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Everything posted by 30368

  1. Sorry to interrupt chaps but I have just read that Nino Vaccarella has died aged 88. I suspect that for many his exploits will be unknown. Vaccarella was a Sicilian Schoolteacher and educationalist who also drove sports cars for Ferrari and Alfa Romeo in the 1960s and 70s. He won Le Mans in 1964 with Jean Guichet in a Ferrari and the wonderous Targa Florio race in 1965 again driving a Ferrari. This race around the island of Sicily was famous for the crowds lining the road shouting Nino!, Nino!..... as he sped past. His name was usually painted on the road around the circuit. He also scored one of the few victories for the Ferrari 512S with Mario Andretti at Sebring in 1970. A bit of a footnote of motor racing history but a significant one in my view. Kind regards, Richard B
  2. A few final views of the body before painting. Kind regards, Richard B
  3. Hi, I am using the Isinglass drawing (Drg 303) This shows similar differences. However, I recommend as much cross checking of drawing with good side views of the prototype as possible. I am using the following as references: 1 Yeadon's Volume 4 - V2&V4 2 The Book of the V2 2-6-2 (again V4s inc.) -m Peter Coster 3 Gresleys V2s Peter Tuffrey This is essential since I don't believe that either 4mm scale drawing are accurate. For example, my drawing shows the trailing axlebox front securing/tensioning bolt to be about inline with the cab front sheet. Photographs suggest otherwise, the front of the axlebox extends beyond the cab front sheet by some way. The Proscale running plate does seem too short or is the cab side too long? My drawing suggests the former is the case so I have added a piece (I still need to add the valance) although this needs to be trimmed. If you look back in this thread you can see that this kit has come in for a lot of stick. I have replaced some parts in my build accordingly. The details are above. I guess one would need to look at the V2 GA drawing to get this absolutely right! Handrails today and build is very close to the paint shop. Kind regards, Richard B
  4. Hi Steve, Have a look at my: The V2 build starts about half way down this page. This is what the V2 looks like now: KInd regards, Richard B
  5. Hope all goes well Andy and looking forward to meeting you guys on Saturday. Kind regards, Richard B
  6. Well I am off to Darlington to hand over the G5 to The Darlington Model Railway Club this Saturday. I have given 67305 a final run on my layout and parked it up to the ProScale V2 kit that I am building. The G5 was much easier to build than the V2! 67305 ran perfectly and very silently strait from the box in which it has been stored since construction. Bet it doesn't when it gets to Darlington.... Kind regards, Richard B
  7. Hi, Apart from the handrails and some repairs to the chassis, the V2 is almost complete and will soon start painting. I have paired it up with my build of a London Road Model's ex NER/LNER G5 0-4-4T. This has been built as a gift for the Darlington Model Railway Club in memory of a former railway collegue who was a member of that club. From what we can discover, 67305 was one of his favourite loco's. I will be visiting Darlington this Saturday (by train!) to hand the model over to the club so its a fond farewell from me to a lovely little loco and really good kit. Just noticed that the G5 trailing bogie wheel is off the rail.....blast. Kind regards, Richard B
  8. Perhaps like a number of us, I had my Covid-19 booster + annual 'Flu jab. All seems ok so far....recommended! I have received from Tony Wright the overlay etches to convert the Pro-scale tender into the most common version of the Group Standard tender fitted to the V2. Since I am building one of the loco's that were transferred to the SR in 1953 to cover the withdrawn MN, it would appear that all of these locos had this style of tender. Sincere thanks to Tony for his advice and for supplying the etch FOC. When the top beading is removed from the PS etch the TW etch will be soldered in place. The join at the edge of the overlay will be closer to the prototype than a flush side. On the left is the higher coal plate fitted to this design of tender. Back to the loco, I have started to add the detail (all those fine oil pipes) to the smokebox area and the gravity oil boxes fitted each side of the smokebox. All the cab detail is now complete but has been removed ready for painting of the body. It will be in black MT livery. Some repairs required on the cylinders! Kind regards, Richard B
  9. Seems to be a very strong wind by the look of that wonderful, but leaning, signal gantry by the water bag.....or is it the lens distortion? Thanks for all the evocative pictures Gilbert. Kind regards, Richard B
  10. But in a way don't you think it is a nice problem to have? They all look great. Kind regards, Richard B
  11. I couldn't agree more. I remember admiring it and the quality of construction and, most importantly to me, the fabulous ex LNER locomotives most of which were not available ready to run. It also seemed to have that quality of capturing the atmosphere of the railway it modelled. Thanks for the pictures and the memories! Kind regards, Richard B
