from Dicky of Chesborough North) has finally made it onto the workbench given the surprise announcement and subsequent release of this livery from EFE/Bachmann. The model was needing transfers and assembly to finish, but I didn't fancy using Precision's products given their fragility. However, someone on the ATW TfW modelling group on Facebook mentioned that 143602 ran around with just numbers for half the year! So, that's that then... That was easy! Just cantrail stripes and small details like buttons and warning stickers to officially complete. I've done the black windscreen surrounding myself which is why it looks wet and rough. Onwards and upwards
  4. The loft has been stuffed full of all sorts recently whilst I've had the house rewired. As a result, zero modelling has been done. HOWEVER. I've finally had the chance to make a start building the 1970s office for the depot. It's a lovely kit made by ATD Models and sold additionally West Hill Wagon Works. Instructions are clear and rather Metcalfe-esque too. The card is thin unlike Metcalfe, but it goes really nicely together and before too long, I ended up with this Only three of the four sides have been made, and whilst there's a bit of finishing off to be done such as blackening out the windows, and fitting some form of roofing, they're effectively done! Really love the look and feel this building gives, and I feel it ties the scene in really well. My next modelling project is to get my resprayed 143 (later ATW livery that's never run before) numbered up, so will throw that onto the workbench thread when it's done. Thanks!
  5. *everyone watching announcement* HOWEVER. I did NOT expect them to have done a deal and buy the Hattons tooling. It didn't even dawn on me that they've effectively discontinued their range after one batch, so I doff my hat to Accura for doing a deal and bringing the model into the same standards as their 55/92 etc. Well done Acccurascale - that's a really nice surprise (to me anyway).
  6. What about a new 37? We've not had a new one announced this year yet... 🤪🤣
  7. Wow, that's gorgeous! Hornby be like 👁👄👁 Well done Cavalex - can't wait to see how this progresses.
  8. All Peco streamline pointwork with nothing tighter than 2nd radius for me
  9. Interesting. Hopefully my DT that's currently with your warranty team is an easy fix then 😉
  10. My 143 stopped moving suddenly. Quick investigation found a motor wire had come off in the coupling. A re-solder job was done and back up and running. Don't know how long that'll last given the wiring was quite tight.
  11. Chandler at Track3D has produced a couple of pieces that may be of interest to those in here (I'm simply sharing this as a satisfied customer - there are no ties with the business). Firstly, for those with the Midland Pullman set, he's created these pre-painted horn grills to correct the ones that Hornby put on the production model. Available in painted (well colour-matched) or unpainted here And for the MML/EMT modellers who've been forgotten about with the oOo oOo style headlights, your dreams are now answered with this 3D printed LED kit. Can be simply swapped in and wired up. Optional night headlights and crisper horn grills also available here
  12. Oh I LOVE that. Like you say, modern platforms like this are so rarely modelled. If I wasn't modelling an older station myself, I'd have a go at a newer structure. Fantastic.
  13. Some of mine on the DT were a tad wide to gauge. Had to fiddle about with them carefully to get them to work alright on my code 75 rails. Just be careful doing it as the plastic axle ends may pop off, and/or the axles may bend as they're quite thin.
  14. I've used Hunt Elite's Mk3SD / Mk4 couplings for the Hornby coaches. They're the normal Elite couplings, but have guide horns on them which massively aid pushing without derailing.
  15. First time I've heard it referred to as blue. Guess it's a blueish silver. Gorgeous work as always!
  16. Don't set me off 🤣 I tried to resist commenting about that to avoid coming across as a prolific moaner haha. But yes, why the weathering?!
  17. Exactly the same question I came here to ask also... Very interesting if so.
  18. YES 👏🏻 Bachmann 👏🏻 THANK 👏🏻 YOU 👏🏻 FOR 👏🏻 THIS Arriva 158 is a very very welcome addition. Pre-order already in 🤣
  19. Well, who was expecting the EFE 143? I wasn't! Not for me given I've got two RT models already, especially as one is already in the later ATW colours (I really need to finish putting it together...). Looking forward to see how they turn out. The ATW 158 is a massive win for us Welsh modern modellers. I guess someone got fed up of me begging on here haha. Colas 37 looks stunning also ❤️
  20. @Legendmy back to backs were slightly out on the DT. Bit too wide, so with a careful hand, managed to push them back enough to sit on the rails okay. Be careful though, as the axles are a tad fragile.
  21. Doesn't it just! Accurascale have done themselves so proud with these. I've not got anything of theirs on pre-order, but I'm going to keep a close eye on their second 37 batch as I'm quite fond of the idea of a 37/6 in DRS livery. After all, they frequented on the Valley flasks a lot... The other day, West Hill Wagon Works announced a ton of new products to their website, including this rather smart looking 1970s office block which has been made by ATD Models (never heard of them until now). I found the instruction book on their website and it shows the model is capable of being a very low relief building which would, I think, suit the far end of the depot against the 2ft-wide backscene. Three of the building sides put end on end would create a structure about 1'10" long, perfect to effectively span the full width. It'd be a rather nice depot admin block/messroom etc. I know I've got the big portacabin structure too, but that can still add to the scene. Keeping on topic of backscenes, Metcalfe dropped a big hint at an upcoming product on their socials last year... My thought process behind this rather impressive warehouse structure is to to displace the modern warehouses further down the layout towards the depot given they're much flatter, and put this in their place by the headshunt. I may have to built it a bit flatter if they're as 'low relief' as they are here pictured, but that'll be no problem. Rather quite like the idea of it! Hopefully it'll be red brick or something to that effect. Metcalfe also released this prototype picture of a new Low Relief Old Hall, perfect for my Conwy scene... ... of which I propose something like this... Not to scale, and very much dependant on how everything fits together... But you get the idea! It's heavily based on the real thing, with a one way street and a car park, and some buildings. The overbridge is on the right, with the classic castle arch on the left at an angle. Shall see how it all works! I think I'll raise the baseboard height a bit here as the car park is level at the platform.
  22. My mate who signs the traction said "They autosand so traction and brake when it thinks you are slipping, so whenever it's wet as they are like Bambi on ice in the damp and whenever you press the manual button on the desk it will stick some down as well. Only work when driven from the DT though"
  23. First post of the year, and what a way to kick off 2023... THE ACCURASCALE MK5A NOVA 3 COACHES ARE HERE 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Friday saw the arrival of the highly anticipated Accurascale coaches, and what a flipping beauty they are. The DT was a tad troublesome with going round my super elevation, but the axles were soon regauged within better tolerances. I also loosened the bogies slightly to help as well. I've fitted the DT with a Trainomatic decoder, and the whole train works PERFECTLY in both push and pull modes. The colour match between the Daool 68 was always a question that cropped up, and Accurascale smashed it. The purple is a tad different but not noticeable if the loco is at the normal end. I'm yet to fit Liverpool destinations given they're more suited to my region. Cheers
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