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Martin S-C

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Everything posted by Martin S-C

  1. My maths tells me that would be 17 driven axles, five in Big Bertha and six each on the two Garretts. ...or was one of the Garretts a 2-8-8-2?
  2. The right hand of those two cottages is (or was some years ago) a B&B and my family and I enjoyed a lovely sunny weekend there many years ago. My other half had hoped to spend time at Blue Anchor's fabulous beach and she did - but on her own as our young daughter and I spent the weekend riding steam trains. I think our daughter was only about 5 or 6 at the time and I have this fond hope that it was this weekend that got her into engineering. Before her teens she was asking me technical questions about how steam engines worked that I struggled to answer.
  3. What a simply splendid model railway room, big enough to hold a wedding reception in the middle and enjoy the trains going round during the best man's speech.
  4. What a monster! What's it's Whyte notation? I also love the herb garden turntable, a great use of otherwise wasted space.
  5. Andy, while your suggested fix worked for a few instances, the problem is still here. I still think its an issue with the code in that particular search function, or user's defined search criteria.
  6. You're right, now is not the time to make such a huge change, I did want to point it out though. Factories and other facilities are almost always on the side of a canal away from the towing path for reasons of security. A horse drawn boat would simply be either poled across or a bridge would be built at places of industries to allow animal access but it is your model so you are free to do as you wish!
  7. I realise I'm coming to this extremely late in the day but normally a towpath would be on the downhill side of a canal so that the extra thickness of any earthworks was there to help stop leaks. Industries would be on the side opposite the towpath (which is a public right of way), for security so your proposed pump house opposite the towpath is fine.
  8. I saw that and thought the crates were labelled "WIDGET".
  9. I can hear CJF rubbing his hands in glee and saying "Told you so!"
  10. I'm sure one would go in there but I am now shy of having hidden points as well as thinking that siding might be useful for storing locos or a rolling stock rake. The innermost loop I think will get used to shift locos from one end of the yard to the other as well, so having that road linked to the reversing loop won't gain me much. Here is the latest iteration.
  11. Current state of play. I had 544" of storage loops and now have 363" which is still 30 feet or approx 7 trains, but now they all access the reversing line so a plus overall I think. Beginning to have a doodle on the scenic treatment as well with the branch becoming a tramway with lots of Wantage and Irish NG connotations.
  12. Yes, good point (no pun intended). You can also chop the PECO points up by lopping a couple of sleepers off each arm so they can be mounted closer together. IIRC the curved points will accept about 3 sleepers worth removed before you hit the check rails and moving parts.
  13. Cheers Phil. I have twiddled some more but suspect I will lose a good deal of storage space as most of the tracks need to "fan out" on the vertical straight sections I've placed. I may be able to get away with 1 or even 2 very long back roads but the front three will be severely truncated. Even so I think as Scott said, having all 5 storage loops able to access the reversing loop track is a benefit worth having. Onwards with the digital track laying!
  14. Hi Scott - well blow me down. I am working away at this idea right now and didn't know your post was here. I have a problem though in limited space and a need to make 24" my absolute minimum radius. Here's a pic from AnyRail that shows the problem. I am certain a ladder of turnouts will go in there, I am just trying to lose the minimum length of storage loops so any input from the floor is very welcome. The 90deg curve is 24" radius and meets my inside storage loop, so others beyond it will be of greater radius. The fan of turnouts in green are 4 of the smallest PECO code 75s so its clear I cannot have the ladder on the curve. I just need to tweak until I can fit them in between short 24" curved sections until it all fits, but any input on the optimum geometry would be very welcome.
  15. I have tried this in my current project but it was too much railway for one person to handle, or perhaps it needed a good deal more space than I had. Even then I had a set of modelled "exchange sidings" which although fully scenic were a fiddle yard with a dummy track leading about 6" into a tunnel mouth to represent Elsewhere.
  16. Please accept my apologies for that. I shall avoid the vindaloo next time.
  17. I originally raised this a year ago. Then asked 3 weeks ago. Have you been at work solidly for all of 2020 and unable to do any work on the site? Why mention that you are at work? Are you suggesting that requests for assistance from site members to the mods are an inconvenience to you? How long should I wait? 6 weeks? 6 months? A year? Oh wait, I already did. Please respond in a respectful manner next time. Please investigate the issue I and others have raised. This was discussed over a year ago if you care to go back. There is a problem in the site code related to this search function. Perhaps you could hand the problem over to someone techy to look into it? Someone who isn't a bit too busy possibly. Thank you.
  18. Hello admins/mods. Any news on this? Is it being looked into? Its killing my ability to use the site because I have no effective way of navigating around the threads I'm following without it. Thanks.
  19. Red for danger, denoting track occupied. With one lamp on the left end of a small graphic representing the tunnel and one at t'other, so I know which way a train in there is headed. I'll probably need a sticker or some such for each branch engine with its number on so I know what DCC address is hiding in there CKPR - not bonkers at all, rather affectionate in fact. My coal is all off the ground at Barry Island, collected from alongside wrecked engines in the 1980s.
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