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Everything posted by 30368

  1. Thanks Dave. You are absolutely right, you have to choose which loco and when in its life to model it, so much variation! How is the Z 0-8-0 tank going? I hear that the kit is really first class? My next project will be the A1/1 "Great Northern" a Crown Line kit I picked up secondhand. I have not abandoned the SR, far from it, just a fan of the LNER too. I may follow the A1 with the DJH "L" class kit we will see. Kind regards, Richard B
  2. Todays update brings 523 close to completion. I have decided to model Sun Castle in the early 60s, when I saw the loco so that means fitting AWS. Fitting the AWS battery box below the cab on the drivers side is simple enough but the AWS electrical conduit taking power to the AWS receiver situated behind the front coupling is a little tricky particulaly since I decided to fit the conduit securing brackets. In the end I made about 25 brackets to allow for the ping! from the tweezers. I'm sure you know what I mean. Not an easy job! Some pics: Kind regards, Richard B
  3. Well done Jamie, excellent! Kind regards, Richard B
  4. Thanks John, I really appreciate your comments. The approach to painting is new for me too. I usually finish and then paint but I spent a lot of time getting the cab interior right and didnt want to mess it up with overspray etc. Kind regards, Richard B
  5. Fully agree with your sentiments gents (Tony Isherwood and Tony Wright) it seems that far fewer new and younger modellers have a go at scratch or kit building than of yore. However, to be fair, the quality and quantity of what was available ready to run was very restricted so we had no choice if we wanted to run something a "bit special". Thus the incentive to build nowdays is reduced due to the range and quality of ready to run stock. Whatever one's views on the subject I just think that if you avoid having a go at building, say, a loco, you are missing so much pleasure and healthy reward. I just love bulding loco's, all the research before starting, working with some of the really helpful and friendly suppliers of parts and dealing with each problem as it occurs. All of which has been so helpful to wellbeing during lockdown Sorry to go on gents! Kind regards, Richard B
  6. I have set aside the cab since I think I have done as much as I can without needing to fix it to the footplate, something I wish to avoid before the rest of the body is painted. To return to more loco body detail. I have spent a very "blue" morning of curses constructing the oil delivery pirpwork on the smokebox oilers. I assume that these fed superheated steam grade oil to the valves and pistons given the pipe feeds into the smokebox-cylinder feed pipe. My goodness this is a fiddly job! I noticed that there was a large variation in pipe runs between class members and chronologically! I tried to get 523 as close to late 50's early 60's as possible. Just glad the job is now done! Some of my very special snapshots! Kind regards, Richard B
  7. I am building the cab as a sub-assembly. I tried out acrylic paint again but the results were not good so I had to strip back and return to enamel paint. pictures show progress with the cab temporarily fitted. Kind regards, Richard b
  8. Clive, Lovely piece of work, where did you find this? Your thread is much appreciated - such good out of Lincolnshire! I will pass this on to my quad of daughters who will appreciate it too! Many thanks, Richard B PS Discovered Penfriend from Bristol - lots of good things from there! (Portishead etc....)
