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Everything posted by 30368

  1. Hi Jack, Have just started work on DS682 using your (almost complete!) SEF G6 kit and chassis kit. Motor and gearbox (60:1) on order from Branchlines. I have received all the missing parts from Dave at SEF. Kind regards, Richard B
  2. A few pictures of 30333 and 30491. Kind regards, Richard B
  3. Clive, Rather enjoyed Wolf Totem - slightly Fields of the Nephilimish but more earthy from the plains of Asia kind of sound. Seemed a bit apocalyptic too or am I getting too (New) Musical Express poncy review? Keep up the good work. Kind regards, Richard B
  4. Will take a picture of all five H15 beasties when I have laid some track around 70D shed layout. I'm really pleased with the outcome of the 30491/30333 project. PDK made a lovely job of 30333 body and tender and now it has the correct (PDK kit) chassis using a big Mashima and two stage Branchlines gearbox it looks spot on and runs very well. Likewise 30491 looks fairly good and the ex 30333 PDK built chassis continues to run well. All of the H15s will look good running the Waterloo - Basingstoke - Salisbury stoppers past 70D! All I need to do is build the layout.... Kind regards, Richard B
  5. Thanks Ian, think I met Bob during my time at ATOC. You are correct in your assumption - just being flippant. Kind regards, Richard B
  6. This thread just confirms to me that this website is truly wonderful thanks to the slightly deranged (in a nice way!) people that populate it - and I include myself. Is there any controversy over the great Mr Robert Urie's pronunciation? Is it Urie as in Bury (with a Lancashire accent) or Urie as in your eye???? Only kidding. Keep up the good work! Kind regards, Richard B
  7. 30333 chassis now completed and loco lightly weathered, still a little work to do. Used a few plastic Hornby parts (cylinder drain cocks and sandbox/pipe) to avoid short with live chassis return. Kind regards, Richard B
  8. Clive, Like today's band, I think the top is all wrong, something lighter in shade I think? Kind regards, Richard
  9. Brake gear and valvegear completed. Some additional detail on tender added. All that remains are cylinder drain cocks and pickup and then I can run it in. It will need some painting too!
  10. I can understand the draw of the and nostalgia for the steam locomotive and the work ethic that surrounded these machines. I joined the SR in the late Summer of 1963 as a fitting apprentice. I didn't really work on steam but did work in steam depots (Basingstoke and Eastleigh.) to recover failed Cromptons as it happens. The mess rooms in these places were filthy smoky holes but at the same time funny - some really filthy jokes were heard which for a 17 year old year old were also "educational" we were a bit more innocent then despite the swinging sixties which was largely a myth for working class lads and lasses. Steam engine inspection pits were disgusting to work in and you had to marvel at the ability of steam fitters to keep those beasts going. Based at Eastleigh Diesel Depot I soon learnt that assisting the "Call Out Fitter" meant if there was any really dirty work then the apprentice did it - under supervision naturally! I spent some time footplate riding on Bulleid Pacifics and Standard Fives as well as Cromptons. Whilst it is difficult to compare given the differing duties (Cromptons were rarely on passenger turns before electrification) I would say that it is unlikely that any pacific could accelerate as quickly as a Crompton. I'm afraid that change is what happens in life and in the railway industry and long may that continue! Now I have retired I spend most of my railway modelling time building little steam engines! Kind regards, Richard B
  11. Ain't it hot chaps! Things to do when its hot (is it hot up north too?) Our village scare crow competition a few years ago - we won! Kind regards, Richard B
  12. My Dear Captain, Have a read of Louise's book, it could give you a few ideas about how to deal with these misfits that park their vehicles on lawns but beware! It can get tricky! I wonder how Clive is getting on with his plan to replace the horses? I used to be a groom for daughter number 1 many years ago and soon discovered that I knew nothing! Granddaughter has now taken over where daughter left off. I still know nothing... Kind regards to all, Richard B
  13. Managed to find some time to do a bit more on 30333. Valve gear now assembled and will make final adjustments later to ensure smooth running. The H15 saga draws moves towards completion.... Still admire those Markits slidebars and crossheads! Kind regards, Richard B
  14. Yes John, I find Dave a really helpful guy. Nothing is too much trouble because suppliers like him are as passionate about our hobby as we are. Good luck with the "P" class a lovely little loco! My last SEFinecast effort was a "U" class 2-6-0. I have an old King Arthur bodyline kit that I will build using one of SEF's excellent chassis kits. I have about 6 or 7 Hornby N15's in many different versions but I suspect that when I have completed the SEF kit, that will be my favourite. Completing chassis for H15 30333 at present which will result in an example of every H15 in my collection. Kind regards, Richard B PS - Q class is a SEF kit with SEF chassis kit.
