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Everything posted by 30368

  1. You know, no matter how down you may feel just come to this thread and look at these fabulous pictures of an outstanding piece of modeling (modelling, I didnt know this word was so tricky!) of the ECML as some of us knew it. It might even convert me from the Southern to Eastern Region modelling. Outstanding! Kind regards, Richard B Richard B
  2. I've mentioned my two daughters before, both Senior Sisters (I'm a proud Dad!) in the NHS. One has spent 12 days non stop setting up Infection Control at her Trust. She is now at home exhusted and a suspected case. She is fine though and can't wait to get back. For the avoidance of doubt - they absolutely loved the clapping and were both moved to tears to know that people were thinking of them and their colleagues. I guess there are many other essential workers too that deserve our thanks but front line NHS staff are in harms way and will be caring for those that will die and that takes a huge demand on the psychological well being of staff. Both of them also fell off thier chairs laughing when they texted "Do you know we have both had the clap" on the family group. Kind regards, Richard B
  3. Just had a look at some collected images of H15s. Judging by the picture of 486 below the top of the deflector on the firemans side, just visable, is below the handrail level. I guess most photographers of locos were at ground level so the deflector would look level or even higher than the handrail. I know that 331 is not of the original batch but same deflector fitment. Hope the pictures help, the second image is priceless given quality of detail, is that water or paint on the print!? Count the rivets! Kind regards, Richard B
  4. Good use of blutack DLT, where would we be without it! Agree with you regarding deflectors, perhaps 1-2mm too low? I havn't checked. Did you kit come with the big 5,000 gall. tender? Build is looking very good, clean and well fitted together. Kind regards, Richard B
  5. Really good starting project Richard. Best of luck for the future. Interesting wheelset choice on the diagram! Kind regrads, Richard B
  6. Hi, What is it you wish to construct? Loco's, rolling stock, buildings? I have noticed that many use scratchbuilding to mean building a kit with a few changes. If it is loco/rolling stock building there are many threads on this site that can probably help. If you are a biginner I would suggest a kit to start with so that you can learn new skills in a "safe" environment. Starting from a drawing, some photo's and a sheet of brass is a challange for the biginner! Kind regards, Richard B
  7. Body trial fit to chassis - needed some chopping since kit designed for 4-6-4 tank and Maunsell rebuild. Kind regards, Richard B
  8. A few more pictures. The running plate etch also has the splasher tops, those for the leading and middle axle have come adrift but the trailing are still attached. Splasher tops were usually attached to the top of the running plate I foundit very easy to bend the splasher top to profile then solder straitened end to the running plate. Any final adjustments to the radius can then be made. This view shows the cab sides attached to the cab front and the trailing splashers soldered up. AS on other build, I like to etch plate joint lines on cab sides and running plate tops and add rivet/set screw detail. No loco builder back then would make a one piece cab side! Kind regards, Richard B
  9. Having finished the K2/2 I have decided to return to the Ace Products N15X 4-6-0 kit that I started about 8 years ago. It is another fairly complex kit with all the etches being Nickel Silver which should aid my soldering. The chassis is constructed but I have dismantled it to fit plunger pickups and re-work the valve gear. I may also fit a two stage gearbox but more of that later. DLT's SR Loco's thread has a very good (as always) exposition of building an N15X, I can't recall if that build was Nu-Cast or Ace Products and in following this I promised that I would go back and build my version. Couple of pictures of the running plate showing the smokebox saddle and cover for access to the inside valve chests. I like the way that the splashers are etched together with the running plate. I am building 32331 "Beattie" the last survivor of the class of seven. Kind regards, Richard B
  10. Wonderful work Mike and David. 7mm 30335 is a great piece of work and I rather like the Adams 0395 too. Sorry about the handbrake! David, Which version of the H15 did you decide to build? I have started my Ace Products N15X which will be 32331 the last in service. The etches for this kit are all in Nickel Silver which is easier to solder. Kind regards, Richard B
  11. Well, at last 61784 is complete and ready for delivery to Bentley Model Railway group. They will be fitting a DCC chip. It has been a challanging build. In particular the valve gear needs careful thought during construction. One needs to always think of the next two or three steps ahead. The quality of the etches are very high although some of the parts are very, very small. The castings are really first class. Given all that, it builds into a very accurate and attractive model. I enjoyed building it but please (and London Road Models make this clear!) don't tackle it if you are just starting out building locos! Well onwards and upwards, I will now recommence building my Ace Products N15X 4-6-0. In BR days these were all shedded at Basingstoke so I have to build one! Some final pictures, the prototype first. Kind regards, Richard B PS Valve gear needs some weathering!
