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Everything posted by 30368

  1. I am sure there are many more modellers with more experience of flywheel fitted loco's but essentially a flywheel stores some of the motors energy. When you cut of power the flywheel releases this energy so the loco continues to move for a short distance - a nice gentle slow to a stop rather than a sudden stop. More like the prototype I guess. Is that useful in a shunting style operation? I seem to remember shunting loco's came to a sudden stop so that the wagons being pushed continued on their way to the planned destination - inertia again! Kind regards, Richard B
  2. Hi, Lots of good advice has been offered, Alan Gibson P3 chassis would be fine. You could also look at Branchlines, they can supply gearboxes and Mashima motors and are very helpful. http://branchlines.blogspot.com/2006/06/catalogue-pdf-files.html Good luck and kind regards, Richard B
  3. Would love to attend and meet some of you guys - Know BOT and Swad well. Lived in Marston Montgomery in the 1980/90s which is in the area - we are though away on a Baltic Cruise. Hope all goes well DEMU and well done Clive and all your colleagues for organising. Kind regards, Richard B
  4. 30368

    Ivatt 2-6-2 Axles

    Hi John, Have a look at: https://jamestrainparts.com/2019/01/28/Bachmann-mainline-replica-railways-split-chassis-axel-repairs/ and perhaps: https://www.lner.info/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4369 This subject was also discusses on this site a few years ago: https://www.lner.info/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4369 Hope that helps a little. Kind regards, Richard B
  5. Hi Clive, Thanks for updating me on the New Music scene, we all miss Mr Peel I think? Please keep up the good music work. Can't help you on your timetable plans, were you a Train Planner in another life? Us engineering types just provided (sometimes) the kit for you operating types to play with. My interest is building little steam loco's. Kind regards, Richard B
  6. Some of us Southerners have lived up North too you know! Indeed we even have family up there. I know my daughters keep me posted on the grim realities of life up North! Must get back to Derbyshire (North Midlands I know but near enough) some time soon, probably Buxton so we can easily get to Stockport or Nottingham. Kind regards, Richard B PS Did some work on the first 141s - as originally designed the large bowden cable operating the brake actuators had a habit of being cut as they passed through a frame crossmember due to suspension movement. Re-designed suspension before service operation cured that problem.
  7. Had a nice uneventful operating session this afternoon, must do some more modelling not just running. Tonight has been a bit of an old goth song visit only to find it is the last biscuit in the box. Didn't realise that anyone else knew of the Fields of the Nephilim - hard core Goth stuff compared to The Mission or even The Sisters of Mercy. I remember painting my eldest daughters bedroom black with stars and moons etc.. whilst listening to The Fields a - memorable experience. We resisted the coffin bed though! She is now a wonderful Senior Ward Sister with three lovely kids. Thanks for reminding me Clive. I really like the combination of railways and interesting rock music. How about Joy Division/New Order? Many thanks and kind regards, Richard B
  8. Perhaps convert them back to the buses and bus technology that they were originally developed from? They should at least ride more comfortably on pneumatic tyres. Kind regards, Richard B
  9. Hi Darius, You don't happen to know if anyone makes a 4mm kit of LSWR Ironclad coaches do you? Kind regards, Richard B
  10. All done! Looks fairly well now its numbered etc, allocated to Eastfields 65A. I'm fairly happy with the loco, hope Bentley Model Railway Group are also happy. It will live on their excellent layout Kannotburn. Kind regards, Richard B
  11. Almost finished, just final numbering etc and weathering. Kind regards, Richard B
  12. Thanks Mike. I will contact UP - I was a Railway Engineer (that's European Engineer not a driver) for over 50 years and I've found that what might be called the International Railway Community works well. Thanks for your help. Kind regards, Richard B
  13. Hi Mike, Great video thanks for posting it. I know very little about US steam but following one of our daughters and her family moving to Knoxville Tennessee a few years ago I am becoming more interested. Wish I had of done earlier. Next year my wife and I are visiting her again but plan to start in Denver and then motor over to Cayenne UP depot which houses 4014 and others, will keep a close lookout on https://www.up.com/forms/steam-trace.cfm in the hope of seeing this masterpiece in steam. Is that a good plan or should we adopt another approach? We might even have time to visit our daughter! Kind regards, Richard B
  14. What an inspiration Darius, Little Bytham is rather good. Good luck with your endevours. If I wasn't a Southern (BR) modeller I would be following a similar path since so many good things came from the LNER not least Mr Bulleid! Kind regards, Richard B
  15. The prototype for this model is 65335 which was fitted with one variety (of which there seems to be about 4 so far including a really home grown looking wooden version) of tender cab so had to modify the PDK suplied tender. Photo courtesy of Smugmug.com. Many thanks. Kind regards, Richard B
  16. Noted Tony's reference to DJH C2X, very nice model Tony. DJH are very good but for your info Branchlines/SEFincast also have a C2X kit which I have built and seems good too. Mine is in BR grime. Kind regards, Richard B
  17. Hi Jack, Great video's, I swear that the mother and daughter watching the E4 hauled train go through move, perhaps disappointed that the train didn't stop? Some lovely modelling. Kind regards, Richard B
  18. Wow indeed! Really work of the very highest quality! Well done sir! I have built Finney kits in 4mm and they are very good. What a great prototype too, there was some talk of Gresley designing Baltic express engines as his next design but I guess war and then mortality intervened. Pity! Kind regards, Richard B
  19. I have the resin kit and the Branchlines version neither of which are built. So, thanks for a very useful and informative article. I shall probably have a go at the Branchlines version first although I have a few more projects to do first (J36, K2/2 for BMRG and H15 tender for me). Also hope to re-start 70D layout next month. You have got to keep busy once you have retired! Kind regards, Richard B
  20. Almost finished the loco, It honestly looks better than the pictures - so searching! Kind regards, Richard B
  21. Good job Paul, unusual prototype too. Kind regards, Richard B
  22. Hi all, I said that I would call Dave at SEFinecast and I can happily report that all is well. Whatever problem you have been having connecting to the website is an IT issue somewhere in the system. As mentioned earlier, I have had no problem getting on to the website with Google/Windows 10 etc. Dave tells me that they are very busy so that's good news because I believe that our hobby needs such small scale suppliers to thrive. I have only ever found SEFinecast to be very helpful. Kind regards, Richard B
  23. As a big fan of SEFinecast (and Branchlines) this thread caused me much concern. I have had no problems with the website at all. I know that Dave was away on a well deserved holiday a week or two back but I will give him a call tomorrow and report back. Last SEFinecast job was: Used Finecast body and chassis kit so we can't loose this supplier! Kind regards, Richard B
  24. Almost completed the loco, chassis pick-ups fitted. Just brake gear and a few body details to fit. Backplate and cab roof completed.
  25. Peter, What beautiful work. The finish is so clean. I see that these models are 7mm thanks goodness else I might as well pack up with my 4mm efforts! I really find scratch and kit building locomotives so rewarding its good for the soul. Keep up the excellent work! Kind regards, Richard B
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