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Everything posted by 30368

  1. What and excellent thread this is! Some really wonderful model loco's to a very high standard. I am particularly interested in the N15X, is it now finished? I have started an ACE products N15X and have put it to one side to indulge my H15 and SR 0-6-0 tender locomotive obsessions. I model the BR period up to mid 1960's. The N15X (and if I recall, the Maunsell Moguls) all had the return crank set in a leading position compared to TDC? Most loco's were set in a trailing position. Can anyone enlighten on this variation? Keep up the good work. Kind regards, Richard B
  2. Micro Kristal Klear - which is a white thick liquid works well where the window is fairly small - circular cab spectacles for example. It doesn't look good when first applied but dries to a clear finish. For anything larger I use that clear plastic that seems to cover everything now days - the type that usually stops you opening the package without a real struggle! It can be cut with sharp scissors and filed to shape. Kind regards Richard B
  3. Many thanks Daddyman - have checked alignment between NBR chassis and PDK footplate mounting holes and all fine and as you suggest I have gone for a similar motor mount as you. Yes, I think the NBR chassis was designed to fit an old GEM kit of the J36. Once again thanks for the help, Richard B
  4. Hi, As promised, now that H15 30491 is finished its on the the J36 for my friends at The Bentley Model Railway Group. Some progress with the frames - I have used the excellent fret produced by NBR Developments which were supplied by BMRG. Firebox grate and ashpan fret soldered in place and guard irons likewise. Note that unusually NBR use small machined "plugs" which fit into holes in the frame to locate the brake arms rather than just a hole. Trusty old "Poppy" frame jig doing its job. Frame spacers soldered in jig. First two frame spacers soldered in place. Kind regards, Richard B
  5. Visited Trainwest yesterday and really enjoyed the exhibition. Particularly enjoyed meeting Mrs Judith Edge and Mr Edge who spent time chatting about the Great Central and the Herculaneum Dock set up. Purchased a Judith Edge fret for a 4mm B9 4-6-0. I have no idea how I can justify this loco ending up on 70D, perhaps a cross country special from Immingham around 1948 or similar?! Thanks to all for all of your hard work, particularly the Bentley Model Railway Group. Kind regards, Richard B
  6. Like many SR modellers I have found this blog inspirational and motivating. The original work by Tim H was of a very highest order. I wish you well in reworking the original concept. I note that you have no stock etc. I have an abundance of suitable loco's and stock and (at the moment) nowhere to run them. I have no idea of your location or how these things work (fairly new to this hobby) but give me a shout if I can help. Kind regards, Richard B
  7. Hi, Enjoyed TrainWest yesterday, well worth a visit. 30491 is more or less finished, I will probably weather it slightly and then polish it up a bit. I am trying for an ex - works look + a few weeks. As mentioned, I will now progress the Bentley Model Railway Group's J36 Kit (PDK) and chassis kit by North British Developments. Will return to 491's tender and 30333 new chassis in a few months. I really must clean back and re-paint firebox on this side! Kind regards, Richard B
  8. Arthur, Great to see another small scale supplier of the ground with a great range of kits for the NER modeller. Our hobby relies on small suppliers like yourself so good luck and please keep up the good work. I would buy a kit or two (Spent some time in the early 1960s trailing around NE sheds looking for those Q6/7s, B16s and J27, they must have been good to survive until 1967) but I model Southern stuff, mainly ex LSWR. Might just buy a Raven pacific though!! Something for the future perhaps. Kind regards, Richard B
  9. Hi, Just need to fix the buffer beam (in paint), lamp irons and Vacuum and steam heat pipes and the 30491 is complete. Not too bad, the camera does find every blemish! I will build the tender after I have completed the J36 for The Bentley Model Railway Group.
  10. Hi, Now painting and lining 491, doesn't look too bad. Will take some pictures and provide another update when completed. Off to Train West this weekend, annual exhibition at Corsham Wiltshire. http://www.trainwest.org.uk/ Kind regards, Richard B
  11. Hi, Final stages of building 491's body and have completed all the modifications to the chassis that was fitted to 30333. Cab details. Drivers side of 491. A minor point noted whilst building, the reverser lever for 491 is a little higher than standard to clear extended firebox mountings unique to this engine. When I have completed 491 I will take a break from my H15 obsession and make a start on a PDK J36 kit that I am building for a local model railway club. Kind regards, Richard B
  12. Many thanks Jeremy. Very helpful. I am finishing off my H15 project at present but will shortly make a start on the J36. 50 or 60:1 seems the right ratio for these small freight loco's. I have done some research and like you, will fit the motor into the boiler and probably drive the trailing wheel. Kind regards Richard B
  13. Hello, Great website that also indulges in motor sport too! My first Grand Prix was 1967 British to watch Jim Clark sail away from the field. Been a few changes since then! Is Billy Monger the chap who is in the commentary team at Sky and behaves a bit like a 12 year old? Unfortunately I had to buy a Now TV ticket to watch F1 this year given the decision to stop free to view. I do find it difficult to listen to the commentary and interviews, it is often so inane. The sport I have loved for many years has one year to convince me that it is still worth watching. If not I will move to Sportscars which I have fond memories of - Le Mans - BOAC 500 1967 and many Porsche - Ferrari battles - the 917 and the 512 (M not the S) were fabulous machines to watch and listen to. Like the idea of a hypercar series? Being a suspicious old devil I have fears that whilst there are clear differences between current F1 cars in terms of performance I have the feeling that having one tyre supplier is the deciding factor - variations in compounds (although notionally the tyres have the same coloured stripe) during the season help to explain the fairly wide variations in front running teams performance from race to race. I felt it is perhaps better to have at least two tyre suppliers? Soon be Bahrain GP, hoping for a Ferrari 1-2. Kind regards, Richard B
  14. Quick update in between watching practice for weekend's F1 race and Brexit vote (sorry). First few coat's of paint on 491. Probably over the hump now, should not take too long to complete then on to the tender. Kind regards, Richard B
  15. So you can't be artistic and an engineer and the reverse? What about Bunuel ? Look at what he did for the Great Western and Surrealism. Come on chaps free your mind.