  12. Duncan, In my experience, Jol is only too obliging - replaced FOC parts missing from K2 kit by return so I'm sure etches would be available. Kind regards, Richard b
  13. I suppose us railway modellers are lucky, particularly if we have our own layout (not me yet!!) or like to build loco's, rolling stock or lineside scenery since many of us are forced to indulge our hobby by being stuck at home. I have just about finished that London Road Models K2/2 that I am building for Bentley Model Railway Group at long last. Its not so good for people like Welly above who have to work so hard to deal with the consequences of Covid-19. I wish them all well and know what an herioc job they are doing for us all. My eldest daughter has just worked 12 days to set up and run the testing regime at her hospital and is now exhuasted. I would love to go and visit her and her family but self isolation prevents it and she would not open the door to me anyway! Instead I have sent her and her sister a half case of Prosecco to my NHS Heroes as a little thankyou. Perhaps many of us know an NHS worker locally - it doesn't need to be Prosecco but any small gift sent as a thankyou would be a huge morale booster! Kind regards, Richard B
  14. John, Very sorry but my printer scanner is no longer working thanks to a Microsoft update! Jason has done a good job though, so good rear views of the E2. Kind regards, Richard B
  15. Hi John I have a couple of rear views, E2's were tried in Southampton Docks. Just waiting for scanner to warm up! Kind regards, Richard B
  16. A new Hornby Maunsell S15 bought at the Basingstoke show earlier in the month (Model Railway shows, do you remember them?) for £79 is pretty good really. A great model for, relatively speaking, peanuts. Kind regards, Richard B
  17. Railmatch Single Pack etch primer applied needs some correction here and there. Note: Again, adds nothing. Kind regards, Richard B
  18. Final pictures before painting, all details added except for buffer heads which will be fitted after painting after they have been etched black. Kind regards, Richard B
  19. Dave, Something else to note if you build 335. Unlike every other Uris/Maunsell 4-6-0 with eight wheeled tenders, 335's has a handbrake column and not the usual wheel. My word, I have improved my soldering techniques since 2016! And before cleaning! Kind regards, Richard B
  20. Hi Dave, Re cab. You are correct, the cab layout of the H15 is very similar to all of the Urie designs. I think the PDK kit may have a compromise or two regarding the cab floor and rear wheel splashers/seats. This picture may be useful - Can't remember where I located it, I think it is a 7mm N15. Kind regards, Richard B
  21. The sooner our rail network is re-nationalised the better for all concerned. The cost of risk mitigation, and the need for profit to be made at each contractual relationship, of which there are many, slows process and costs the taxpayer and the passenger a great deal of money. The folly of rail privatisation will be revealed over the coming months when the TOCs seek funding from the taxpayer to maintain services and shareholder profit. In a national emergency you need a national network, something we have not had since the demise of BR. After 25 or so years of this experiment we have lost most of our experienced engineers and operational staff and are not really training anything like enough young people to sustain an indigenous rail industry. That is not to say that there are not good people out there, just not enough. How can it be sensible for a nation to purchase virtually all its rail rolling stock from abroad and then to let the builders maintain them in their maintenence depots? We have TOC's that have little real knowledge about the stock they operate simply beacause if you pass all the risk to the rolling stock builder/maintenance company you can factor this into the franchise bid and avoid unforseen maintenence costs. However you are a bit vulnerable when your "wonder train" is not as reliable as promissed and don't have the skills to manage your supplier. Should we ever see sense and re-nationalise our network we should not repeat BR but establish a National Rail Corporation and allow it to borrow all this cheap money to revitalise the network and help to offset the economic impact of Covid-19. I am certain that HS2 could be built (if that's what we wish to do) at half the figures quoted by the current suppliers. There I have said it. Kind regards, Richard B
  22. Neal, All the very best - I can only add my great respect for your approach. I suggest that perhaps you should see your GP and get a PSA blood test every month rather than wait until June. They are not too expensive if you are asked to pay, hopefully the Phlebotomy Lab will be able to cope. That way you can perhaps be assured that either the PSA level is static or you are able to trigger a case review as soon as possible. I have been in your situation although in better times. I have two daughters who are senior sisters in the NHS, one is managing Infection Control at a largish Trust and I can confirm that many people are behaving in an Irrational and totally selfish way to the extent that my daughters team require protection from hospital security. Another British Myth goes up in smoke! Kind regards, Richard B
  23. Tender for the K2/2 is almoust complete. Just a few bits and bobs to fit. Happy railway modelling and don't worry too much ! Kind regards, Richard
  24. Just found this thread. Pleased that the Edge Empire is about to release etches for the three Maunsell 0-6-0 350 HP shunters. Way back in September 1964 after completing the first year of my fitting apprenticeship at Eastleigh Works I moved to Eastleigh Diesel Depot to continue my training. The excellent Ron Turner was the foreman and my first job was to assist on an exam of 15201. So Michael please let me know when the etch is available and I will buy immeadiately if not sooner! Keep up the good work! Kind regards, Richard B
  25. Yes Happy birthday - site all very useful! Just as well it is not over 70 years old else it would have to close...probably Kind regards, Richard B
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