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Status Updates posted by PannierTanker14

  1. When projects begin to be worked on more often I will write the progress down on the ‘topics’ section of RMweb so it can be continually updated easier. 


    Currently nothing is really worth putting down since my current project (Riverside Works photo diorama) is missing components.



    for now: here’s a freshly under-coated Tamiya ‘Cromwell’ tank.


  2. My wartime side of O gauge begins...


    with a Cromwell tank...


    1. Adrian Stevenson

      Adrian Stevenson

      Looking good. Are you building a wartime themed layout?


      Cheers, Ade.

    2. PannierTanker14


      No, it’s  a heritage railway theme. The heritage railway has wartime themed events though.

  3. PannierTanker is a play on words. A tanker can also be a military tank driver. Therefore I am a PannierTanker, meaning that I drive pannier tanks.



    I thought it was clever...

  4. Another thing to scratch build: a Railway Gun!

    (based off of the 9.2 inch gun the brits used in the First World War)


  5. All the stock with me now. More stuff soon...


    the E4 runs as if brand new (even though it’s been stuck in a box for years), the 16ton mineral wagon is on loan and the Lima 4F is a mess (it’s frames do not fit it so I will make some more to make the  loco look as if it has no wheels and is being scrapped/restored.


    1. PannierTanker14


      Notice the little shunter’s pole on the E4’s water tank. I made that out of a toothpick and some wire.

  6. A Hornby Dublo 8F with added steam.


    (I do edits like this to my models sometimes)


    1. DCB


      What happened to the motor?

    2. PannierTanker14


      It was removed due to it catching fire. 

  7. Next time I see the Mermaid Cove layout I will write down the updates I gain from that day into a ‘topic’ because by the looks of it people are keen to know the outcome of this layout. (Also to keep it separate from the blog pages containing Castle Rock stuff)

    I don’t travel down south very often but I’ll write down any new stuff I learn about any advancements in the stages to the layout in becoming an operational exhibition layout.

  8. I’m planning on restoring and re-painting this old 1992 “Nutcracker Express” that my grandparents gave me for Christmas years ago into a more realistic livery. I’ve removed the plastic plates that resembled snow to reveal the roof underneath. If this locomotive still runs, it will go toward the creation of a small garden railway... or a railway that circles the ceiling of my bedroom! 


    I will put the process into a ‘topic’ as soon as I return home. I’ve had an idea to paint it in ROD livery and putting tanks on the flatbed truck that comes with it however I have not decided.


    1. Dan Griffin

      Dan Griffin

      I had something similar to this when I was a kid. it was made by Echo and was called a Melody circus train. I love to re acquire one, but alas the only ones on Ebay are in the US.

  9. I’m still dreaming of owning one of these...


    (Photo taken at the Ruddington end of the Great Central)


    1. PannierTanker14


      It’s not likely I will ever acquire one but I also have my eyes on 5inch gauge 08 shunters too 

  10. After playing Battlefield 1 (a WW1 first person shooting game) I’ve been trying to source a Char 2C super heavy tank in 1/48 for my layout. 

    The tank itself would be painted in British operating colours since it would have been a creation of the fictional Riverside Works for the anniversary of WW1 and also because the tank looks awesome. However the last Char 2C was stolen when the Germans attacked a train in WW2 that was carrying the tank. This tank disappeared in Russia so for all we know, it could still be there along with the Zaamurets armoured train.


    Does anyone know where I could find a 1/48 model of this tank?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PannierTanker14


      Thanks for the info and link to the website!

      I’ll probably just try and scratch build the tank instead.


    3. jukebox
    4. PannierTanker14


      Yeah that’s close enough to the scale I need. Thanks!

  11. I used an old Hornby GWR yard crane as a crane for an Imperial Navy carrier tank in the Warhammer 40k universe. It suits it.


    1. PannierTanker14


      This variant of tank was my idea and not (yet) part of the official vehicle list.

  12. I have no idea how to create an album on this new phone so I’ll just put up photos on the “blogs” area which works.

  13. I went to the Great Central Railway today, boarded the train pulled by 9F 92214 “Leicester City” and now the class of loco is on my O gauge wish list. I know my layout will not have the space for one but they’re so cool!


    (photo by me)


  14. I’m thinking about including war locomotives in my O gauge project. Locomotives like the 8F (in W.D. and TCDD liveries), a few Hunslet tank engines in various war time liveries and a BR-52 Kriegslok in ww2 camouflages to add a bit of unusualness to a british countryside theme. (However the 8F and most definitely the BR-52 will probably be too big to do anything useful)

  15. The signal is on clear and the “Castle Rock Colliery sidings” project is given the go ahead. It’s time to see if this E4 is any good at shunting!


  16. An E4 is added to the new O gauge collection.....or is it E3?


    It's not really an engine which I'm familiar to...

  17. Where did all of the galleries go?


    I had photos on this site...

  18. Beginning in O gauge means the resurfacing of a (very) old and worn Lima 4F. It's taken me these many years to realise that the forward wheels are out of line and look rather bad. 

    So before it lives it's life as a powerless locomotive, I need to build a new frame.


    Luckily though I've got a Pannier tank (because of the namesake of my RMweb account :D) and several different types of rolling stock in storage awaiting the completion of my new layout. 


    It will be a long time until I can attend the GCR model events with this layout...


  19. It's been a while but I'm back.

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      You're late - you've missed it:D

    2. PannierTanker14
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