  12. Thanks very much Tony, that is very kind of you. I will donate to The Samaritans. Kind regards, Richard B
  13. Tony, Sorry to break the flow but a quick question that may have a long answer. I am building a Pro-Scale V2 kit and I am very aware of all the pitfalls..... My question relates to the tender. I intend to complete the kit as an early 1950s V2 in black MT livery, probably one of the 5/6 that helped the SR out in 1953 and I will not be remoing the front footsteps since initially they ran with them. The kit is supplied with a Group Standard 4,200 galleon tender but it is an early version of this with equal cut aways and a low front. Can this be modified to represent one of the later (and from a V2 point of view, more widespread) high fronted tender? Kind regards, Richard B
  14. David, As always, superb images and wonderful locomotives on display at your great evocation of Haymarket shed. Best of luck with the competition. I am struggling through a Pro-scale V2 kit and the moment........ Kind regards, Richard B
  15. Just to add my two pence worth, Nu-Cast Partners (Branchlines and SEF) offer a really good service and I would recommend the kits. I have built a C2X 0-6-0 and a U class 2-6-0 with great results. Long may they prosper! Kind regards, Richard B
  16. Today's update uncludes the addition of detail on the smokebox, the vacuum ejector pipe and some cab detail. The large and heavy brass backplate casting has also been filed to fit and has had the two regulator handles fitted. Generally the casting are rough requiring lots of work before they can be fitted, but hey this is a very old kit! I have also elongated and soldered a new section onto the trailing wheel pony so that the wheel is centred on the axlebox casting correctly. I know that its is not in anyway state of the art but I quite like the look of the V2... The castings for the two smokebox covers for the wide superheater header are fashoined from lead sheet, the castings were too poor. Trailing wheel is now in line with axlebox even if it looks in this image that it isnt! Kind regards, Richard B
  17. A little progress today, chimney, in particular, needed lots of fettling and will require some filler later. But it looks like a V2.. Kind regards, Richard B
  18. It certainly does with most locomotives now being in the range £180 - £225 even those where development costs have long been recovered. I guess, like most suppliers of anything it seems, its the rising costs of, well everything, so its not Hornby's fault is it? Or is there a bit of opportunism operating? Its all going terribly well...... Kind regards, Richard B
  19. Added the firebox front and support brackets today - all scratchbuilt since these items are not included in the kit and are fairly noticable on the prototype. The firebox front made up from a few scrap pieces of brass - care needed to clear the trailing driving wheelset and rear subframe. The filler still need final rub-down. Kind regards, Richard B
  20. Hi Mick, The footplate, cab and firebox are all level and square. The problem is that the curve from the top of the firebox to the footplate is too steep, i.e. it does not follow the curve of the cab front. The other side is fine. So if I try to pull it in it will distort cab and firebox. So, some low melt solder, some work with my large selection of needle files and, if required, some greenstuff. I will then add the band and blend it in to the original band at the top of the firebox. Your comments much appreciated and as you may guess, unless you like a challenge, then don't attempt this build! Kind regards, Richard B
  21. Hi Mick, Well yes and no. I am surprised that the firebox etch is just wrong on one side and that the running plate and valances are too short at the cab end and the boiler construction is complex and needs a lot of effort to build. Indeed, I would say that this kit needs a lot of additional effort to overcome the errors and, in places, poor design. Having said that it is very old, 1982 and things have moved on since then. For example, I have built a Judith Edge LNER (ex GCR) B9 etch. Its not a kit since it requires you to scratch build the boiler and firebox but its quality and accuracy is first class and it took far less effort to produce a really nice representation of the prototype than the effort expended on the V2. However, the build is starting to look like a V2..... I need to pull in the firebox a tad with a solder fillet. Backplate casting is good though. Good view of the "gap" I am confident that this can be rectified with some solder and Greenstuff. Kind regards, Richard B
  22. Thanks for the pictures Mick. My version. You can see how the return crank has more lead compared to the Bachmann version. This is not adjustable but I am prepared to accept the compromise simply because the Markits crank is so good and is easy to dissasemble for maintenence. You can also see how the profile of the firebox is wrong, ok at the top but widening towards the bottom because the profile of the etch is wrong. I should add that the tag fixing the firebox to the cab front is temporary. You can also see how the boiler to firebox transition has required brass inserts and Greenstuff filling! I should add that the body is not secured to the chassis. Kind regards, Richard B
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