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Martin S-C

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Everything posted by Martin S-C

  1. Hi Brassey, you haven't missed anything - the system doesn't cater for them. They are not needed on my layout. Generally speaking most NPCS vehicles will be added to passenger trains. Most goods trains will be unfitted but the operator who marshals a freight would be able to build one with a fitted head if there were sufficient vehicles of the necessary type. It might transpire that the system would generate a fully fitted freight but that would be by chance. Within the scope of my layout It would still only be a trip freight or pick up goods though. It would be easy enough, if one were editing the system for one's own layout, to incorporate capacity for fitted trains. Since creating the system and testing it, a number of shortcomings have arisen so I am reworking it. These changes however don't include the working-in of fitted freights as these would not run on my layout in any case.
  2. I am not sure if this collection on Flikr is known to members here, but Tony has extremely generously uploaded a large photographic collection from a deceased friend and placed no restrictions on their use other than to credit him with the ownership of any images used. I hope some of the photos are of interest. https://www.flickr.com/photos/hisgett/albums/72157626617067470?fbclid=IwAR2lLBgMBOvTRy4Zs20LVcdu6Ft67tPQg4aEgI8XLnnCd1V9rxFjga1pPz0
  3. I reckon I know the true story. The packing crate at the dairy is now empty because it contained a steam ploughing engine kit, 1;1 scale.
  4. The magnets are a neat idea. I am using a similar device to keep my containers attached to my conflat wagons, but allow them to be removed as well.
  5. People who want to get out of Peterborough for a better place, obviously!
  6. No problem Gilbert, I'll always send people pics of interesting stuff relevant to their threads. If you have any old MRCs this one was from Oct 1965, page 275. You may get more info from the original+magnifying glass than from my rather cruel enlargement. A signal check was what I assumed as it certainly wouldn't have collected or dropped wagons. I saw the 6-wheeler as well, plus beyond the two ballast wagons what looks like a 4w tool van. I wondered as well if any of the rooflines or other features of the engineers buildings were new info to you?
  7. I found this image in a very old MRC and wondered if it was of any use? The original, I am sorry to say, is rather poor and printed in a newsprint style.
  8. Bachmann have plenty of other retailers selling their products so I don't see how losing Hattons is going to hurt them much. My NER E1 0-6-0T in 00 gauge pre-order was just cancelled. I want the model so I'll simply go order it from one of Hattons competitors. If anyone is going to regret the decision from a sales point of view I would think its more likely to be Hattons.
  9. I had an e-mail from a large well-known retailer today saying my pre-order of the NER lined green one was cancelled as they were no longer available. The models are not showing on the retailers web page either. The Bachmann listing shows this: No NER green... Has anyone heard anything more about this?
  10. That makes sense to protect the lenses from bits of flying ballast etc.
  11. Up until the early- to mid-1920s there was a good deal of milk traffic on the Highworth Branch in Wiltshire (discussed here recently). Up to three milk siphons were brought by the early morning passenger train and one each left at the intermediate stations of Stratton, Hannington and at Highworth. Farmers brought their milk in churns by horse and cart during the day and station staff loaded the vans. The evening passenger train collected them all, took them to Swindon where they were attached to the London bound milk train. During the general strike of 1926 no milk was collected for ten days and it all went sour in the churns as they stood on the platforms in the sun. The local farmers found alternative means of transport by road lorry which arrangement they stuck to when the strike ended and because of this, after the mid 20s, milk traffic on the branch virtually ceased. I suspect the railways lost a lot of traffic to road competition during the strike, never to get it back.
  12. When our daughter was about four we suggested it was a good thing to pick up her toys after she'd finished playing with them and her reply was "I can't be asked." Me and the wifey looked at each other in puzzlement and said "What do you mean?" Her reply was "You say that when you're told to do something!"
  13. I thought the lamps, when stowed as spares had the lens facing outwards to the side of the train?
  14. Yes, he does! I am finding sometimes more time is spent assembling trains than their journey times. Having them in destination order would help, but that is an immense bowl of spaghetti as regards variables. BTW, thank you very much Cam, beautifully done and well explained.
  15. I had a moment just now and randomly wondered if there was any further news on the BBC WotW mini-series that was discussed by parishioners a few months back. It seems not, though the BBFC has given it a 15 certificate which means the show is complete in its entirety. One wonders what the Beeb are waiting for.
  16. Seems to work, if checking your thread is still here was said test.
  17. I must be well above the average of that then. Give me a few wagons to fettle and weather and then come back tomorrow and I'll still be going. But there are always people who reside, statistically, at the bell ends of the graph. Er, so to speak.
  18. Really? I never noticed that. I was shown how to do it manually.
  19. This is an awesome example of positive thinking and should be endorsed. My moods climb and dip and my time ebbs and flows but every day I insist I will do something model railway hobby related. It might be work on a freight management system, or weathering a wagon, or cleaning some track, or carving up a block of Celotex, but I do put aside time each day to maintain some forward momentum, no matter how slight it may be.
  20. Good old Airfix... aka Dapol. You still can't beat some of their figures and the softish plastic is good for chopping them about. I like the car, who makes that? For figure painting I tend to use a wargamers method which is to spray them overall matt black, then block in the basic colours with a reasonably wet brush and then highlight the raised folds and other edges with drier and drier brushes of lighter shades of the base colour.
  21. I had a quick shuftie but might you be able to give me a page number? I do apologise to the Sodor parishioners for this crass interruption.
  22. Thank you for that Ian, I shall step over there directly. You need the code [ url=<insert the code of the page address here> ]<here is where you put some plain text>[ /url ] Without any spaces, or any < > symbols.
  23. Someone seems to be taking candid moving images of our JA.
  24. Very true Mr Gibbo. From cranes to crashes. I hadn't spotted the link.
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