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Everything posted by 30368

  1. Fine, but not as lovely as the black Alfa Sud opposite or for that matter the 2CV further along the row. Kind regards, 30368
  2. Another view of the shed and station. The backscene boards added. I will have to paint the lower part showing the 4 main lines and the GWR line disappearing into the distance. No one seems to make such a backscene. On the R/H side I have some suitable backscenes, the area adjacent to the water tower should have the goods shed and then the rows of back to back houses at a lower level. As you may know, Basingstoke station and yards were built on a hill above the town. Further to the west, in steam days, the town fairly quickly goes to open farmland with hills and trees in the distance. Wiring continues and I have just started building platform canopies. Kind regards, Richard B
  3. I have not been idle. Wiring from newly installed point motors to control boards has been started but also some scenic work. I have re-jigged the bay platform by adding the short platform section behind the buffer stops and then cut down a resin building to represent some of the station buildings in that location. After much photographic research I have now started to add the various fencing/bridges etc that run along the bay siding including adding the water tower and a few other features. The much shortened Basingstoke platforms and the added fencing and trees along the side of the bay platform. The Water tower, a modified Bachmann (I think) item have been added. The water tower is much too small but I have had to compromise. The structure to the right of the tower could be an old air raid shelter but I have assumed (Imiges are not clear) it is a coal store. A close up - some cleaning up required. Another view of the fence - next to the fence is a girder bridge section. Kind regards, Richard B
  4. I know next to nothing about the H&BR locomotive stock - what is the story behind these 0-6-2T? Looks a bit like a conversion of an 0-6-0 tender loco? Kind regards, 30368
  5. Agree, really interesting prototype Darius. A very long time ago I was a member of the Southern House Rolling Stock Development Team. Within the team there was a small group of people, no more than two, who spent their time working out how they could meet operational and maintenence needs by, we would now call it, repurposing, old rolling stock. This would be one of their efforts I suspect. Once the drawings had been prepared it would be off, usually to Stewarts Lane Depot, where the work would be carried out in the old repair shop. I became involved, as part of my training, in the early 1970s. At the time, the SR CM&EE team were very independent of BRB Derby and probably did more design and development in house than any of the other regions. Kind regards, 30368
  6. Wow, I see what you mean! Really detailed instructions. I shall take a look at the website. Kind regards, 30368
  7. I have never doubted the fact that playing little trains is good for your wellbeing. The wonderfully balanced and sensible people that inhabit this website are the proof of this statement are they not? ............ Kind regards, 30368
  8. Indeed, as my wife and daughters keep telling me. Sometimes I'm not sure it is all worthwhile..... KInd regards, 30368
  9. Just waiting for the delivery of the final SEEP motor (I had to scrap 4 motors that were damaged during the move to Buxton) and then all points will have been motorised, at last! I was able to run the first train from the entrance to the fiddle yard board (not yet fitted but ready for points and track) through the site of Oakley station and on to Basingstoke. Some of the 10 SEEP motors fitted over the last few days. All ready for connecting to the track circuit board etc. Looking towards Oakley Station headshunt in forground and location of Station Building and cattle loading ramp beyond. "N" class 31404 has the "honor" of running a test train from the fiddle yeard entrance, through Oakley Station site and on past 70D. KInd regards, Richard B
  10. Thanks Mr Woodenhead, I shall follow with interest. Kind regards, 30368
  11. Really wonderful image, wonderful lighting and scenic effects and mild weathering on the Crompton looks very effective. It is how I remember these really useful locomotives. Kind regards, 30368
  12. What is going on here? Where is Clive?
  13. Enough under baseboard work for the weekend. Altogether eight point motors now fitted to the baseboard - they need wiring to power supply etc but that is very straitforward. The Main Line board is now complete so next week I turn the corner and start work on Oakley's five points. I need to consider over power control now, it will have to be one man operation so I am assuming a single pair of 12v dc "Buss Bars" throughout. However it may be more flexible if I seperate Oakley from the Main Line board with its own controller so that local shunting can take place in the yard as trains go by??? I'm not sure. The shed has its seperate power supply for the many shed operations that have no impact on the main line. Can't recall if I have posted this already - a corner of the shed interior - the fitters bay. Kind regards, Richard B
  14. A further four point motors fitted under the baseboard(s) so I shall soon turn the corner and start work on Oakley's points. A few snapshots of the mayhem. Tracklevel looking towards the shed and part of the reference library. The shed yard, I know, some very tight curves... The forground will feature a road bridge to divide the layout. In the distance is the site of Oakley station. Beyond that is the forest of tinnies. Kind regards, Richard B
  15. Wow! what truly lovely items and seemingly very accurate to prototype. Chin up, I'm sure you will overcome the boiler/firebox diameter mismatch. Kind regards, 30368
  16. Good news today, The Yorkshire Building Society tells me they have some money of mine that I have completely forgotten about. It has been on deposit for about 30 years! I am aware of scams and this is not one. More importantly I have fitted 2 point motors to the baseboard of 70D and whilst still a good number to do, it is progress on the most hated of model railway tasks. As an electrical engineer (and mechanical engineer) I am proud of my very poor wiring quality very scruffy. In an attempt to improve matters I have now cleaned up the act and each point motor assembly will look like this before fitting it to the underside of the baseboard, if you think this is rough you should see the ones already fitted: I have read that SEEP point motors are poor and not reliable - too late now I have bought about 60 or so. Kind regards, Richard B
  17. A subject I know nothing about WRT Liverpool OHR but this video may help a little: or this: Kind regards, 30368
  18. Nice work Clive and in particular, I admire the way you have batted to the boundry the hurtful comments.... It is pleasing to see that the level of completion for little steam engines is very similar to the standard applied to rolling stock and DMU's. Long may this approach continue. KInd regards, 30368
  19. Is this Darlington Scrap line at North Road Station? A number of V1/3s in the picture. Kind regards, 30368
  20. What an amusing football/railway interlude! Wonderful! 30368
  21. I am now working on my 70D layout so not much to happen here for a while. Kind regards, Richard B
  22. Today, and at last, I re-started work on my 70D layout. I will focus on the shed yard beyond the turntable. This part of the layout will be terminated, as it were, with a road overbridge the otherside of which will form the end of the country station based on Oakley. Nothing to see here.... yet. Kind regards, 30368 PS Listening to Railway Mania Episode 5 "Edward Thompson - Hero or Villain ?" With Simon Martin. A well argued revision to Thompson's reputation as a "Gresley Hater"
  23. Some pictures of the Drummond S11 4-4-0 with its new tender and its new identification as 30397. Kind regards, Richard B
  24. 30335 now running very well with its new tender - a couple of pictures outside 70D, facing the wrong way on the UP slow. Some pictures of 30397 with its new tender later. Kind regards, Richard B
  25. Turns out I can't make it, off the Ribble Steam Railway with grandchildren. Hope you improve soon Phil. Kind regards, Richard B
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