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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. Genius of the Day Corbs! I didn't realise it did that - now if you can everyone to just call their stream 'View New Content' we can all get some peace and quiet.
  2. Try clearing any site cookies from browsers and see if it still persists.
  3. I've edited the title so you don't get swamped with grumbles. Happy for suggestions to be made, some good ones may arise but I think it's wise to say up front that many things are not possible so wishing won't make it automatic. Please don't just repeat grumbles as John's trying a positive initiative.
  4. I don't disagree with the perspective but as you've found it's configurable to suit your tastes. However whilst looking at 'All Activity' I noticed one of my friends had 'liked' something I hadn't heard of and knowing his tastes I found a very nice little layout underway I would have otherwise missed.
  5. I honestly don't know if it will pick them up - no harm in uploading a fresh avatar.
  6. I dropped by for a look at how the indexing was going in your topic as probably the best barometer there is for what's happening. As you say it's rebuilt the posts with images to over a year ago so yours (as a 4.5 year long topic) has gone back about 18 months now so hopefully it'll have done yours within 2-3 days. With the current site, as a whole, being 9.5 years old I'd estimate the indexing is likely to take over a week - and that's if it gets to looking at old topics that are rarely visited. Considering it had only managed to find four topics with the word Hornby in them in the first day (whilst offline) then it's definite progress.
  7. What do you mean by that? My comment meant that you are referring to core functions determined during the developers' build of the software and not something which is a user option to tinker with - it may possibly be editable but there's more important stuff to be looked at.
  8. You're getting into territory better targetted at the software developers. Good luck with that.
  9. With updated software which gives better resilience against security issues other features get updated to something more contemporary or have you still got buttons on your TV? The old software is no longer supported for security issues by the developers, I should have updated it 18 months ago but retained it as long as feasible. Issues over the Christmas period meant it was essential the work was done now.
  10. Any quoted content has a small arrow at the top right (it could do with being clearer and will be made so in due course when I have chance to look at style impacts) which takes you back to quoted material - in that case it leads to this post - https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/141839-new-forum-software/&page=11&tab=comments#comment-3453702
  11. I'll be looking at the 'Top' solution. It's worth noting that the previous incarnation was a long way from the standard off the shelf software, it had a lot of adaptations and additions based on our needs and eventually this software will be adapted to do what we want. There wasn't much point adding all the bells and whistles before going live in case there was any fundamental issues which required any core rebuilds.
  12. That's as it came out of the box (with the addition of our categories) but I will review it in due course. They were criticised by some when introduced but became indispensable, the software providers eventually brought them in as a feature and this was long before Facebook had such things.
  13. That has now been amended so you can opt out of receiving those notifications in your Notification Settings.
  14. I have just spent an hour sorting out login details for numerous users from last night who were unable to login. 75% of the cases came because they couldn't retrieve their password because they haven't updated email accounts when they've changed mail providers. It's worth suggesting again that if a user cannot login that they clear any site cookies and try again.
  15. https://www.world-of-railways.co.uk/brm/store/reader-offers/laser-cut-terraced-houses-kit-cd-first-edition/ Now I'm not going to tell you what you should do but...
  16. That's what it does by default now but you can opt for it just to display a link. Not sure on the missing post; haven't had any similar reports. yet.
  17. It certainly gives a more flexible approach.
  18. It's still counting them up along with the other content.
  19. You're definitely missing some bits - will add it to ze list.
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