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  1. Happy to do so so long as no real money changes hands, like the exchange set up. I promised myself that I would never charge for finishing or building the odd loco for a club. Kind regards, Richard B
  2. A brief diversion as I continue to work on the B16 tender. Phil (Mallard60022) has given me a Hornby N15 (30737) King Uther in exchange I will complete his part built DJH H15 kit. I completed a Wills Arthur kit as 30755 The Red Knight a while ago so I thought a few snapshots of both running on my layout might be good. 737 clanks past the shed. And continues ready to make its stop at Basingstoke. LSWR Cross Country set behind. King meets Knight. Kind regards, Richard B
  3. I just wanted to thank Gilbert for inviting me (and Phil) over yesterday to look at the masterpiece that is Peterborough North. It is truly phenomenal and a joy to behold. The ham sandwich was tasty too. I am relatively new to the hobby so it was great to chat to Gilbert and learn a little of his, and his layout's history. Phil brought me his surplus Hornby Arthur which will be exchanged for my completion of his DJH H15 4-6-0 kit. Better clear the decks of B16 parts then... Kind regards, Richard B
  4. Front buffer beam suitably upgraded with 5 thou brass sheet. I have since adjusted the bracket securing the vacuum stand pipe to the buffer beam! The buffer beam is now in position. Loco almost complete. Kind regards, Richard B
  5. Hi Mick, Yes around two weeks from order. I did not order because I would like to complete ASAP and besides I started this as a budget build although the underframe kit for 52F is very reasonably priced. Kind regards, Richard B
  6. Looks ok to me having just checked it. I will though have a good look at the 52f underframe. Thanks Mick/Pebbles. Kind regards, Richard B PS Tried to buy the 52F chassis but no 00 chassis available, pleasant chat though. Liked the look of the A5 kit....
  7. A few state of play images. I removed the original cab roof rain strips and replaced with plasticard. My largely scratch built ex LSWR S11 4-4-0 gets in the background. KInd regards, Richard B
  8. Mike, Thanks again for two great images, 13 is particularly useful given that the tender is next. Backhead drawing is really useful - many thanks. Kind regards, Richard B
  9. I have checked again the cylinder centre lines and the way I have fitted them has resulted in them being wider than prototype by just under 1mm so that is part of the problem for sure. I would add though that the running plate is just under 1mm too deep and that is perhaps a more significant error than the cylinder location. MickLNER commented on that earlier in the thread. I was not prepared to either replace the running plate with a scratch built version or attempt to file it back. In the end, most 4mm 00 model locomotives are a compromise. Again, thanks to everyone offering advice and tips, it has certainly helped me a lot. A little more to do on the loco - water and sand plumbing and the cylinder drain cocks and operating levers and lastly the buffer beam. I will now start on the tender. Kind regards, Richard B
  10. Yes Michael you are correct even though I made sure that the castings were cleaned up and fitted well they are still too wide. Having said that, my changes have made my model a little closer to prototype and its still rewarding to build up and, if possible, improve on a very old kit design. I must get around to building your V4 etch... Kind regards, Richard B
  11. Now at the detail stage - glazing windows etc. I like to fit the window to the cab window frame, takes a time, the second one is much easier...... Most of the boiler backplate fittings are complete and the backplate fixed. I am very happy with the Alan Gibson oil boxes which are quite a feature on the B16/1. Those fitted to the firebox are high mounted so some brass wire was added. These close up shots are merciless! Every imperfection is emphasized. Please don't try to read the builders plate!!! Kind regards, Richard B
  12. Many thanks Mike. This is a great image, indeed, it almost shows me the plumbing for the, I think, exhaust steam injector! I can't find a decent image of the injector plumbing. The light is just right to show a lot of detail on the firemans side. I do attempt such filth sometimes but 61412 will be ex Works + a few weeks/month or two OR very filthy but recently cleaned I haven't decided yet. It will be modelled around 1956/7. Kind regards, Richard B
