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Everything posted by Lacathedrale

  1. With no frame of reference, what's wrong with the Hornby Brake van? In order to allow myself to commit fully to the 00 Edwardian Terminus without reservation, I'm trying 'one last time' with P4, and so they are purely going to be used at this stage as test vehicles...
  2. Can anyone remind me who the club selling s/h stock by the door of the upstairs room was? I would like to get in contact if possible. I took a few photos, here are some: Faringdon United Mills, my unexpected favourite Scenery demonstration stand For me, a wonderful show - probably the best I've been to so far. I've personally found myself a little cold on huge layouts but there was something for everyone's taste. I came back with a Judith Edge kit, a good book and some s/h goodies.
  3. Forgive me father for I have sinned I have sinned greatly: In my defence, the wagons were being sold for less than the price of the replacement axles. Yes, the axles. Those P4 axles. I have sinned.
  4. Yes, I’m reading railway modeller magazines of the 2000’s - It seems that modelling in 7 mm scale was really a labour of love that point, with a possible exception of slaters kits. I mean, it’s stayed at the same level that 00 gauge was in the 60s and 70s - And when one scale has a clear advantage in availability, you’ve really got to want to do the niche. I certainly could not do it with S scale!
  5. Wow! Who’d have though!? I am so sorry for not recognising!
  6. Ah, so black locos could have gotten wasp stripes without a repaint to green? I didn't realise the yellow ends were so early at 1956!
  7. Thanks, Martin - how do you reliably get the edge back in line? I'm sure it's a finesse thing but I always seem to end up with some degree of concavity instead of flat plane on the face - because it's tapered even gripping with small pliers they rotate and 'crank' it rather than bending it per se. This is after all, your thread @hayfield (by the way, what's your real name if you don't mind me asking? I'm going to Scaleforum and it would be good to say 'hi'!). If you decide not to do this, won't the tip of the vee have two nubs where the head and foot of the rail project over the web due to their increased thickness? Do you blunt it back to that point?
  8. It's probably a silly question, but do I need to bend the rail back after filing the first angle on a V?
  9. Another coincidence, picking up March (?) 2000 RM here's another layout, half finished - St. Catherine for Loch Fife and Ian is already halfway through building Percy Street, the (even more) plausible version of Newcastle Haymarket. The guy doesn't give up, does he? I'm interested about his switch from P4 to RTR 0, it seems to have been fairly early on so did he elaborate why at any point?
  10. So to be clear, we could feasibly have seen a black 08 from any time from introduction through to around 1970 at which point it would become increasingly anachronistic (and filthy)? @Halvarras , from 1xxxx in 1948 through to Dxxxx in 1957 (and presumably the start of the repaints for those which recieved them). Was the 'D' patched over the '1' ?
  11. As per title - “Early and Green Diesels” book has photographs of newly out shopped locos but doesn’t seem to cover repaints. I’m not talking about one off pets, but rather when it may have been uncommon but still possible to see a black shunter. thank you!
  12. @PMP it was Albion Yard that came up when I started looking for an online version of the Newcastle Haymarket pictures, and of course I forgot (assuming that's you!) that you also did the various Shelfie layouts which I had assumed were his too. Unless you are infact Ian in disguise? :)
  13. Thank you Tony - I must admit, I'm beset by doubt. I'm not going to do anything drastic, just let it settle for a while. Very many 'but what if I....' thoughts are swirling. I forgot one last shot: It looks like the PW gang still have some work to do getting track panels in place, in this view from the roof of the Mocatta-designed station building. The civil engineers also need to do some work but looks like the platforms are being marked out. In Platform 1 the full length of the H2's "Cheap and Fast" is shown, five bogie carriages of third and second class, and the large Marsh tender locomotive just fitting into the longest platform road.
