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Everything posted by 30368

  1. They all look splendid Tony. No A1's by me but an A2/3 built from a DJH Kit if that Helps? Built back in 2020. Kind regards, 30368
  2. Finally got around to scanning a few more of my 1960's snaps. Firstly a couple of pictures of re-built Patriot 45523. I have them labelled as "In store at Willesden" around 1962. Second shot not too bad. always liked the Pats for some reason. Next a workaday 4F - where? I can't recall. Next a couple of Stanier 4MT Tanks, both at Willesden probably 1963. The second one has been cleaned recently. I recall these tanks pulling me around Yorkshire (Bradford etc) in 1963/4 on my trips "Up North". That is all for now. Back to the B7 build. Kind regards, 30368
  3. As DLT has mentioned, the N and U look similar but are very different and then within the U class there are two basic variations with a third more minor variation. From what you say, it looks like the old Wills kit is for the new build U class which had a higher running plate and very small splashers. The other main U variation were the "River" tank rebuilds with a lower running plate and larger splashers. I built a Wills/DJH scratch built large splasher U a few years ago. which worked out OK. Note that the cab sidesheet is not strictly correct for this version of the U. The completed item. The loco chassis and valve gear is an SEF Kit. Hope that this helps/inspires you to have a go! Kind regards, 30368
  4. Looks very nice. Is it a V6 or V8? I used Emblem Sports Cars for my Maser servicing when we lived in South Wiltshire and very good they were too. At one of the Wilton House events - if I recall correctly - it was Maserati's Centenary. Kind regards, 30368
  5. Still working on 61711 weathering. This side needs more work on the oil runs. Kind regards,, Richard B
  6. Initial weathering - not yet happy with the results. I think I will build the tender and then review weathering when coupled. Kind regards, Richard B
  7. All assembled, just needs:- 1. Lead in the boiler and frames and 2. Bogie spring fitting and 3. A tender... Sorry, not a good snap... Fluff on the smokebox... Flash operated on this snap and fluff washed out. KInd regards, Richard B
  8. 61711 is almost finished. I have painted it shiny black. I know this loco was in a filthy state in 1949/50 so perhaps I should have painted it matt black but I like the idea of using powders and thinned paints to weather and then cleaning back some areas to show there was once a shiny black loco under all that dirt. I know that the surviving images of 61711 suggest that she was never cleaned however indulge me. A run to check that it all still works. Nice and shiny... Kind regards, Richard B
  9. What, even more panniers? It's the end of the world as we know it.... I must check my small collection of 57XX's (One or two worked at Basingstoke from time to time) to ensure the little devils are not multiplying. Sorry Tony I don't know what has come over me. Kind regards, 30368
  10. Argh!!!! GW Panniers have invaded the world..... Where is the Doctor when you need her/him? Kind regards, 30368
  11. Hi Phil, Hope you are well? Yes PDK make some really good ex SR kits. I have asked Paul to build me an H16 4-6-2T from one of his kits - I can be very lazy... How is the U1 running? A picture would be nice. Kind regards, Richard B
  12. I won't! Thanks for the very kind comments. The B7 was a very large, but handsome. locomotive. I am pleased with the result. Judging by the components on the Tender etches, the build could take some time.... Kind regards, Richard B
  13. Thanks Michael. Yes I agree. I have packed the connecting rods out as far as the crankpin will allow. I thought I had used the longest crankpin on the centre drivers but perhaps not. Reluctant to disturb quartered Alan Gibson wheels... Kind regards, Richard B
  14. Well apart from final painting, 61711 is now complete and when painted and weighted, ready for the assembly of the three main components. Boiler and footplate in primer. The firebox back plate supplied with the kit is very good but the addition of some real brass parts improves it further. Kind regards, 30368
  15. I think this is a great, and unfamilier, view of PN. It is similar to some of my very "moth eaten" images of the 1960s steam railway. No offence meant Gilbert. Kind regards, 30368
  16. Lovely job DLT - such an interesting prototype with a very, very long history. Kind regards, 30368
  17. Lovely images and another treat for those of us that like SR steam locomotives. What a truly great job they have made of this (part?) re-creation. Kind regards, 30368 Anyone interested in re-creating a Drummond 700 class 0-6-0?......
  18. Apart from cab and lamp brackets to do just about done. Handles now ok. Boiler temp. fitted. Kind regards, Richard B
  19. Yes you are right having been there on such occasions a number of times. I would though, if I may suggest, that a Ferrari victory will be popular around the world having many fans here in the UK too. Forza Ferrari! Kind regards, 30368
  20. Good point. Having checked a good few images I have changed it so the rear handle is at 6 o'clock. Kind regards, Richard B
  21. Thanks, I will see if I can make the adjustment. Kind regards, Richard B
  22. Thanks to all for the help and advice. Re - the smokbox door handles. I tried to replicate 61711 at Chester as below. Re the valve guides. I suspect you are correct but looking at P105 of Vol 2 of Locomotives of the Great Central Railway it seemed to me that the bulky part of the valve guide was at the outer end of the guide. The actual guide is much more complicated than the etch and it struck me that a casting would have been better. Re the handrail on the guidebar cross member - I have made them but not fitted yet - they are a bit vulnerable! I am pleased that you are considering a B7 - they are big locomotives compared to their contemporaries! Re The handrail profile around the smokebox - I'll see what I can do! With these wrap around handrials I am just happy that they turn the corner ok, as it were! Kind regards and many thanks, Richard B
  23. Pushing ahead with the front of the loco. I still need to fit some of the fine all pipes etc on the smokebox sides and the lamp brackets but I think it is looking fairly good and a fair representation of the B7 towards the end of its working life. Close-ups are so cruel... What a rough old job. A fair bit of fine p[ipework to add to the smokebox on this side. As you can see those controversial guard irons are off. This side has a oil pipe running along the boiler - still to fit. I think I might add an etched adjusting wheel to the mech. lubricator. Kind regards, Richard B
  24. I will attend to this new information after I have finished the B7 4-6-0. KInd regards, Richard B
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