  15. Hi, You are so right. SEFinecast is virtually a one man band in common with so many of our hobby's small suppliers. Dave of SEF offers so many useful products and in addition finds some time to work with Branchlines, another small supplier, to resurrect the old Nu-Cast range of white metal kits. As you suggest, an updated website is fairly low on the priority list! Like many of us that relies on such suppliers we should be concerned that many of them do not have someone to carry forward things when the current owners retire. In my madder moments I wonder if we could somehow jointly sponsor some form of apprenticeship scheme? Any ideas guys? Perhaps though, as have been suggested to me, the future of loco and rolling stock kits lies with 3D printing? A wonderful technology but not as much fun or as satisfying as a brass or whitemetal kit! Kind regards, Richard B
  16. A quick update showing the new baseboards together with the old shed board. If you look closely you can see the wires connecting the exercise bike to the layouts 12v bussbar. Hope it all works out ok. Kind regards, Richard B
  17. Many thanks Kevin. Just to clarify, I built the shed and did the scenic work around the shed. The layout was dismantled about 2 years ago but the area around the shed was stored. I now have a new set of baseboards constructed in my garage and the "shed board" has been fitted into the new layout. I will post some pictures later this week. Yes the cottage is excellent Jack's scenic work is of the highest order and his S&DJR layout is first class. Have started work on his G6 and am looking forward to his help on 70D. Another shot of the shed yard (by my son-in-law) with L12 and G6 waiting to take water. Kind regards, Richard B
  18. Browsing this thread and found your wonderful K2/2. I have one to build for the Bentley Model Railway Group at Calne in Wiltshire (Kannotburn). Any advice you can offer would be gratefully received. Meantime thought I would post a few pictures of the J36 (PDK kit +) that I built for them. Kind regards, Richard B
  19. Whilst my research has revealed some very useful images of Basingstoke shed and yard you can never have too many. So, I would be very grateful if anyone has images of Basingstoke Engine Shed, in any era, particularly of the turntable and coaling stage and the area to the East of the shed, i.e. the collection of office and stores buildings. Many thanks. Kind regards, Richard B
  20. Hi Jack, I've just noticed that the pony truck wheel is off! I must try out that re-railer! Have a good break and see you soon. Kind regards, Richard B
  21. Some pictures: I visited Jack Benson this morning and agreed to build his SEFinecast G6 Adams 0-6-0T for him over the coming months. His scenic work is really first class and he has given me the little pebble dashed cottage photographed below to fit into my 70D layout which is most kind. Kind regards, Richard B
  22. Given I have never built and completed a layout and am now very old in years if not in spirit I may never finish this topic. I read though that very few layouts are ever completely finished so I may well be in good company. My layout will be a very simple in some ways being "L" shaped and about 6m x 2.5m and around 1m wide. I will try, as far as possible, to model Basingstoke Engine shed as it was in the BR era. I will also model the end of Basingstoke station so that I will be able to run mainline trains past the shed. My reason for modelling this location are really twofold: 1. My late brother and myself used to call into the shed every morning on our way to school in the 1960 - 63 period to capture what was on shed. During my fitting apprenticeship In the mid 1960s I did call into the shed to help retrieve to occasional BRCW type 3 that had failed in the area and had ended up on the shed. So nostalgia I guess! 2. I build 4mm 00 scale locomotives and also have a large collection of proprietary locomotives so a shed provides the opportunity to display and operate the collection at different times during the BR era. I number as many of my collection as possible with Basingstoke allocated examples. I have already modelled the shed in a previous (incomplete) incarnation and this will be fettled and be re-used as will the coal stage. The boards will be installed tomorrow so I will update the topic tomorrow when we have done so. Kind regards, Richard B
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