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Everything posted by 30368

  1. Good news Michael, well done. Agree with your observations re HL. I have had no problems with HL Coreless motors but then I have only used 10 or so, you will have much more experience I imagine. Kind regards, 30368
  2. Final update for today. Motor tested and runs ok, I don't really want to disturb the motor/gearbox assembly and risk upsetting the factory set mesh. So motor/gearbox will be fitted before chassis is soldered together. Chassis mounted on the jig. The set screws have not been tightened up to allow the jig to do its work and align the chassis. The frets are a little confusing, or more correctly the instructions. There are two sets of cross members. Some attached to the chassis and of the same thickness and the duplicates on the fret much thinner! Front two crossmembers are the same section as the frames. The rear crossmember is much thinner being cut from the fret. It has provision for the engine/tender coupling. Now that the chassis is aligned, I can tighten up the set screws. Chassis soldered together and wheels trial fitted. One side is insulated so chassis will be live return. Wheels are also older type of Markets wheels which are a bit coarser than current type. They will look fine when painted. Now that I have filed the axle bearing bosses, there is about 0.7mm side play. How much do you want this reduced Phil? Kind regards, Richard
  3. Sorry to correct you Phil but the chassis also includes three crossmembers that fit into slots in the frames. Lots of handtool work to creat sufficient clearance between frame and crossmember. Soldering will be interesting, I may have to use my gas torch! Once fettling is completed, I shall loosely assemble the frames and motor assembly with the cross pieces and then fit the crossmembers and align everything in the chassis jig before tightening up and then soldering. Thats the plan anyway... Kind regards, Richard
  4. Our two cats, Reggie and Ronnie, are named after the Kray's. They are serial killers too, naaa, not really they are lovely boys and worship their mum. Kind regards, 30368
  5. Hi Phil, The DJH motor/gearbox will be ok I think - just some juggling with the backhead casting. I suspect that given the weight of the DJH body it will be able to pull anything! Re the wiring. I will keep is simple with access. I will also fit pick-ups on the trailing wheels on the tender but leave the wiring tails for you to fit. Basingstoke is looking forward to the sophistication of three cylinders.... We can have a chat about the S15 later. Kind regards, Richard
  6. Have gone for it Phil. that will do nicely. I promise to clean it up later. Kind regards, Richard
  7. Hi Mick, Maybe so, as you know I use a lot of HL kit in my builds. Those HL coreless motors are both small and powerful. Thanks for the wishes! I am building this for a pal, Phil (Mallard60022) so using all the parts sent to me in the DJH Box. I should add that I do this as a favour not on a commercial basis. Don't want to scare the horses... Kind regards, Richard
  8. Not a GW modeller at all but I must say that the Accurascale Manor does look absolutely wonderful, certainly a new benchmark. I can see why all you GW types are so excited by this model. Kind regards, 30368
  9. Flippin heck! Glad I am not sorting out wiring that lot up! Kind regards, 30368
  10. Already we have a query on the U1... As we all know, DJH frames are very robust so not much room for any axle sideplay - easy to remedy with the file. The DJH Gearbox/motor/flywheel combination will I am sure work very well, however it is a fair sized lump. I have checked reverse mounting, not enough room so this arrangement is the way to go. Unfortunately there is not enough room under the firebox unless I cut away the area marked to allow the assembly to sit lower in the frames. Is that ok Phil? Even with this adjustment we may have a problem clearing the backplate casting. Kind regards, Richard
  11. Lovely motor mate! Sometimes it is best to live in the present.... Kind regards, 30368
  12. Thanks Phil, shame 60800 is not scheduled to return to steam any time soon. On another matter, given I am waiting for the T6 lining problem to be resolved I am going to make a start on your U1 kit. Some information and then a question. 1. 31901-4 were all transferred to Exmouth in May 1961 and returned Norwood in October that year. 2. 31901 had a General in late 1960 finishing in Jan 61, so would be in fair condition. 3. 31902 had a light casual repair in March 61 - mainly boiler work. Would not be repainted, last GO in 1957 Heavy Intermeadiate in early 1960 so probably scruffy. 4. 31903 had GO end 1960 so probably in fair to good condition. 5. 31904 had Heavy Inter in August 60 so would be in fair to scruffy condition. 6. All fitted with AWS before transfer to Exmouth. 7. Images show 31904 with early BR Lion and wheel in May 62, 31903 seems to have later BR insignia, and is very scruffy in Summer 61. 31902 Image of May '60 has small early lion and wheel and very scruffy. 31901 image in July '63 has second BR insignia almost certainly attached at early '61 General. So.....a question. Which one do you wan't me to model? Kind regards, Richard
