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Everything posted by Pteremy

  1. Mine are definitely getting faster with 'running in'. I have the 121 pulling a Lima 117 Driving Trailer for additional drag. But i now realise that i have no idea what an acceptable scale speed would be on my low tech DC layout.
  2. I converted to a digital subscription this year so would like to help. But I am slightly handicapped by not knowing what 'counts'. So two inspirational layouts for me, in slightly different ways but reflecting my own direct interests are Kingstorre and Broad Aston. But i don't know whether these have been covered the digital magazine. More generally I would question whether the additional content should be by way of an additional monthly article. Access to a collection of past articles - perhaps past feature layouts - would be more attractive. A sort of 'compendium' which grows over time. Something else to consider is to include new text to highlight a particular feature of the chosen layout (or other article). What makes it stand out, or worthy of special attention? Even relatively small layouts can be inspirational for specific reasons, be they scenery, stock or operations.
  3. Yes. There is something to be said for embracing the prototype range that is being aimed at, and making sure that it meets an acceptable range of needs. The 'art of compromise' has only so much elasticity when in comes to vehicles, be they locos, coaches or wagons.
  4. Regardless of whether they address any personal priorities good luck to both Hornby and Bachmann in 2018. Without their investment the hobby would be in a difficult place.
  5. First impressions? Another excellent book, both in terms of production and content. Whilst inevitably some of the photographs are recognisable from previous publications or well known collections there are many others that provide (to me) hitherto unseen perspectives or focus on points of detail. (And I write as someone who has been interested in this line for 40 years). Throughout the reproduction of the photographs is excellent. I look forward to a proper read! Gaps? Did no-one photograph the curiously sited station building at Venn Cross in more detail? Or perhaps more significantly, the goods yards at South Molton and at Barnstaple Victoria? There must be one or more photo albums somewhere which include local people at work at the later two locations? It is likely that such photographs would lack the professional quality of those used in the first two volumes, but they might help complete the picture. So, whether this line is new to you, or an old friend, this book is highly recommended. (And for the avoidance of doubt I have no connection with anyone involved in its production or sale.)
  6. I tend to agree (that the photos usually do the job). If however the magazine ever becomes a fully fledged online product, rather than a reproduction of a physical magazine then other possibilities will arise. For example, a track plan could be accessed through a icon and open in a separate window, which can then be referred to whilst reading the article. And maybe the track plans could be accessed in a separate library, as an additional benefit of subscription.
  7. arriving in '...next few days...' I was told on Tuesday.
  8. Kerching! Funnily enough I finally got round to properly reading volume 1 last week. If reading volume 2 prompts thoughts/questions will there be time in the publishing timetable to pass them on for consideration?
  9. Conversely I ordered something Saturday evening, it was 'picked' Sunday and delivered Monday morning. The carrier was Yodel. Perhaps they are gearing up for xmas.
  10. Thanks for all the good advice - I will certainly give a repaint a try rather than wait for any further variations to appear.
  11. Ron - not a direct answer to your question but there is good insight/advice relevant to your question in various threads addressing the inclusion of both fitted and unfitted vehicles in a train. If you search 'fitted unfitted' you will find them.
  12. Yes - repaint a 48xx or fit auto gear to the black 58xx are both options. I am just surprised that - say - the heavily weathered black 48xx option was seen as a likely to be better seller than a plain, unweathered one.
  13. Does anyone know if there are going to be additional liveries? Particularly interested in plain (i.e. unlined) BR black which seems to be under-represented in the first 16 liveries produced.
  14. May have missed it but can't see any mention of Toplights converted to be 'Camping Coaches', which would provide a variation of some utility (including extending into 1950s)
  15. It isn't a 'model shop' but I think there are some relevant items in the Hobbycraft on the Purley Way? Certainly there were still some Airfix/Military kits last time I was there. Similarly, have not been in Toys R Us for a long time but it seem to recall 'train set' type stock? Frankly I am not sure how any 'specialist' high street shop survives anymore. The internet has it's faults but it provides access to virtually anything, anywhere, at a range of prices (or free in the case of information).
  16. GWJ is the only magazine that I have cared enough about to have bound. Do you think that the one off specials will be suitable to be bound?
  17. And some driving trailers to go with the 121/122s at the same time.....
  18. Here is a non expert starter for ten - copyright exists in a sound recording, for 70 years - transferring a sound to chip might be a technical breach of copyright, but if no financial gain from doing so there is no financial loss to the copyright holder. (Was copying from vinyl to tape for personal use strictly a breach?) - but exploiting the recording by selling chips to others would be making a financial gain at the expense of the copyright holder. If there is a market for what you have in mind, even a small one, i would have thought that the current copyright holder might be interested in supporting/exploiting it. This might even provide access to the original recordings, if they still exist. Perhaps this already happens? Or are commercially available 'steam sounds' all the result to recording preserved locos?
  19. Pteremy

    MRJ 256

    A bit of a tangent but - the angst earlier in this thread made me wonder about 'curation' - military modellers are rather good at generating 'out of the box reviews' and 'build reviews' which bring together a kits strengths and weaknesses in one place. So that you can decide on the level of compromise, or effort, that you are prepared to accept - or not - as the case may be. There is so much similar wisdom on RMWeb - but smeared iteratively through long threads. Has anyone given any thought to curating this information? That is, distilling the insight about a RTR or kit release into a reference set of pros and cons?
  20. I don't think that anyone has mentioned Taunton-Barnstaple? 'Taunton' certainly visibly in use in 1965. But in 1966 the destination name is just a blank.
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