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Everything posted by pwr

  1. Andy - the woodwork on that terminus board looks pretty respectable - are you losing your bodging touch? Paul
  2. I have a set of MagClic couplings I am fitting as the inner couplings on a set of PRMRP Freightliner flats. I have modified the wagon mounts so the couplings fit horizontally. They appear strong enough for a loaded 5 car set of flats. Paul R
  3. Looking good Andy. I have never been a big fan of DCC Steam Sound but these little Bachmann locos sound really impressive. Paul R
  4. I like the look of this Andy. The layout looks as if it will be a little gem. Another triumph of bodge over adversity. I am not sure about Bachmans decision to name this NG7. Surely it should be 0n16.5 like everyone else uses. Paul
  5. I think they are working on some using nanotechnology. Once printed they can paint themselves! Paul R
  6. Yes thats what I want but 43.5 times smaller! Modelrailwayscenes.com do one in 4mm and when I made an enquiry about a year ago they said they were going to do this very soon in 7mm like their GWR seats. Nothings ever happened and enquiries to their website via their chat function just go unanswered. Paul
  7. I've not posted recently but I have been getting on with the station building. Just the window cills to paint and then the roof and canopy can go on. Need to make some poster boards for the end wall and cut out a totem sign for the wall next to the LH door. Trying to source an ex GER station seat bit so far no luck. Any ideas? Paul R
  8. Another very entertaining video Andy. Paul R
  9. Looking forward to it! Paul R
  10. That's neat Andy You hid the bodges very well Paul R
  11. Video 6 was a good one Andy - nice to see realistic movement on the layout. At far too many exhibitions we see toy train running with 200mph shunting and immediate reversing with no time allowed for the driver to engage forward or reverse and I could go on!. On a different tack and if you don't mind me saying, I think that fence behinds the steelworks siding is too close to the track. If the driver got out that side at best he would have a high voice and at worst could impale himself on the uprights! Keep up the good work. Paul
  12. Nice to see you back up and running trains Andy. The layout is coming along nicely. Paul
  13. Hi Andy Found you again!!!. I was watching the old thread for a link to our new one but it didn't seem to arrive but accidentally stumbled on your latest video on You Tube so I've been catching up on where you are. I can see you are really excited about this build and I have to say what you've done so far in the space available is very impressive. Looking forward to each new update. I am sure there are many hours of shunting to be had on this. You don't even need a platform for your bubble car - just run it into the depot for refuelling! Paul
  14. Here awesome wagons I have just finished. The weathering of the wagons is a combination of airbrushing and dry powders sealed in with a coat of Railmatch matt varnish. I have yet to weather any of my diesel fleet so the class 15 stands out somewhat.!! Paul R
  15. Hal - I used HMRS transfers. Originally bought for my Easybuild SK but still not got round to finishing!!!!! On the Easybuild I did try using a lining pen but it just didn't work despite me having successfully lined out locos with it before. Maybe I was using the wrong paint. I gave up until I had the transfers but have been too distracted to finish it. I think in part this is due to the roof not fitting well. Paul R
  16. Decided to get one of these It's the Heljan BG in Research department livery. I bought it because it used to work with the APT POP train although a model of that will be several years away yet! I have only. bought Dapol MK1s in the past because of the incorrect body profile of Heljan MK1 coaches and now having got one its even worse than I thought. There is hardly and curvature at all on the end. If it waste for the livery I wouldn't have ought it as life is too short. Here is the model up against my Westdale BG. The ride height on the Westdale is about 1.5mm too hight due to the way the bogies are mounted and I need to shave something off the central bolster to lower it. However the Heljan rides at the same height so I am thinking something is not right. The sole bar on the Heljan is much lower so they probably have the chassis correct so I can only assume the body is out. I need to check it against the Dapol and have a further comparison. Roof detail I think the weld seams are overdone too. The glazing bars may also be a bit too prominent. Perhaps I am being over critical but for a cheaper price you can get a better MK1. Its a pity Dapol didn't do the BG!!! Paul R
  17. Sorry guys I meant RHD
  18. Bought this from EBAY. I had been watching one from Portugal but this came up from a UK supplier at half that price and post free so I was well chuffed even though technically it is out of period. It's a 1987 Renault and my operation stops around 1981/2 just as the 58's were being delivered. Rule One applies! It's a 1:43 IXO model that was issued under a partwork - in France I think. It came still in the blister pack that had been removed from the magazine. There is a similar model but as an 8 wheeler also available. Not sure what I am going to do with it yet. May convert to LHD or simply put a TIR plate on it although I am sure that is not prototypical and I am also unsure when they stopped being used on the front of trucks. 1987 is probably OK in that regards Paul R
  19. It's not usually the drive axle gear that splits although it happened to me on an early model Hymek. The gears are not difficult to get off once split. I replaced mine with one from Ultrascale but they are a pain to get on!!! Works a treat now. I have spares as I am sure it will happen to the other gears at some point. Paul R
  20. Ok so this is progress on the station building now its been painted and a mortar wash applied. I am going to coat this in matt varnish as I fear that the mortar wash will rub off through constant handing as I apply the detail Paul R
  21. Just taken delivery of these from 3D Printing Corner. The tug is a Bachmann product. They are quite flimsy but they do look the part and I think better than the cheaper West Hill version. Paul R
  22. Similar thing happened to my Vulcan 04. I managed to fix most of it but its still got a bent cab on one side if you know where to look. Wouldn't part with it though as it was the first O gauge loco I ever built. Paul R
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