  13. Yes Bryan agree. In many ways Gresley's masterpiece aesthetically and what a truly effective class able to do anything for the routes it operated on. Luckly for me this includes the Southern Region. My work on the T6 is stalled at the moment due to lining. I may though have a solution just waiting to hear. Hope to get down to your part of the country in the early spring, we have family in the Poole area. It would be good to meet up and look over that lovely Adams 4-4-0. Let me know your favourite tipple I owe you a bottle of something for all the work you have done helping me with the T6 build. Kind regards, Richard
  14. So as supplied to Time Lords? No wonder it just goes on and on.... Kind regards, 30368
  15. Really lovely carpet but not as nice as the salmon pink with large quantities of copper wire etc etc scatter that I have. The cushions look good too, essential kit for that enjoyable "under board" wiring job. Brilliant work that is cajoling me into re-starting my "under board" tasks. I hate it! PS I was going to say that the vacuum looked a bit forlorn but the carpet looks clean..... Kind regards, 30368
  16. Adams tender for T6 681 is now complete only requireing painting etc. This is a really well designed kit that, whilst being fairly complex, is easy to assemble. Kind regards, 30368
  17. Tender almost complete now. And something very different..... One of the "SRegion" V2's gentle passes 70D on a Salisbury - Waterloo Semi Fast. The V2 is such a wonderful looking loco. Proscale kit built by me a few years back. Kind regards, 30368
  18. You have a point Steve, an interesting thought. Perhaps we should consider also the quality of team mates too? The Prost/Lauda/Senna and Mansell/Piquet era was, I agree, as you describe (and I would add other periods, perhaps Hill/Clark?) however it was also a time of some cynicism with such huge ego's battling it out - Senna, who many rate very highly, took out Prost at the first corner of the Japanese GP to secure a further championship. I found that a bit of a turn off. I suspect, team managers learnt from the errors of the super teamates and the downside of too many egos in one basket and moved to the star + upcoming star/good second string driver approach. I can't really think of any driver that teamed Schumacher, Hamilton, Vettel or Verstappen that have come close to being a real prospect of beating the team leader. I can see that Rosberg perhaps disrupts this narrative but I would suggest that Mercedes were fairly desperate for a German World Champion and acted accordingly... Kind regards, ditto as above.
  19. Ian, I am surprised by your comments. I agree that all periods of long term domination in F1 tend towards boredom except, naturally, when Ferrari and MS dominated at the end of the 1990's and early years of this century. It was just perfect with our annual trips to the French or Italian Grand Prixs usually rewarded with a further Ferrari victory. KInd regards, The totally unbiased Ferrari fan sometimes known as 30368
  20. Yes but this is a simply wonderful creation of the railway running through the countryside of England. Just First Class in my view. Wish I had attended just to be inspired by this! I intend to visit The Manchester Show, perhaps it will be there? Kind regards, 30368
  21. The first coping plate now soldered in position, I hope the other two go on as easily. I used a section of dowel to bend the coping plates. Solder not cleaned up yet. The rivet detail on the tank top plate has been simplified There were also a couple or three of very closely packed embossed rivets to punch through, I'm sorry, but I just got bored given that coal will cover! Kind regards, 30368
  22. Only loco I have pre-ordered is the forthcoming E1 0-6-0T - can't remember who is making it! I have only ordered it because a few were shedded at 70D Basingstoke and I realise that I probably don't have enough time to build every type that was shedded at same, which is my objective. Yes I know...... Kind regards, 30368
  23. Hi Jonathan, Yes agree, PDK sometimes overlooked. My experience of this supplier is good, producing kits that go together well and present a model that is ready for what might be called "superdetail". I have built an H15 4-6-0 or two, a D15 4-4-0 and an original MN 4-6-2 all of which I am more than happy with. I still have an A2/1 kit to build. Paul at PDK is also very helpful and always ready to supply parts from kits. Recommended. Kind regards, 30368
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