  14. Hrm, not really - it's mostly the interface between the surface of the traverser and the end pieces I'm curious about? Anyway, here are some posed shots with my stock: Having run around, E4 No. 579 prepares to shunt its train from P3 to P1. In the background, H2 No. 422 has coupled to the train in P2. It's runaround complete, the E4 waits in P1. Terrier No. 82 in the process of shunting a rake of Stroudley four wheelers, while H2 No. 422 simmers in Platform 2 with the late morning Stockbroker Special to London consisting (in odd order) of a 48' Billinton All Third, a 50' Marsh 1st-2nd Composite, a 54' Marsh Brake Second with Luggage, and another 54' Brake Third. A closer view of H2 and the E4 from the footplate of the Terrier. Another day, from the spire of a nearby church
  15. @burgundy can you please send a picture of the ends? I've got mine built but the traverser tray neither fully overlaps the ends (and if it is wedged in place it's quite a tough fit and affects the rolling), nor does it butt up against them flush? ps. beautiful trackwork :) On the normal board I have sets of lozenge shaped reinforcement plates (full width) - I assume they go behind the existing ones, and I have these tiny pads that are just the size of the bolt hole pattern - any ideas on those? Same question for the diagonal struts- I have four pairs, but each baseboard has four voids! Anyway, this is the result of another few hours in the garage: Birds eye view with loosely laid track Throat with loosely laid track (the single slip is the wrong way around) I'm hoping there might be enough time today to do some staged shots with rolling stock/etc.
  16. We did? He definitely mentions some less kind comments about his three-turnout plans but I assumed that was from the general unwashed masses?
  17. I didn't realise Ian had published books - any recommendations? Certainly I can't get enough of his articles in RM :)
  18. I was captivated by Ashleigh (00 LNER) in the 70's Railway Modeller, 'A Branch Terminus in a Week' and it was as I then enjoyed Lochy Loch (P4 BR) his layouts started coming thick and fast - it felt a little ridiculous that I would see a layout I found enjoyable (Fisherrow, Newcastle Haymarket), and then look up at the attribution and find it was yet another of Ian's layouts. Searching for his name in the RM online archive and one of his recent editorials suggests that he's made 36 layouts in 50 years! Having agonised over the specifics of my layout plans for so long, it seems a completely alien approach. Clearly he is not sentimental and has a very well attuned growth mentality - some of his layouts work better than others, but it would appear few of them last more than a couple of years before being replaced. With some notable exceptions (Fort William?) it seems they are almost all three or four turnout termini and generally follow a single theme. This seems to have some fairly obvious benefits: Stock, and sometimes structures are reusable reducing the impact of each layout in both cost and time to readiness The non-reusable components of the layouts such as the baseboards are limited in size and expense and so do not represent a large sunk cost The simple trackplan means that there's less track to buy and exponentially less investment in anciliary equipment such as point motors, frog juicers - and a low level of electronic complexity. My favourite design of his is Newcastle Haymarket (June 1994 RM). Any thoughts?
  19. In the ever only-tangientally-related posts to this thread, the first board is up: took about an hour using Titebond 2 and panel pins: This is a custom size from Grainge and Hodder of 4'6" x 19" and looks good to me! They haven't included instructions for their traverser board, so I think that's going to be a bit more of a challenge....
  20. A friend and I sorted out my garage for a layout (see my Edwardian Terminus thread in the pre-group section if you're interested) and the KS board needed to be shifted around a bit for this to happen. At the same time, Revolution trains announced their stone and sand-carrying MTV wagons. Combined, this means thoughts return to this layout. The baseboard was originally designed so that it could sit on top of a bookcase in my office, and be on show and enjoyed at all times. The fiddle yard extension would be removable and sit in the doorway when in operation. For some reason, I never thought to provision for the layout to be exhibited, despite the ease at which that would be achieved with slightly different board dimensions: As a result I am wondering whether I should remake the boards as a pair of 3- or 4-foot units so that it will be POTENTIALLY exhibitable. @bécasse made some interesting comments about whether the Central Croydon track layout would have survived very long if it had stayed open (the answer was no), and having seen @Izzy's fantastic Priory Road, I am wondering whether taking inspiration from more modern stations and superimposing those features onto the original KS site, surrounding and structures. I think it could be a compelling, and maybe more appropriate interpretation of how the station would have survived into the pre-sectorisation era than simply re-using the original track plan. So overall, the concept is alive, but I think I need to start again for the actual implementation.
  21. So, we've had a bit of progress: White-painted walls and PVC Garage flooring has transformed it somehwat!
  22. Well, it was a success - we rode up on 2857 from Kidderminster to Highley in the company of a volunteer and his dog, stepped out to see the Engine Shed: Back on at Highley to Brignorth behind 9351 and a quick pootle around the town and a bite to eat (unfortunately the White Lion was closed for reservation), then back in a straight line to Kidderminster behind 9351 again. I managed to catch Hagley Hall at Kidderminster, but annoyingly completely missed the Black Five other than the whoosh of it passing the window as we crossed paths :( Thanks all for the recommendations, much appreciated.
  23. Thanks Jo - primarily I'm looking at Farish Mk1 and NPCS if that helps at all? I guess I could buy one of each!
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