  9. Preparing for handrails, started with the cab. Kind regards, Richard B
  10. Hi David/John, 1320 in my DJH A2/3 and it looks too small for the size and weight of this loco. I can confirm though that it is very powerful with lots of torque and is very silent. Kind regards, Richard B
  11. Hi Dave, Many thanks, yes one casting, I didn't even use an Alan Gibson drivers brake valve. The quality of the casting is very high I agree. Paint was just Humbrol Met 12 for the copper and Met 54 for the brass. I still have to fit the pull out regulator. I think the location of the backhead is too low but that is easily fixed. Kind regards, Richard B
  12. The "Two Dave's" visited today to collect the London Road Model's K2/2 that I built a while ago for the Bentley Model railway Group for their superb layout "Kannotburn". No money changed hands, but I am now a member of the club. I thought I would take a few final pictures for my records. I shall miss 61784! Kind regards, Richard B
  13. I have been working on the cab end of the 60523. I like the way that DJH have "hinged" the fall plate and retained it with the cab floor. The fireboc backplate casting is very good and has come up nicely during painting. I like to thin matt black paint with turps and apply with a brush which, I think, gives a good representation of a working cab. Used copper and brass paints to pick out the pipework. Kind regards, Richard B
  14. Good morning Tony, Thanks for the picture, you are correct, 4472 on its way to the station. There were a couple of touring trips hauled by 4472 that passed through Basingstoke that I am aware of (probably many more by now). My brother and I witnessed the first trip through Basingstoke by this locomotive which resulted in quite a "feeding frenzy" it must have been in 1963 and I believe it was after September. I started my railway career on 2nd September which perhaps explains why I felt emboldened to take a picture well beyond the platform end, so some snaps taken with my Brownie 127! Given the nameboard carried perhaps someone can confirm the date? Basingstoke shed in the background. Kind regards, Richard B
  15. Good evening Tony, Firstly I must say that the A2/3 built by you are really first class and your work certainly inspires me. The front section of the mainframes are such a distinctive part of all all the Thompson pacifics that I was surprised to find how basic the DJH casting was given the high quality of the rest of the kit, as you say, a weak point. I am though really enjoying building it. I made the frame overlay's from 0.010" brass sheet (Eileen's Emporium) and added the rivet detail (likwise the tops of the running plate). The front of the cylinder castings and rivet heads are also visable so this was also added as was the ovoid inspection cover and brackets securing the bogie wheel "spats". Whilst I prefer soldering in this case I glued all the overlay's with Delux Roket Rapid superglue. I have my reservations about superglue (surface cleanliness is critical) but it is a useful tool. I am a SR(BR) modeller - still need to complete my first layout but being progressed - but have a great interest in the LNER and the products of Doncaster and Darlington Works. I have an A2/2, A2/3 and W1 all on order. Don't know how I will justify them being on Basingstoke shed but I'll find a way! Keep up the excellent work ans stay safe! Kind regards, Richard B
  16. Thanks Jack. Move will take some time I think so time to build 0395 0-6-0! Kind regards, Richard B
  17. David, You have kindly offered your excellent topic thread for me to update on my progress with the DJH A2/3 kit (60523). Strarting to look like an A2/3 now. I have found the DJH kit so very well thought out and of high quality. As has been said many times, the combination of white metal and brass parts works well and the quality of the etches are very high. Once again thanks, Richard B
  18. Some more detail added and cab etch bent to shape. Really high quality etch with all that distinctive cab detail perfectly formed. I am really enjoying building this model, the kit is so well thought out and I am a fan of the prototype. (Cab not fitted.) Kind regards, Richard b
  19. I am finding it all relatively easy to assemble the DJH A2/3. Castings are good and not requireing too much fettling (with the exception of the running plate). I have used Markits safety valves and snifting valve (whistle not fitted yet, too vulnerable) which are first class. I have also followed Tony Wright's advice and drilled the double chimney casting which is supplied blind. Looks much better. It is begining to look like one of Mr Thompson's beasties! Kind regards, Richard B
  20. Hi Alasdair, I used Delux ROKET Rapid (yellow 5-10 seconds) and many hair clips to clamp the overlay to the whitemetal. Kind regards, Richard B
  21. We have been away for a few days visiting family and house hunting "up north". Just added a few details to the body of 60523. Kind regards, Richard B
  22. Really lovely work Nick. The NER 4-6-2T looks resplendent and the inside valve gear on the exCR 0-4-4T is first class. Kind regards, Richard B
  23. I hope so. What great loco's, one of the finest 0-6-0's lasting well into 1967. I will have one even though I model the SR(BR). Assuming Oxford Rail are getting this model developed and manufactured in China we may have a very long wait with all the sabre rattling about China in the UK Press. Kind regards, Richard B
  24. Hi Jack, Lovely piece on "Ryall" Military Railway. The map and pictures look very like Fovant in Wiltshire which also had a WW1 Military Camp and railway connected to the LSWR main line, perhaps the bulders of Ryall used Fovant as a model? Did the troops at Ryall also build their regiments insignia in chalk on the hillsides as they did in Fovant? Kind regards, Richard B
  25. HI, I have used the 4mm version of the jig for 5 years or more and it seems to do the job well. Chassis and coupling rod alignment is straitforward and I see Poppy now makes a version for eight coupled locomotives too. I would recommend the device. In use for my latest build, DJH A2/3. Kind regards, Richard B
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