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Martin S-C

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Everything posted by Martin S-C

  1. I am so glad I joined RMWeb and found this thread and all you amazing modellers and lovely people. I am truely inspired to improve my modelling skills because of this incredible community. *raises glass of port for a toast to the village council*
  2. DonB - those hinges look like the bees knees and of course pub bar flap hinges of extremely robust design have been around for a long time but the wheeled trolley option is where we are now going. Rolling things along horizontally rather then lifting them up on end stops bits falling off as well, always a useful consideration with my aptitude of modelling.
  3. Aha, the first time I try to use my L337 multipost skillz, I find 2 posts on different pages, therefore fail. Nick - I am soooo glad you reminded me of this. I had just mentally limited myself to a trolley section that pushed away from the door (down on the plan) and then pushed left (erm... right on the plan) and therefore blocked the access way. But today the Little Layout Lads came round and we re-measured and yes, a trolley section of 24" baseboard depth and 28" (doorway) width will very easily push away from the door and then roll to the right against the colliery operators position and give ample room for gentlemen of ample girth (aka me) to get past it to the left. This is therefore The Plan. A wheeled trolley section of 24" baseboard width and 28" wide which we shall hold in place with suitcase clips and with brakes on the castors to be wired up with multipin plugs (or whatever the 2019 version of those is!)
  4. 1. Okay, one for the useless bin then. The previous arrangement was more useful. When something useful gets replaced by something less useful that's not a positive change. I don't need to be prompted to visit a thread, I can choose to do that on my own. 2. Odd. I only raised the issue because the full set of options was not very definitely not showing earlier - several options were greyed out. I have just gone back to the several posts I noticed this on and now the full range of reactions is showing.
  5. Hi Mods/Admins Two relatively minor items. Is it possible to have more information given in the e-mail notification when someone reacts to your post. Currently I see the attached image in my in-box (previously I stated what the raection was). Opening the e-mail tells me who reacted and what thread they reacted in but not what the reaction was. Sometimes its just nice and fuzzy to get a like or an agree reaction but now if I am desperate to know (!) I need to check the thread. In case its e-mail software related I use a GMX account which is web-based. (Pic below) Second item, the options to react to a post now seem to be limited depending on the "weighting" of previous reactions. Sometimes I'd like to choose an option no-one else has, so might we be able to revert to the full range of reactions at all times please and not the weighted reduced options? I know its a minor thing but it seems counterproductive to offer a range of options but then limit them just because of a trend in prior "opinions" (yes, I know they're not really opinions but you get what I mean).
  6. Cheers Andy. It only seems to be some pages. The next few pages in my layout thread have no duplicate images at all. Not a biggie, just thought I'd bring it up in case in was symptomatic of something else bigger. I am going through my thread tidying up and removing copyrighted images so will just delete any duplicates I come across.
  7. Hi Admins Some pre-forum upgrade posts from 2018 are being populated with multiple versions of images. This post here has them in triplicate. Is this something I nmeed to go manually edit or will the forum software settle down and stop displaying extra images, given a while? As you can see some other posts from other members are showing duplicated images as well.
  8. Aha, many thanks - so just below each buffer with the step facing forwards? Not a lot of room there with the (much filed down) sandbox in place. I think I'll have to use something thinner than the plastic moulding - a bit of bent brass strip. It seems I got 3 of every sprue in my model except for headcode discs so I was concerned that three was a curious number. It also seems the dumb guard irons are not on the model (visible in all 3 top photos of your link Kier Hardy). I will have a go at bending them out of brass strip as well.
  9. I realise this is an ancient topic but I just got one of these the other day. Looking through the detailing parts I have three of these short straight pieces with a 90deg bend at one end and what seems to be a fixing lug at the other. My guess is they are guard irons but I wanted to confim since I have only 3 of them supplied with my model. Thanks all.
  10. Drill Hall looks simply superb James. Now onwards and upwards with the rest of CA! En avant!
  11. You can use the settings along the top to set it into oldest or newest first order. You can also use the "condensed" view so just the notification shows and not the content. My default view when I arrive in RMWeb now looks like this: You can see the settings I've used in the options boxes along the top. I've turned off all notifications as well, saves cluttering up my e-mail inbox. I think this arrangement is now better than the old one, although I must confess that going into RMWeb from this direction stops me seeing the site as a whole and I now live in my own little echo chamber part of it. I have to consciously venture out to the main forum area to see what else is going on.
  12. Porters have been too aggressive with the luggage trolleys again!
  13. I have now taken a lesson in the Dark Arts of Ye Multi-Quotations and have the appropriate skill. I simply choose not to because post count! Muahaha.
  14. How do you get the photos to appear within the text in the posts? I have so far only managed to get photos to appear at the end of the text.
  15. Sorry. I had a spate of DaftEnglishVillageNameDiarrhea. Pogworthy Basterton Spytting in the Vale Upper Nosethripple Slagmound Coleford Digging Thrapston (oh, that's a real place) Sporkton Threbby Having now mentally created enough railway stations for a dozen Ahern-Hancock empires, I'll stop now and go sit on the sofa by the fire to nurse the last of my second [large] G&T of the evening...
  16. Pinkley Dymwitch Aster Poddling Throbbing in the Marsh Wetworthy Spankerton Belyttle Warting Penkbyrch Burping Threepston Parva ... I could go on.
  17. Each to his own sir, each to his own! For my needs DCC is wonderful. I wouldn't contemplate any new layout using DC any more. Its just so... limiting... to what you can do. EDIT: Chilling more.
  18. I glanced again at this pic and though the exhaust plume from the DMU was very cool...
  19. Well... its not just an extra "C". The other "C" and the "D" stand for something else than "Current" and "Direct". Once you work that out the naming convention gives a hint as to what is possible.
  20. If they are wagon wheels what is the diameter? I am assuming you mean 12mm. If that is the case then there is something going wrong with the ride height of the chassis. If they are 14mm wheels I would try 12mm ones - perhaps disc wheels - but also see if you can fettle into place a solid Maunsell type disc to hide the spokes or holes.
  21. I agree that the first pic of Barrow Hills reminds me of parts of the rolling scenery of the North Norfolk Railway. It is a very gloomy place! Maybe its due to the ground textures you've used there.
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