  16. Thanks N15 for the Brazilian update, interesting range of track gauges, Irish 5ft interesting. A quick update with 30491: Body moving ahead and fits chassis well. Camera is so cruel - my eyesight is not what it was so more wet and dry work required! Richard B
  17. MAF Thanks for the link, Jacques Brel very influential in the 1960s and beyond. Whilst my musical taste has expanded greatly since the 1960s I was not aware of this connection, so thanks. As for me improving Jacques Brel's accessibility to a wider audience, I'm not sure the fitters and fitters mates listening to me would have agreed. Sounds just awful in Sidney!, keep your head down and the insect repellent handy! Kind regards, Richard B
  18. Hi, Six or seven years ago I asked PDK to build me a Urie H15 and the result was first class - very impressive work. It certainly inspired me to build loco kits and right up to the scratch build level. I continue to build their excellent kits. They have a vast range and, as far as I am aware, still offer a build service. http://www.pdkmodels.co.uk Not sure my poor picture does the model justice. Kind regards, Richard B
  19. Agree, Scott Walker had a great deal of talent and a fine voice. A sad loss. I well remember during my apprenticeship all those years ago being in the inspection pits at Eastleigh Diesel Depot baring over a CP 171 traction motor on a Crompton type three to clean up the commutator. It was very cold and very dark., so singing my head of with my version of "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore" - seemed just right - it sounded very good to my ears if not my colleagues! Richard B
  20. Jeff and Jason, Many thanks for all the useful information and Jeff, Scunthorpe is a bit rough but I always thought the Goole was worse. Sorry all you Goolites just a bit of fun. At least you don't have the recent problems suffered by Salisbury! From the research done so far a two stage gearbox is possible. I will look at the GEM build too. Thanks very much, Richard B
  21. I have been asked to build (I shall not be charging) a 4mm kit of the exNBR/exLNER J36 locomotive for a Model Railway Club over in Calne Wilts. The club have a truly excellent Layout of the West Highland Line (Can be seen at TrainWest 2019 13/14th April at Springfield Community Campus, Corsham, SN13 9DN, I recommend a visit!) I Know Hornby make an excellent model of the prototype but the kit has been lying around for some time and its owner and club member, intended to build it but unfortunately mortality caught up with him. I hope I can make a good job for the club who much revere the gentlemen and in my case before mortality gets me! It is a PDK kit and also has an alternative chassis kit made by NBR 4mm Developments someone I have never come across before but the quality looks high. Has anyone out there built the PDK kit? If so I would welcome some advice on the following: 1. The J36 boiler is fairly small however I would like to fit a two stage gearbox if possible, any preferences? 2. What motor would you recommend? 3. Info on the prototype - I visited Dalry Road depot in Edinburgh back in 1963 and recall a named J36, I think it was Maud? Does anyone have allocation info on Dalry Road in 1963/4? Many thanks, there is no rush, I have 2 SR H15 4-6-0s to complete before I make a start.
  22. Hi Peter, Yes, the Urie and Maunsell taper boilers were interchangeable and in both cases the small taper is on the first boiler section adjacent to the smokebox. Urie S15 in 7mm must be a fine looking beast? One of my first projects was a Urie S15 from DJH. Model of the last one I saw working 30499, which, has survived. Do you also model Brazilian prototypes? Thanks for your interest. Kind regards, Richard B
  23. Really enjoying your account. Admirable work and what a fine prototype. Make sure those conjugated valve gear bushes are spot on! The very best of luck and I look forward to following your progress. I recall building an LBSCR "Nellie" (3.5 inch gauge) back in 1964-9 when I was an apprentice at Eastleigh Model Engineering Club which was "Underneath the Arches" of Campbell Road road bridge. I left it there when I moved on and have no idea what happened to it. During 1963/4 many apprentices helped to build the 5 inch gauge C2X 0-6-0. I seem to remember making some of the Stephenson's valve gear - die blocks etc. Ran into that model in 2003/4 when Eastleigh were refurbishing some of our A.C. EMU's. Tried to buy it but no go, wonder what happened to that? Kind regards, Richard B
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