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Everything posted by 30368

  1. Yes I agree powerful looking brutes, Kind regards, Richard B PS We must be careful not to start the Gresley V Thomson debate again.....
  2. Hi Phil, Have checked my stock of original WC/BB that I can find in my railway room (there are more somewhere) and they are all 8' 6" cabs but then they all should be. Sorry no help! If you felt so inclined, you could make a brass overlay and glue them onto the cab sides that would reduce the deficit by, say 0.5mm each side, just a thought. As to tenders, Richard Derry has 34072 with tender 3322 up to 22/11/57 then 3277. Kind regards, Richard B
  3. Have been pondering whether to leave the shed yard points manual or driven by seep motors. I then started to wire up the double slip alongside the shed and the choice was made. To power up the live frogs of the slip with the correct polarity (DC remember) a point motor with a spare switch is required so the decision is made. I think I have wired up the first motor correctly - test it tomorrow. Kind regards, Richard B
  4. I really like the second picture 60021- very steam railway with the water tank and columns and that signage that I, and many others I'm sure, can remember. A very minor point, the walkway needs some weathering down the sides or more ballast to cover same. The A4 though looks really great and very clean so Kings Cross shed has been busy. Kind regards, Richard B
  5. Forgive me this is a work in progress so it doesn't really fit the bill I guess. However it is on the way... My 4mm model of Basingstoke Engine shed which, I hasten to add, is not complete. My first attempt at a "proper" model railway. I build loco's primarily but phase 2, the shed yard, is next to get the scenic treatment once the wiring is tested out. A number of Drummond types on shed or waiting to go on shed. Kind regards, Richard B
  6. Final little update on this "Late Drummond 4-4-0s" episode is the D15. A truly fine looking locomotive and a succesful design. I built mine from a PDK kit which was bought by Mrs B for my 70th birthday. It needed some cleaning around the pickups etc but otherwise is s fine runner. Unless I get tempted into building one of my A2/1 kits (PDK and Nu-Cast) I shall return to wiring up and testing the shed yard next. A nicely balanced design. Lining transfer wobble... Kind regards, Richard B
  7. Truly wonderful images, I assume all the owners are at the pictures to see "Elvis".... Cars not for me I'm afraid. We went to see Elvis last night. Some great acting (and singing) but we both thought the movie told us very little about EP really other than his Black American influences which are well known, Roll on The Return of the Railway Children! Kind regards, Richard B
  8. It is going to be tricky for the motor home driver to continue the holiday journey but then a holiday in Bletchley would not be my choice. I speak as one who spent a fair amount of time at Bletchley TMD early in the century dealing with the class 321 disc brake crises... Kind regards, Richard B
  9. I really am no expert on LNER matters but I do note that: 1. This loco still has electric lighting although I suspect that many B1's had same at this time so thats not it. 2, The centre light location has two lenses ! That is the vote from an SR (ex LSWR) modeller. I have not consulted my library to check further.... Kind regards, Richard B
  10. I have been fettling two of 70D's Drummond 4-4-0s, the S11 (30398) and L12 (30429). The S11 is fairly good runner and can pull 3/4 coaches without too much of a struggle. About right for the late 1940, early 1950s. The L12 needed a fair bit of work before she would run well. I have a few of my poor snapshots of these two on the bay platform and platform 1. With the shed in the background, 30429 pulls away with a local for the West of England line. The S11 waits to go onto the shed. Another view from the shed in BandW. Kind regards, Richard B
  11. T Many thanks Ian. Really good images and so kind of you to scan and post - useful to many of us I am sure. As Nick C states, next to nothing survives mostly built over. Still strong in my memories though. Of particular use are the views of the turntable, I have located very few in my research so you are adding greatly to our knowledge of the shed and its equipment. Kind regards, Richard B
  12. Has anyone tries to drive a Ferrari 308/328? I tried one out a few years back with a view to buy however I could only operate the clutch pedal with the outside edge of my left shoe due to wheel arch intrusion. It took a few minutes to recover, I bought a new Maserati Coupe CC instead. I can't comment on the scary shorts.... Kind regrads, Richard B
  13. I really like the view of the grubby V2 from the bay, and the lady with the summery blue frock seems to be admiring the loco too, or perhaps it is a member of the footplate crew? Who knows? Kind regards, Richard B PS The "feather" of staining from the vacuum ejector pipe joint with the smokebox is very well done with the suggestion of air flow affecting the staining. Tim's work I suspect?
