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Everything posted by 30368

  1. 30368 after some fiddling with the tender/loco coupling distance runs very well although some of the tight curves on my layout are a challenge. Just needs numbering etc and weathering. KInd regards, Richard B
  2. The B1 must have been stationary for some time Gilbert, the Peterborough pigeons seem to have been very busy..... Much too warm for snow. Kind regards, Richard B
  3. Hi Phil, I think I have a copy of that picture somewhere. I will have to build the plough when time permits. I am probably going to start Phase Two of my layout next - much encouraged by your efforts to build such a well photographed section of the LSWR Main Line to the west. Brilliant - keep at it. Will arrange a get together fairly soon to give you 30524. Some images to remind you of the beast. PS It now has coal! Waiting to get back on shed as her sister engine passes on a Salisbury local. Kind regards, Richard B
  4. I have not updated this build for some time. Been busy with other things this last week or so. The tender is almost complete. If anyone wants to see some more of the construction images then let me know and I will post them. The tender has pickups on the trailing wheels and therefore when complete I will couple to the loco smei-perm rather like the Hornby version. Not looking too bad compared to the Hornby version - in a few places it is a little more detailed. Tender soldered together apart from white metal parts . Kind regards, Richard B
  5. Yes I agree, given the number of incidents at Spa, I suspect that this rule is under review. One would hope so. Kind regards, Richard B
  6. Yes Paul I agree. He is a great racer and very fast. All great World Champions are very very focused and may well be not very pleasant people to know. I can think of quite a few spoilt brats that were World Champions over the 50 or so years that I have followed Grand Prix racing. They all have/had very, very large ego's... There are exceptions I know. I am more concerned about the ever increasing tinkering of the race weekend format to create an extended TV spectacle with the increased number of starts and the resultant risk of collisions and controversy between drivers - all good stuff to make even more money for the owners of F1. My increasing level of disillusionment is compounded by the, no doubt well intentioned desire, to "level up" the playing field by budget caps etc...in the mistaken belief that this will give us much closer racing. I don't think so chaps... Sorry about going on a bit but in contrast to F1, the World Endurance Championship, which has some complex rules, has managed to create a series that is truly entertaining, fast and has room for all levels of talent/budget to compete. I find it all facinating but then I have always prefered the battle between car builders (Ford-Ferrari, Ferrari-Porsche etc..) and less about the characters and ego's of the drivers. Kind regards, Richard B
  7. The Spa 6 hour Endurance race last Saturday was really great - I had it on whilst building one of my loco's. It was very fast, very competative (three races in one really) and the results were not known until the last hour of the race, indeed in the Hypercar category the Ferrari 499P overtook the third place Porsche on the last lap getting back well over a minute in the last hour or so. The Centenary Le Mans 24 Hour next month should be fabulous. What is more it is about £35 to watch all the practice, quali and races for the whole series. Kind regards, Richard B
  8. You are correect. If I recall, the CEPs had problems with the sealing of the double glazing. The window units often filled with water creating a sort of "goldfish bowl" effect. New glazing units fixed the problem. Kind regards, Richard B
  9. Time for an H15 discussion then? Kind regards, 30368 PS Looks really great Phil.
  10. Thanks Clive, for me it says it all. Fist Pump too. By the way, lovely lawn mowers. Kind regards, Richard B
  11. Thanks for the memories. The FIAT 850 Coupe was one of the cars I lusted after back in the 1960s. As you probably know FIAT made a series of Coupe models based on mundane models back then, including the 124. I always admired the 128 in both saloon and Coupe versions. I could afford none of them though, a very early secondhand Hillman Imp had to suffice. A very interesting car requiring more than a little "fettling". Kind regards, Richard B
  12. Tender is making good progress. I like the way that PDK make the tender chassis seperate from the tender tank. It makes brake gear construction easier and the provision of pick-ups that much simpler. Kind regards, Richard B
  13. Do you mean WW2 U-boats? Really? In the 1950's when WW2 ended in Europe in May 1945. I don't think the Bundeswehr had any subs in the 1950s but I could be wrong. Kind regards, Richard B
  14. 30368 loco body is now almost complete. I will fit the buffer beam etc after painting. I am very pleased with the result. So now on to the tender. A big thankyou to Phil (Mallard60022) for giving me the kit to complete. The H15 30524 is all run in and ready for delivery - keep up the good work on the layout Phil - looking good and an H15 "bursting" out of the tunnel hauling a rake of Maunsell coaches will look great. AS good as the Hornby example - I hope so, not sure it is any better though apart from the fact I can say that I built it! A little filler required in one or two places. Kind regards, Richard B
  15. I really don't know Phil, sorry! Kind regards, Richard B
  16. You could be right, the H15's were not sure on the 700. Most of the loco body plumbing now done, pipework to the clack valves always a bit of a struggle. Markits clack valves used for the boiler feeds. Firemans side. Hope the reversing rod fits in its slot and clears the feed pipe... Kind regards, Richard B
  17. Brief progress report on detailing 30368. The vacuum ejector pipe added to the running plate valance. Also the gravity oil feed pipe has been fixed to the boiler and firebox. Wobbly pipe is as prototype. One of the clips is going to be replaced! The front wrapper to the firebox has been added and the reverser lever clearance cut out made. Firemans side. Kind regards, Richard B
  18. I couldn't agree more. Our decline into an offshore theme park for the US is accelerating. Kind regards, Richard B
  19. Yes Phil it helps but also its encouragement to see if I can better it in any way - so far not much! Kind regards, Richard B
  20. Sorry, this is a bit late and relates to the brief discussion on the latest "high end" version of the A4 and the continued lack of cylinder curvature on the moulding. Some snaps of what I did to my Hornby 60026 body when fitting a detailing kit. Sadly I can't find those images of the work in progress. Miles is now fitted with an etched nameplate. Gentle filing of the moulding to create a curved rather than a flat/square edge to the cylinder cover. I then fitted a punched out cylinder end cover to improve the illusion of a rounded cylinder profile. How Miles looks now and a better view of cylinder front cover. I think this loco is due for a clean... I am not suggesting that this totally solves the problem (That should have been sorted by Hornby long ago) but with a little effort it improves the look of the loco greatly. Kind regards, Richard B
  21. Hi Phil, Yes I get that but the suggestion that the private sector running of the railway has and will produce a reduction in taxpayer bills is a bit of a myth. Per capita or per taxpayer if you wish, has resulted in a massive increase in both the tax burden and ticket prices. In the case of the latter, commuter season tickets are usually paid by employers with a further impact on inflation. Kind regards, Richard B
  22. The A4 cylinder mods might have been my work. I shall dig out the pics and post. Gentle filing of the moulding works quite well + a brass full size cylinder cover. Kind regards, Richard B
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