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Blog Comments posted by Lacathedrale

  1. Have a free 'like' for the mention of Harveys 👍  


    Lovely wagon. I think the major issue for kits is how long lived they are - kits from the 1960's rubbing shoulders with modern (ish) kits makes a sharp contrast. Certainly the 'new old stock' Cooper Craft wagons I built that still had HD coupling types included was a bit of a shock.

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  2. Colour perception is one of those weird things-  It all works seamlessly, until you have to try to mix the colour your eye is actually seeing instead of what it THINKS it's seeing. I recently mixed up some paint for the inside of a coal wagon from mid-brown and mid-grey and it looked like the colour you'd see on a WW1 tank: but when it was slapped onto the wagon sheeting it was a really good fit. If you'd have asked me to pick that colour out of a line up as 'most suitable' I'd never have picked it because my brain was telling me the colour of wood should be lighter or more brown or whatever.

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  3. Mike you're a terrible tease :)


    I really enjoyed the small amount of S-scale that I did; it felt far more substantial than 4mm. The problem I had was that so much of it needed to be fabricated and though I enjoyed scratchbuilding it was a little fatiguing to do every little thing. Your work with the 3D printer however is really inspirational. I've been following your work for a year or so now and gone through all your articles.

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  4. I have Vol Two (LBSCR) and Three (SECR) but generally not much use for One - if it's at all possible to scan that single page I'd be most obliged. Speaking of iron frames I was quite struck by the number of LCDR goods wagons (such as they are - not many!) which were delivered with high ends, tarp rails and steel solebars. If I can help with any scans you might find useful please let me know.


    EDIT: Actually, don't worry about the scan - one of my (many) layout ideas has a stone yard, so trio of these wouldn't look amiss and I can take advantage of the economies of scale with postage from Gramodels. Do you have any other insight on pre-1900 wagons that might be suitable from him?

  5. Thanks for the link to this for the interior - Pale Sand apparently is the manna from heaven for alot of things. Unfortunately, Gramodels charging £6 postage minimum rules out this one for me - maybe worth a scratchbuild! May I ask the wheelbase and length over headstocks? :)

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