  14. Only if you really worry about such things Tony, experience and technological progress can help us change our minds can't it? I agree that assembling the main structure of a white metal kit is best done with a soldering iron and the correct solder and any interfaces between brass etched parts and white metal likewise. I tend to use adhesives for the smaller parts, including boiler fittings. As always Tony, lovely work. Kind regards, Richard B
  15. Ian, I can't thank you enough, these are some of the best images of the shed, as I remember it, I have seen. The turntable pics are really great and will help me to get a more accurate version on my layout. Kind regards, Richard B
  16. Phew! Still lovely work - I get the intended condition and the result is spot on, indeed inspirational. My modified Backmann 6P with my attempt at weathering, a stranger on Basingstoke shed... Kind regards, Richard B
  17. A further diversion from my SR and LNER builds. I was always a fan of the original Fowler "Patriots" and this coupled with my affection for those silly old b's in Dad's Army led me to buy one of the excellent Bachmann 6Ps. My late brother always insisted that we saw a couple of unrebuilt "Pats", one at Camden and another in the roundhouse at Willesden, however I can find no record as I can for the 7P versions. The Bachmann model is generally superior to the Hornby rebuilt version although that too is a good model. The main omission on the Bachmann model are the live and exhuast steam injectors. I have added these made from unused parts from my Brassmaster detailing kit and some copper wire. The model was then weathered. The results look ok. A largish selection of pictures. Captain Mainwaring would have been proud..... Kind regards, Richard B I think that this snapshot is a bit better than my usual shots.
  18. Hi John, Bunsen has been stored for 6-7 years and until the other day was unused. I could see no "rotting" and the loco ran very well on its fairly short test runs. Fingers crossed! Thanks John, I have some more that I might also scan in. Are they worthy of unploading them to a site for the use of all? Kind regards, Richard B
  19. And now for something completley different... an ex LMS Hornby Rebuilt Patriot. I bought this a good few years ago together with a Brassmasters detailing kit. I remember the regular (regular in that we saw them on most visits to Willesden and/or Crickelwood sheds) Patriots Stephenson, REME and sometimes Bunson and nostalgia resulted in the purchase of the Hornby model. I have spent this morning fitting some of the Brassmaster parts - the chimney and dome is all wrong on the Hornby model so they were replaced. Firstly some scanned in pictures that I took with my Kodak Brownie back in the early 1960's. Stephenson on the left at Cricklewood and REME at Willesden. Bunsen with replacement dome and chimney and some other added items, I did not want this to turn into a big project so I did not fit all the Brassmaster parts. The model will be re-numbered as Stephenson parts on order from Fox. Kind regards, Richard B
  20. Good to see you back Jack. Some truly lovely scenic work. The S11 looks good doesn't it? Spoken to Paul recently about the T14 kit, with all his other work it is making progress but slowly. Paul initially thought the kit could cover all versions but I think that has been abandoned which does not surprise me given the significant differences between the Drummond original and the final Urie version. It is the latter that I intend to build. Take care, Richard B
  21. 30755 is now finished. Two small jobs remain, firstly I need to buy and affix a 70D shed plate, I have run out, and secondly the tender bogie hight washers need slight adjustment. Other than that The Red Knight is ready to charge around the shed yard and pull a few trains. I have used Modellers World Dark Steel Pigment for the first time. I have applied it to the smokebox and cab roof. It does give a slightly metalic tinge that looks effective. Recommended. Paint still wet on deflectors! Kind regards, Richard B
  22. Bogie weathering particularly effectve on E11130E, you can almost see the baked on brake block grime. A big job for the bogie bosh when it is overhaul time or perhaps it was out with the scrapers? Not sure if York had a bogie bosh? I suspect it did. Kind regards, Richard B
  23. Wonderful work Ian. 7mm scale I hope? Else I will give up.... Kind regards, Richard B
  24. We have been staying in North Yorkshire with family. Highlights were the Sunday Lunch on NYMR Pullman and watching the seabirds (Puffins, Razorbills, Fulmars etc) at the RSPB site close to Filey. The Gannets were just fabulous to watch. 30755 is just about complete but I thought I would show you the completed Roxey ex SE&CR Driving Trailer kit that I built for Jack Benson. My first attempt at coach building. Jack has fitted the driver and a friend of his has weathered the body and underframe to great effect. Kind regards, Richard B
  25. Roxey kit now completed. Jack has added the driver had a friend weather the vehicle, it looks pretty good I think. Kind regards, Richard B
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