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Martin S-C

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Everything posted by Martin S-C

  1. Hello all. I hope someone can assist with WWI period Highland Railway and North British Railway livery information as well as a couple of other questions. I have been contacted by an American gentleman, John Bower, who wrote: "I am doing research into my grandfather's World War One US Navy service in Scotland with the North Sea Mine Barrage. His pictures of equipment show wagons with M and M with an upward arrow between. Can I assume this was a 1918 livery for Ministry of Munitions? May I send you copies of my pictures for you to help me identify the liveries and color matches? "The US Navy at Base 17 (Invergordon/Dalmore) also had an ex-LB&SCR A1X Terrier (picture attached). I am interested in confirming the livery during the 1917-18 period of US Navy use. The Admiralty bought 2 Terriers (one was used at Base 18 Inverness). The following pictures are at Dalmore. "The base was served by the Highland Railway at Alness and Invergordon. I understand the Highland used a solid, unlined livery during the war. I need to confirm the color of green used used by the HR." He included the following photographs: 1) M /|\ M (Ministry of Munitions?) wagon for which confirmation of livery is sought. Is the wagon number 840? Who might have built this pattern of wagon? 2) A line of 5- and 4-plank wagons that include an NB 4-plank and an HR 4-plank. Any further identification of other wagons in this photograph would be greatly appreciated, as well as liveries. The NB wagon is presumably mid-grey and the HR wagon dark brick red, both marked in white. 3) Part of Dalmore base showing the A1X Terrier. Does anyone know what livery these carried in military/naval dockyard service? 4) Dalmore again. 5) North British box van No.32553, presumably of 10 tons load. I am assuming livery details are mid-grey and white markings. Can anyone please confirm? 6) Another Ministry wagon, 3-plank fixed side No.449. Am I right in thinking this would be light- to mid-grey with markings in white? Who might the builder have been? As far as I'm aware the HR olive green livery was used on non-passenger coaching stock. Unfitted wagons would have carried the dark brick red livery. Is this correct? Thanks all. (EDITED to correct last image caption, thanks to Alex for this)
  2. What do people use to mask off areas of coach sides when spraying? I need to do the cream above the waist and green/blue below (that's two different liveries for those who think that mix might be a bit avant garde). When spraying underframe dirt on wagons for weathering I just wrap the body in sellotape. Seems to work. But I'm worried that the tape may drag off the grey primer (or even worse the opposing colour, once that's done).
  3. WELR brake van No.6 finished. *twiddles thumbs and warily eyes the 4 clerestory coaches sitting smugly in grey primer whispering "spray paint us you amateur - we dare you!" *
  4. What shocked and infuriated me was that because they had diplomatic status we let them go. I just wonder where the heck diplomatic status ends? Might a Russian army assassin carrying a "diplomatic" passport murder our prime minister and just smile and walk back to his CD plated limo? How long does the civilised world put up with Putin and his clearly evil and psychotic regime? I honestly sometimes wonder if I should turn off the computer, the TV and radio, cancel the papers and lock myself in my railway room and keep painting, smiling and driving trains. Its a head in the sand reaction but even so...
  5. I've got a can of Testors Dullcote on order thanks to seeing the results you get with it Kevin. Also like the fake backscene. Maybe buy a sheet of the ID summer sky backscenes and double the height as a photo prop?
  6. All sorts of good things are going on here I am happy to report. Day 3 of the interior carpentry and insulation work: While on the workbench the WELR's only brake van is taking shape: The next project is a gas tank wagon. Wish me luck, I've not attempted a white metal kit since the 80s. At least this one comes with clear and concise instructions! Wish I'd bought it in the mid-60s when Wills made these - would only have cost me 9/6d: And this morning a massive "wodge" of transfers arrived from Fox at Kibworth. These are the company initials and crests for my loco tenders, tank sides and coaches so now I can begin the loco and coach repainting in earnest.
  7. They are not nuns, the contraptions on their heads are to hide their kitty-ears. So we don't realise they are cats and they can take over the world.
  8. It probably has more turnouts! EDIT: ...aaaaaand I misread Cleveland again!
  9. It'll make a very interesting model railway, that's for sure.
  10. Which links us back to the curious green glow seen over the Fens. Its all starting to fall into place.
  11. Hm... they are the same, even down to the control levers. This proves that the Victorian Parisian incarnation of the Doctor was an alley cat.
  12. Yep, those are the ones. I cannot claim to have built them, much as I'd love to be able to do brass kits to this level. These were built for me by my friend Frank. I have got some Shirescenes brass sides to convert a Ratio 4-wheeler and will attempt this as my first foray into brass kit building. No doubt my progress reports when I get to that will cause much merriment.
  13. Sorry Annie! I used it because I think people can work out how big other stock is next to it! Is this better? Meanwhile other stuff is happening. Lorry arrived at 7:00am with a load of timber, insulation boards and other goodies.
  14. Do so! They make really pretty models. Insanely cute as well - a species of baby train...
  15. I have decided that I absolutely must have a model of Wantage No.4 for my Witts End Light Railway. I must investigate second hand diesel power bogies for something with a close enough wheelbase.
  16. Here is something that is making me totally buzz with excitement. This is the (first) branch train for the Witts End Light Railway (and just wait until you see the second one!). The coaches are the D&S Wisbech & Upwell Tramway pair with an 1860s Great North of Scotland passenger brake van which is a Prickly Pear kit (no, I'd never heard of them either!) The train will be shunted at both ends of the journey so that the brake is at the rear ... just because its an excuse to play trains more. The livery will be Midland crimson lake or something close to it, with yellow lining as the restored GER coach No.7 is today at the North Norfolk Railway. All three kit builds are the work of Frank Bulkan and I'm over the moon with what a lovely job he has done. I have a few details to add concerning the coach roofs before I paint them.
  17. I understand. I know you are right as well. I have, however, budgeted for a really luxurious railway room and am at the happy place for the first time in my life where I can splash out to a level I was never able to before so I am pitching this at the "very comfortable level" rather than at the "make do and mend" level I have endured for 40+ years! This is really the dream railway I have been thinking of for decades and I don't have any desire to cut a single corner. Your ideas are solid and appreciated, please don't stop commenting or criticising.
  18. Ken, I have just encountered this thread thanks to a kind link by Northroader and I noticed early on you were using a plain cloudy sky backscene. Where did you get that one please? It reminds me of the simple sky backdrop now used behind the Madder Valley at Pendon that I especially like. And whose photographic backscenes are you using now please? They look great too.
  19. I was leafing through my lovely new collection of old RM magazines and only this morning came across the original Castle Rackrent article (April 1975) when it was just a terminus-fiddle-yard design 16 feet long. Amazing co-incidence.
  20. Thanks Dave, I see a mix of varnishes and dullcotes there, two of which I have but which only give a fairly satiny finish. Kevin's locos look nice and dull, so should I aim specifically for a "dullcote" product rather than a varnish?
  21. Thanks. I am putting in a wooden floor. Quite a substantial one. With insulation below. And a carpet on top. I have heard that concrete in winter is cold through the feet so I am taking no chances. I want a 365 days a year railway room! (I also like my comforts)...
  22. Peter - is a track plan available please?
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