  13. I'm very tense too.
  14. Oh tht's great Ian, a General Election beckons? About b....y time....... Sorry that was a tiny bit political, I shall probably be asked to step down from this website... Kind regards, Richard B
  15. I am now satisfied that the chassis works very well after extended running in on my layout, no fouling of the bogie was experienced. I have added a thin brass strip to the top of the cylinders to bring the shape of the cylinders closer to the prototype. I thiink it works well and looks a lot more like the B16/1 cylinder. The slide bars on the RH cylinder have now been corrected. The cylinders extend beyond the running plate by 0.5mm. I will need to extend the mainframes above the leading bogie wheel! Kind regards, Richard B
  16. Mike, This is really great work, I am really looking forward to the assembly of the link motion. Very brave. I have built up a Judith Edge B9 etch - needed a scratch built boiler and firebox. I also have a Great Central B7 kit to build so I will keep a close eye on this build. Good luck. Kind regards, Richard B
  17. I agree, their bits and pieces are really good. I am populating my 70D Engine shed with their engine shed small components. Kind regards, Richard B
  18. The cylinder/piston rod issue... I think a large part of the problem is the camera angle and, it must be said, the very poor camera man. The cylinders are now 1mm higher than they were in the shot above. The piston rods are now pretty much aligned with the leading axle centre although it is true that the RH cylinder slide bars are at a steeper angle than the left. I am gently coaxing these back into position. I have more work to do around the cylinders after I have completed lining and numbering. It will be 61412 because I have more images of that loco than any other. I am though pleased with the running qualities of the chassis. Kind regards, Richard B
  19. Lots of it now Phil. Richard B
  20. I have carefully checked the cylinder height and I agree Mike, they are too low. As ever thanks for your help.The cylinders are now 1mm higher than they were and after a few other checks on the crossheads and slidebars the setup runs much more smoothly. I also have a little space to extend very slightly the flat area above the round section of the cylinders. The edge of the front footsteps close to the slide bars was also further chamfered to clear the crosshead at the ende of its stroke. The chassis with bogie fitted now goes around my tightest curves with no shorting or fouling. More running in. Kind regards, Richard B
  21. Heavy snow here in the Buxton "Alps", as expected. Will continue for most of the day. As many have commented, Station Road looks good from this and most angles. Kind regards, Richard B
  22. Keith and Mike, No need to apologise, great images - all those Q6s on Tyne Dock shed, wonderful. I was there in 1963 and 64. The J27s and Q6s were still very busy in the North East at that time. I seem to remember a few Q7s still about too. I also had a Saturday visit to Darlington Works in December 1963 guided by a fellow apprentice whom I met again some twenty years later in my railway career. It may sound strange but to a Southerner it all seemed magical - all those engines with numbers that started with a 6 instead of a 3! Happy days! B16/1 continues... Kind regards, Richard B
  23. Hi Michael, Yes they are low, there is a nut temporarily locating the boiler to the running plate so the plate is displaced by the thickness of the nut. Well spotted. Kind regards, Richard B
  24. Yes Mike, totally agree with your sentiments. I recall a Sunday visit to York shed in 1963, early in the morning. There were over 100 loco's on shed that day I recall lots of A1's and V2's but also Part 2 and 3 B16's. It was simply wonderful. I did not have to bunk sheds by then since I worked for the firm and just wrote to the NER General Manager and received permits. I recall asking a fitter where I could get breakfast, I was after all, a growing lad. He took me over to the canteen across the road from the shed and what a great fry-up I had for one and sixpence! When I have taken my grandchildren to the Railway Museum they can hardly believe that the building was this huge 4 turntable mucky steam shed and that I visited it back then. A very different world! Taking shape nicely. Kind regards, Richard B
  25. Guys, I can't thank you enough for all the advice and tips, really appreciated. Actions so far: 1. I have removed material from the cylinder front covers so that the front bogie wheels have more room. 2. I have used a 10BA hex headed machined screw to secure the connecting rod to the crosshead. This has been reduced to improve clearance with the trailing bogie wheels, however, I have ordered 10BA Csk headed screws (run out my usual order to Eileens Emp is no longer poss) which will increase clearance still further. 3. I have reamed out the bogie axle ways, these were a bit claggy and prevented smooth running of the bogie. BUT.... I have just checked bogie wheel back to back and they were some way out! I my goodness, I am ashamed as a former loco/rolling stock engineer how could I miss that! The chassis now runs around my tightest curves with very few problems, some sparking between crosshead and trailing bogie wheel but not enough to stop progress, however more clearance is on the way. The secondhand driver (£24) were not all insulated so a live chassis was the result and this does create additional problems. I have also reduced the size of the crosshead to make it a little closer to prototype. I am fairly happy with the cylinder diameter and hight but will look into the flat portion issue already discussed. Kind regards, Richard B
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